Hi im 5 weeks through the diet now and did just only find it hard the first week or 2 but now Im in the rhythm of it and doing ok, like your self I found no side effects other than hunger in the early stages, I originally purchased a 2 month supply of optislim but I purchased another 2 month supply to take the diet over 4 months just to lose that little bit of extra fat/weight my perfect BMI means I should lose another 21lbs to get into the normal range for my size and hopefully turn my diabetese around in reverse or atleast stablise my BGs, so far Im very pleased with the results but think I need to extend it beyond 8 weeks just wont be enough to acheive my goals. I got a letter from my HCP requiring my attendance for a chat due to my Hbac1 being high and my last one 3 months ago and over the past year I know the recent one was savagely high the reason for the chat , what a supprise she will get when i go in 2 weeks time. Re bread Ive just purchased a bread maker and going to do lo cal lo carb breads myself