Most accurate glucose meter


Active Member
Is there an accurate glucose meter that has economical testing strips. I am a Type 2 diabetic and have been having hypos recently and am testing quite frequently. I thought that because I'd lost a lot of weight that my diabetes had gone as I don't have to take any medication, only to find that I now have reactive hypoglycaemia following my gastric bypass,

I just want to be able to test at as low a cost as possible but I don't want to get a monitor that gives misleading readings.

Any ideas anyone? :)


The Codefree SD test trips are around £8.00 per tub and are as accurate as any other. If you are suffering hypoglycemia though, should you not be receiving test trips on free prescription? All blood test meters conform to an accuracy tolerance of +/- 10%. If you require greater accuracy than this then I believe you need laboratory test equipment which I would expect to be extremely expensive to fund yourself.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Try here for the Codefree meter

Pharmacies don't sell them. There are discount codes if you buy in bulk and don’t forget to check the box that you have diabetes so you can buy VAT free.
5 packs 264086
10 packs 975833

The Tee2 is another cheap one, and has a free meter although the strips are a little more exoensive

All meters give misleading readings at times.

Deleted Account

There are a number of factors which can affect the reading on the BG meter - the accuracy of the meter is one, where you take the blood from is another, how clean you hands are is another, ... some soaps and hand cleaners can leave a residue on your hands which could affect the reading a little.
Add to that the approximations we do when we carb count - I believe the only true way to calculate how many carbs are in a food is to burn it and weigh the carbon - I don't believe there is much value being 100% accurate.
All meters on the market have to conform to a standard of accuracy which should be good enough for day to day monitoring.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
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You say that you thought your diabetes "had gone"?
I am not far along from diagnosis but I was under the impression that once a diabetic always a diabetic. Control is the best I, personally, can hope for.
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Once I'd had my bypass surgery I was able to stop taking any diabetes medication as it wasn't needed. I therefore thought that I was no longer a diabetic but clearly you are always a diabetic. I hadn't realised that I could get reactive hypoglycaemia after bypass surgery but my Bariatric dietitian says they are seeing more of it now, although it is not suffered by all that have a bypass.
I got free testing strips from my GP but as I am testing frequently, due to the hypoglycaemia, I don't know how many strips they are going to allow me to have.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Once I'd had my bypass surgery I was able to stop taking any diabetes medication as it wasn't needed. I therefore thought that I was no longer a diabetic but clearly you are always a diabetic. I hadn't realised that I could get reactive hypoglycaemia after bypass surgery but my Bariatric dietitian says they are seeing more of it now, although it is not suffered by all that have a bypass.
I got free testing strips from my GP but as I am testing frequently, due to the hypoglycaemia, I don't know how many strips they are going to allow me to have.

I use the Codefree and have had no problems with it. Hope your numbers settle down soon. Best wishes.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Once I'd had my bypass surgery I was able to stop taking any diabetes medication as it wasn't needed. I therefore thought that I was no longer a diabetic but clearly you are always a diabetic. I hadn't realised that I could get reactive hypoglycaemia after bypass surgery but my Bariatric dietitian says they are seeing more of it now, although it is not suffered by all that have a bypass.
I got free testing strips from my GP but as I am testing frequently, due to the hypoglycaemia, I don't know how many strips they are going to allow me to have.

There are many of on this forum that have never taken medication at all, yet are still diabetic. Only non-diabetic levels pre and post meal, plus HbA1c results will tell you if you are diabetic or not.


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How accurate is the Codefree? I find there is quite a difference between the Codefree and the Libre when testing my blood sugars. The Codefree always seems a lot higher than the Libre. I know about the 15 minute wait with Libre for testing purposes but don't know which one is more accurate.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
How accurate is the Codefree? I find there is quite a difference between the Codefree and the Libre when testing my blood sugars. The Codefree always seems a lot higher than the Libre. I know about the 15 minute wait with Libre for testing purposes but don't know which one is more accurate.

