Need help


I actually joined this forum 3 yrs ago but lost the plot 18 months ago. I had a starving BS of 6.3 so had a GGT ( this was 3 yrs ago) my starving was 6.4 but my 2 hr was 6.6, the medical proffession decided that the 2nd result was ok so disregard the first one!!! I thought differently and started managing my carbs with the help of this forum,I lost 1stone in wt and my subsequent GGT was 5.5 and 6.6. :D
I then started to loose the plot starting eating more carbs, working more hours at work having difficulty getting a decent dinner break consequently have put on that stone along with a starving BS Of 6.4 again :(
Anyone got any ideas about keeping to low carbing and also low carb meals on the go. I have bought myself some glucose strips as I did find it easier when I was testing.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Patulica :)


Well-Known Member
If you know a day is going to be one of those 'on the go' days in advance it can help.

Chopped raw carrot, pepper, cucumber, etc are a good base for a lunch

Relatively low carb crispbread is an easy to eat option, look for those which have the highest fibre content (often the own brands are best). A little cottage cheese with some chopped radish is an option to hold the crispbread together. You can use either low fat or full fat cottage cheese depending on how calorific the rest of the meal is.

Avocado and nuts will provide more sustenance (ie calories) and with much more nutrients than the usual 'on the go' offerings.

All you need is some tupperware, a bit of time the night before and to keep stocked with these kind of foods.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
Cold meats, salads and cheese are easy and low carb. Hard boiled eggs too. Coleslaw too, but if buying check for added sugar.
Good luck on your journey to better health