My Low Carb Journey Continues.....


Well-Known Member
Some of the "candidates" in the Apprentice - I would never have employed some of the nasty individuals that pop up as potential employees in this show. If they are the best on offer then heaven help us!
Well I was at the Doc's again during the week and my HbA1c had dropped to 9.1 but, as he pointed out, the test was 2 weeks early and it included 2 weeks where I was ill and another couple where they had taken me off the meds totally. So the fact it had dropped at all was something of an achievement. Next test in 4 weeks to see where I am and I expect a big difference then.
I posted before where I was on a steady downward trend with my results despite the lack of medication.

Currently, I am on 1 x 100mg Sitagliptin and 1 x 500mg Metformin (previously I'd been on 4 x 500mg Metformin). The morning fasting sample (still as soon as I get up) was very stubborn and sticking around 8/8.1 until today.....Finally 7.9 this morning. OK I know it is not a lot and I still have to get it a bit lower but bearing in mind my meds are a 1/4 of what they were it has to be the diet which is doing it.

Just getting a reading in the 7's this morning was so exciting and I forgot about it until just now as I know I am fine with everything I am eating today. However, I decided to do a quick test just now. I had just eaten so thought probably not the best time but I'm going out and wow.....5.8!! Again I've been sticking in the 6.4 - 6.8 range during the day so to see a 5.8 reading was really something. I've been told to look at adding in another Metformin tablet next week when I start to feed a little more carbs back in but if this keeps up I may see what effect the carbs have first before I look at increasing the dosage. I am so looking forward to getting a 1/2 slice of my seedy bread back!!

I just can't believe all this - I was so miserable a few weeks ago trying to get this under control and now I am getting readings I thought I'd never see again on a 1/4 of the meds. Yes today has been a good day so far - I may even celebrate with a tomato juice when I'm out rather than slimline tonic all night (I'm the designated driver so anything stronger is out of the question) :)


Well-Known Member
Having no energy as this is so limiting.
Well done Magill! :D

Keep on doing what you are doing, your new eating regime is obviously paying dividends and keeping the meds down is really significant. 8)


Well-Known Member
Some of the "candidates" in the Apprentice - I would never have employed some of the nasty individuals that pop up as potential employees in this show. If they are the best on offer then heaven help us!
....and this morning started with a 7.6 despite my celebratory tomato juice last night (even made it a large one :lol: and yes I am currently at 5.7 and still to take today's Metformin.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
I have been on a a Low Carb. diet for 5 years, this has really helped to keep my morning readings down usually in the 6.0 to 6.8 admittedly i'm now taking 1x500 metformin daily.i slipped off the diet a bit and was on two metformin but have now been able to get back onto only one with the diet. Your dietitian would have all the info. you need on Low GI diets but i found most info. via the internet and lots of fabulous recipes too. Don't be too hard on yourselves we can have a little treat now and then your readings may be up the following day but you can soon get back to lower readings if you follow the diet. Good luck to you all.