The Libre is not accurate. It usually reads lower than finger pricking, although some sensors read higher. They vary. Insulin users are warned to check with finger prickers before injecting, and the DVLA won't accept the readings for driving purposes. They need to be cross checked against finger prickers to find a sort of average amount by which they read lower, then you can make your own mental adjustments. They are fine for seeing what happens between finger pricks and watching trends. Insulin users find the arrows very useful.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
¿Hay un medidor de glucosa exacto que tenga tiras de prueba económicas? Soy un diabético de tipo 2 y he estado teniendo hypos recientemente y estoy probando con bastante frecuencia. Pensé que porque había perdido mucho peso que mi diabetes había ido ya que no tengo que tomar ningún medicamento, sólo para encontrar que ahora tengo hipoglucemia reactiva después de mi bypass gástrico,

Sólo quiero ser capaz de probar a un costo tan bajo como sea posible, pero no quiero obtener un monitor que da lecturas engañosas.

Alguna idea de alguien?


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¿Hay un medidor de glucosa exacto que tenga tiras de prueba económicas? Soy un diabético de tipo 2 y he estado teniendo hypos recientemente y estoy probando con bastante frecuencia. Pensé que porque había perdido mucho peso que mi diabetes había ido ya que no tengo que tomar ningún medicamento, sólo para encontrar que ahora tengo hipoglucemia reactiva después de mi bypass gástrico,

Sólo quiero ser capaz de probar a un costo tan bajo como sea posible, pero no quiero obtener un monitor que da lecturas engañosas.

Alguna idea de alguien?

Hello Senor

Here I am in Mallorca, but don't speak Spanish sufficiently to reply. I am curious as to what numbers you are following as guideline. Did you know Spain differs than elsewhere for example their fasting cut off is 100 and also 100 mg/dl this is crazy.
uK IS BELOW 108MG/DL NORMAL 109 TO 125 PRE DIABETIC. a1c SPAIN 6.5% CUT OFF. New Zealand 6.7% again all crazy, so whats the point of testing our fingers??

Here in spain Mallorca if one is 100mg/dl fasting your pre diabetes, that number is NORMAL UK, OZ, NEW ZEALAND
AGAIN crazy.

In spain they don't have random only fasting and after eat, bed time and middle of night, and their numbers are different from rest of world.

Although they are Arbitrary as everyone where else, a number set without any medical or clinical 100% support as to why that final figure is chosen, so it boils down to spain, uk and US in particular, its all about big business.

Would be interested to know what your view as cut off for your fasting spain, 2hr spain and random.



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I think you will find that all meters have to meet an accuracy of +/- 15% so ignore that when you buy. Just buy one that has low cost strips.


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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I think you will find that all meters have to meet an accuracy of +/- 15% so ignore that when you buy. Just buy one that has low cost strips.
What I find quite odd is that when you do a second test immediately after the first one, on the same meter, you often get quite a different result! The gap tends to get bigger with higher readings! Anyone with similar experience?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Is there an accurate glucose meter that has economical testing strips. I am a Type 2 diabetic and have been having hypos recently and am testing quite frequently. I thought that because I'd lost a lot of weight that my diabetes had gone as I don't have to take any medication, only to find that I now have reactive hypoglycaemia following my gastric bypass,

I just want to be able to test at as low a cost as possible but I don't want to get a monitor that gives misleading readings.

Any ideas anyone? :)
Is there an accurate glucose meter that has economical testing strips. I am a Type 2 diabetic and have been having hypos recently and am testing quite frequently. I thought that because I'd lost a lot of weight that my diabetes had gone as I don't have to take any medication, only to find that I now have reactive hypoglycaemia following my gastric bypass,

I just want to be able to test at as low a cost as possible but I don't want to get a monitor that gives misleading readings.

