New Hypo symptom??

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I find that hypo symptoms change from time to time and have a theory that if you frequently ignore or don't treat in response to a hypo sign, the body readjusts to use a new hypo sign. I have no idea if this really is the case but it's a nice theory for explaining why my hypo signs were changing so often at one point in my life.

At that time, pre-joining this forum, I wasn't recognising hypo signs well and would often find other reasons for why I was feeling lethargic or making mistakes -I'm just tired today, I'm ill etc.

When this was going on I was experiencing all ranges of hypo symptoms -the more bizarre ones happening at very low levels:
  • Blurring of vision
  • Buzzing in an ear
  • Thinking I was jumping forward and backwards in time(!)
  • Intense nightmares -one in which I 'died', recovered and was still being chased by my brother, Matt Damon(?!) and other such people all without waking up until eventually I'd died more than once and woke up drenched in sweat and mentally exhausted
Since working on earlier spotting of early warning signs, getting better control and also testing at any time I'm not feeling right, I'm now able to spot and treat hypos before any wierder type of symptoms kick in.