Monitoring Glucose


Hello all, this is my first post as a community member.

14 years ago now when i was 12 years old i was diagnosed with having type 1 diabetes. At first my blood monitoring was good, i was doing it a couple of times a day, eating healthy and everything, but then i just give up and became pretty depressed with the whole situation.

The only way my blood is monitored now is under my local GP annually as i missed an appointment with the hospital (Which they hadn't notified me by post or any other means about), so to re-enroll again is just too much hassle, because i am pretty busy.

I am an electrician, so trying to monitor my blood glucose levels in the day is quite hard because pricking my finger is leaving an open wound which will be exposed on site and everywhere is healt and safety mad now. And of an evening i am usually too tired to worry about blood sugars to want to set up the meter e.t.c otherwise i'm busy doing paperwork for all the work done during the day (In the office) at night. I know one remedy would be to carry around a meter, but that would be a pain, on top of my tools, test instruments for work and paperwork. But above all of that it is most likely laziness.

I know the easiest thing for you guys to say is "Your company needs to provide assistance for you to carry all this out", but i'm self employed and in the real world, that just don't happen.

Another thing i'm worried about is getting a high reading, then over injecting novorapid to compensate, then going hypo, it really is a fine balance to keep in that 4-7 target range.

I remember reading several years ago they were going to release a blood meter that you wore on your wrist without lancing, does anyone know if anything exists like this that would make my life so much easier and make me much more healthier by giving me this motivation to monitor my blood levels more efficiently?

Thanks for taking 5 minutes out of your time to read my dribble.


Well-Known Member
Tomatoes, Rude people, Bees!

We can all understand that there are certain things in life where you really don't have time to test or aren't in the best situation to be able to, but bottom line is you have to find a way around it.

You can get meters now that are extremely small that wouldnt cause too much hassle if you have to carry alot of things in your line of work. You could also stock up on meters and strategically place them around so you are always within reach of one without having to carry it around, spare one in a tool box, one in a work van, a desk drawer etc.

Finger prick wounds are very minimal, i work in an office and at times my hands and fingers can get dirty from working with inky paper all the time, but i find the time to quickly wash them before i test. You could even wear a plaster or gloves to protect your hands?

If you are self employed it is your responsibility to find the time to test, if you do not monitor your glucose levels you are likely to either be running high all the time, which isn't good, especially if you are active as exercise with high blood glucose levels and ketones makes the situation worse. If you neglect your diabetes you will find yourself ill and maybe unable to work efficiently or even at all.

If your worried about highs, over correcting resulting in hypo's there are courses available at most hospitals which teach you how to carb count and deal with sickness, exercise, alcohol etc factors with diabetes basically. You really do need to keep testing to keep an eye on things and avoid highs and hypos.

I've heard of the watch you mention, but i'm not sure if that's anywhere near available yet. You can get CGM's (continous glucose montitors) These are worn 24/7 like an insulin pump, but aren't funded on the NHS and can be quite costly, but if you have the funds it could be a very useful tool in your situation.

I'm sorry if it comes across like i'm sort of telling you off, but i think you already know you should be testing and showing up to appointments, nobody will control your diabetes for you. Many people in many different professions successfully control their diabetes, it's about finding a balance between the two.

I neglected my diabetes for a long time in the beginning, i went through a stage of depression and as quite poorly as a result. Testing was a complete pain and i hardly took my insulin. But i turned it around i forced myself to test when i was in an akward position or situation, until now it's become so routine i go into zombie mode and don't really think about it anymore. I went on the DAFNE course to learn how to carb count and i now have an insulin pump which enables me to be much more flexible and have better control.

A pump might be something you could consider too, you can have a detailed programming of basal Rates, and much more defined doses of insulin to be more exact instead of rounding up to full units. you can also set temporary basal rates to reduce your basal rates which is great for exercise or if your having a particularly inactive day. but insulin pumps take alot of work and you need to test ALOT especially in the beginning, it takes alot of hard work and dedication but in my opinion it's definately worth it!

Hope some of this helps, i hope you find the motivation to monitor your Bg's more efficiently as it will certainly benefit you in the long run.

All the best.:)


Well-Known Member
Tablets, Mums with pushchair who push in ,Bus and WC
am an electrician, so trying to monitor my blood glucose levels in the day is quite hard because pricking my finger is leaving an open wound which will be exposed on site and everywhere is healt and safety mad now. And of an evening i am usually too

Open wound give over :roll: Put some tape around it you have larger cuts and scrapes just working and lifting floor boards using your tools , You should have a first aid kit in your van

To be Honest think you just cant be bothered ... its NO excuse

I was Heating Eng and self employed 30 years before I fell
We always seemed to be lot more grubby , Than the fluffy Sparks ever did :lol:
I always tested a bait times ,You can keep wet wipes and tester in with your bait bag together
with full fat coke and glucose tabs How hard is that :?: keeps it all clean as well
my Work mate was also T1 we managed OK

How you testing before you drive ?? or are You :?: :evil: