Metformin to break through stalled weight loss


Active Member
Has anyone used metformin to speed up glacially slow last-mile weight loss?

I'm now in normal-to-prediabetes territory after LCHF-assisted weight loss approaching 20 kilos (remission criteria met).

However, I am still around 2.5 kilos short of my target weight, which I want to achieve to give myself a buffer in case a period of indulgence begins to raise my weight (around Christmas, for example).

Metformin, of course, is known to assist in weight loss.

Just trying to decide whether I should start taking it only for the weight loss benefits.

Any advice appreciated. Thanks.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
However, I am still around 2.5 kilos short of my target weight, which I want to achieve to give myself a buffer in case a period of indulgence begins to raise my weight (around Christmas, for example).

Simple answer to that is don't overindulge at Christmas..?

As for the last 2.5 kg maybe your body is quite happy at the weight it is currently at?

Personally I'd never take unnecessary medication for any reason, there are always side effects.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Has anyone used metformin to speed up glacially slow last-mile weight loss?

I'm now in normal-to-prediabetes territory after LCHF-assisted weight loss approaching 20 kilos (remission criteria met).

However, I am still around 2.5 kilos short of my target weight, which I want to achieve to give myself a buffer in case a period of indulgence begins to raise my weight (around Christmas, for example).

Metformin, of course, is known to assist in weight loss.

Just trying to decide whether I should start taking it only for the weight loss benefits.

Any advice appreciated. Thanks. has a couple of quotes that don't exactly sound like met would be especially useful:

"Although studies have shown that metformin may help with weight loss, the drug is not a quick-fix solution. According to one long-term study, the weight loss from metformin tends to occur gradually over one to two years. The amount of weight lost also varies from person to person. In the study, the average amount of weight lost after two or more years was four to seven pounds."

So yeah... If it's to be used as an appetite suppressant, I think you might be better off just having a mug of tea when you're peckish...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Anything healthy!
I’ve been on metformin years I’ve never lost any weight!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I've been on it for 6 weeks and I've lost a shedload. I don't know how much because I haven't weighed myself for years, but I've gone down 3 clothes sizes purely because I'm not hungry. I used to get bitterly hungry and have had to diet all my life. So as ever with meds, there are different effects with different people.

I was about 2 stone overweight, so every cloud etc.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I've been on it for 6 weeks and I've lost a shedload. I don't know how much because I haven't weighed myself for years, but I've gone down 3 clothes sizes purely because I'm not hungry. I used to get bitterly hungry and have had to diet all my life. So as ever with meds, there are different effects with different people.

I was about 2 stone overweight, so every cloud etc.
Did you make changes in diet and exercise, or is the weightloss purely from Metformin? How are your blood sugar levels?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Has anyone used metformin to speed up glacially slow last-mile weight loss?

I'm now in normal-to-prediabetes territory after LCHF-assisted weight loss approaching 20 kilos (remission criteria met).

However, I am still around 2.5 kilos short of my target weight, which I want to achieve to give myself a buffer in case a period of indulgence begins to raise my weight (around Christmas, for example).

Metformin, of course, is known to assist in weight loss.

Just trying to decide whether I should start taking it only for the weight loss benefits.

Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
Ignore weight loss and any figures from the scales (also known as the sad step). Be guided just by blood glucose and eat to your meter. Your body will settle where it needs to be.
I have now been within 2 pounds of the same weight since just after last Christmas. Number wise I thought I'd like to be 7 or 8 lbs less BUT in that same time I have gone down another clothes size, have needed 2 more holes in my belt and just today had 3 different people compliment me on my "weight loss" except there hasn't been any, according to the scales, I just look slimmer and healthier . My body seems to have settled where it us happy and healthy. It can't read the numbers on the scales!