Any ideas anyone? :)
Is there an accurate glucose meter that has economical testing strips. I am a Type 2 diabetic and have been having hypos recently and am testing quite frequently. I thought that because I'd lost a lot of weight that my diabetes had gone as I don't have to take any medication, only to find that I now have reactive hypoglycaemia following my gastric bypass,

I just want to be able to test at as low a cost as possible but I don't want to get a monitor that gives misleading readings.

Any ideas anyone? :)
This is one of the most aggravating parts of having diabetes -- test strip costs. Insurers SHOULD PAY FOR STRIPS and encourage patients to TEST OFTEN. This could defray insurance claims down the road. I AM IN THE USA (Washington DC) and CVS is a huge drugstore chain here. Last year they came out with their own tester and strips. I was wary at first but did simultaneous tests on my One Touch meter and CVS meter -/ nearly identical results.

I just bought a package of 100 CVS strips for a sale price of $29 (USD). Normally they're $37.99. Even so, it's the best price I've found here. The ONE TOUCH ULTRA are insanely priced. I hope you can find a low cost alternative that produces reliable results.

While an issue for another time, the COST OF INSULIN HAS SKYROCKETED. For current Intel and info I recommend @kellyclose founder of diaTribe in twitter. She's an excellent sounding board for our community.


Prof J Morris
Georgetown University
Washington DC


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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
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When I had a drug regime change I had to start regular testing, the manufacturers will send you a meter free if you have to start testing, the test strips can be got free on prescription if you talk to your doctor or Diabetic Nurse, I get as many as I need and have been contacted by 4 companies offering me a new meter this year.
All UK meters have to comply with standards for testing and are pretty accurate, I find you can get a variation of up to 3 just by washing my hands so no meter can be totally accurate.
See your doctor if you are having hypos


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I don't suffer fools gladly. I cant stand people who constantly go on about their illness or problems. Hey You're ill or have a problem. GET ON WITH IT. Don't bother me.
I am Type II and I test a minimum of 4 times a day and I have found that the 'GLUCOMEN LX Plus' to be the MOST reliable meter there is. It was free from 'Glucomen', ( you get FREE batteries when needed, your GP should prescribe the 'GlucoMen LX' Sensor testing strips (A Menarini Diagnostics Ltd) along with the 'GlucoRx FinePoint' hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (GlucoRx Ltd). The test strips and needles can be obtained from your GP on PRESCRIPTION.
I do hope that this is of some help to you my friend.
Kind Regards

Deleted member 308541

¿Hay un medidor de glucosa exacto que tenga tiras de prueba económicas? Soy un diabético de tipo 2 y he estado teniendo hypos recientemente y estoy probando con bastante frecuencia. Pensé que porque había perdido mucho peso que mi diabetes había ido ya que no tengo que tomar ningún medicamento, sólo para encontrar que ahora tengo hipoglucemia reactiva después de mi bypass gástrico,

Sólo quiero ser capaz de probar a un costo tan bajo como sea posible, pero no quiero obtener un monitor que da lecturas engañosas.

Alguna idea de alguien?

Google translation for the non Spanish readers.

Is there an accurate glucose meter that has economical test strips? I am a type 2 diabetic and I have been having hypos recently and I am testing quite frequently. I thought because I had lost a lot of weight that my diabetes had gone since I do not have to take any medication, only to find that I now have reactive hypoglycemia after my gastric bypass,

I just want to be able to try it at as low a cost as possible, but I do not want to get a monitor that gives misleading readings.

Any ideas from anyone?


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
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What I find quite odd is that when you do a second test immediately after the first one, on the same meter, you often get quite a different result! The gap tends to get bigger with higher readings! Anyone with similar experience?
I also commented on the very same thing a few weeks ago. I can test my BG levels 4 times in the space of 2 to 3 mins and the readings are completely different, not just by a little at times either. My meter is working fine, as I used my friends and exactly the same thing happened. I read somewhere that even Blood Glucose tests in the Laboratory allow 10 to 15% so even then the test is not entirely accurate. Mind Boggling