New mum trying to process new result but confused and upset


Active Member
Hi all,

I’m a bit upset right now and hoping someone on here might understand or shed a little light.
Seven months ago I had my first baby. During the latter part of the pregnancy I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. My hb1ac was 49, just over the limit of 48 but they treated me as someone who has type 2 and put me on insulin (I had morning sickness throughout so wouldn’t have been able to tolerate metformin). I controlled it well and straight after the birth BS levels seemed to be normal.

I’ve just found out the results of another hb1ac test. This one was 61! And I’m not even pregnant. Being a new mum with family far away I will admit my diet hasn’t been great and most days it’s been a struggle to find time to eat the takeaway I hastily order let alone make a healthy lunch and eat it too. I’m very confused as doctor wasn’t clear and wants to see if I have MODY, another type of diabetes.

Even with my diet being bad over the last few months, I think the result of 61 still indicates that I’m diabetic. If a person without diabetes has a really poor diet for a few months does their hb1ac still come out as below 48? I’m so upset and confused and trying not to show it in front of my baby (I’ve been crying with my back to him so he doesn’t see but he doesn’t like that much either!). I made a huge effort to control my GD and it was so hard watching and thinking about every single thing I ate. But there was light at the end of the tunnel then as I thought it would be over after the birth. Now even the thought of being that strict with myself with a new baby is exhausting. I guess I just wanted to hear people’s thoughts on this.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
First congratulations are in order, a new baby means you're going to be tired, your hormones will be all over the place.

Are you having tests for mody?

Most of us with T2 control the amount of carbs we eat.

61 isn't too high. Dry those tears, read around the forum and ask questions.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all,

I’m a bit upset right now and hoping someone on here might understand or shed a little light.
Seven months ago I had my first baby. During the latter part of the pregnancy I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. My hb1ac was 49, just over the limit of 48 but they treated me as someone who has type 2 and put me on insulin (I had morning sickness throughout so wouldn’t have been able to tolerate metformin). I controlled it well and straight after the birth BS levels seemed to be normal.

I’ve just found out the results of another hb1ac test. This one was 61! And I’m not even pregnant. Being a new mum with family far away I will admit my diet hasn’t been great and most days it’s been a struggle to find time to eat the takeaway I hastily order let alone make a healthy lunch and eat it too. I’m very confused as doctor wasn’t clear and wants to see if I have MODY, another type of diabetes.

Even with my diet being bad over the last few months, I think the result of 61 still indicates that I’m diabetic. If a person without diabetes has a really poor diet for a few months does their hb1ac still come out as below 48? I’m so upset and confused and trying not to show it in front of my baby (I’ve been crying with my back to him so he doesn’t see but he doesn’t like that much either!). I made a huge effort to control my GD and it was so hard watching and thinking about every single thing I ate. But there was light at the end of the tunnel then as I thought it would be over after the birth. Now even the thought of being that strict with myself with a new baby is exhausting. I guess I just wanted to hear people’s thoughts on this.

Hey @Lilysun ,

I'm so sorry you're going through all this. Women with GD have a bigger chance of developing T2 later on, the GD being an early indicator of a metabolic issue. I'm sort of surprised no-one talked to you about this, a GP or OB/GYN. And you're right, a "normal" person wouldn't have a HbA1c in the diabetic range, no matter what they ate, because their insulin would be doing what it's supposed to... Yours, for whatever reason as MODY's been mentioned, isn't. There's either too much and you're insensitive to it, or you don't produce enough. If the doc suspects MODY, have they ordered C-Peptide and GAD tests for you yet? Because the treatment for T2 and MODY varies, rather.

In any case... There's a lot to take on at this point, both with being brand spanking new mom and dealing with this new reality, whatever type you turn out to be. But rest assured: You can do this. The crying is normal, as the earth just opened up beneith your feet, but after a while you'll get the hang of this and you'll get your bloodsugars back into the normal range. Low carb/ high fat is an option if it's T2, and if that is the case you do need to read up a little about combining that diet with breastfeeding, should you be going that route. (Don't go under 50 grams of carbs a day, as you're sharing nutrients with the baby... You don't get to keep eveything for yourself. This could help: ). All in all though.... You don't have to go through this alone. The forum has quite a few GD women (not me, we just have a cat here), who were in your shoes at some point or another, we have loads of T2's and a bunch of MODY's, so there's always someone around who can answer your questions.

Just have a little faith in yourself. Yes, it is a lot to take in. And yes, you can do this. Give yourself time. A HbA1c of 61 isn't extremely high. There is hope, truly.

Good luck,
PS: might help too.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I'm sorry, @Lilysun , a diabetes diagnosis does come as a shock, I guess it has for all of us.
I think it's wonderful that your doctor wants to do tests to see what type of diabetes you have, many doctors only give you some pills and say 'come back in 3 or 6 months' without further advice.

Here's a very useful bit of information about diabetes we like to offer our new members:

Good luck, and congratulations with your baby of course!
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Sadly a proportion of mums with GD will go on to have t2. Your doctor is checking to see if there is an insulin deficiency rather than the more common insulin resistance. This might determine which treatment you are offered.
It is upsetting when you've gone through a difficult pregnancy and the stresses of new motherhood only to have a new thing to be concerned about. I can't preach because my type 1 sugars were bad after each of my 3 pregnancies when I was in newborn survival mode.
However once you do work out what you can do about your diet (or meds if it turns out its Mody) you may well feel a lot better with lower sugar levels. It is easy to say but being stressed and not sleeping well will likely be pushing levels up too as will illnesses and hormonal fluctuations! The HBA1c is just a mean average of your last 3 months and the good news is that there are loads of success stories on here of people drastically improving their levels.


Well-Known Member
I guess on if the things that is worrying you is going back on insulin. It's t2 and you hba1c was 61 I would think they would go diet and or metformin. Mine was 101 and no one mentioned it to me.
Read the advice above carefully as it's this that's dropped my level to 46 this time round. Ask questions and ask questions about what you should ask your doctor too. Sometimes you don't know what to find out!


Active Member
Thank you so much for all your replies! They really helped me through a very tough day. And they’ve been massively helpful.

Doc has ordered a C-peptide test to investigate whether this is MODY. I guess what I’m struggling with is the mental bit of this. I’m upset because I feel like I will never be able to have food without planning and thinking again. I enjoy takeaways, and love my chocolate. And I feel like il never be able to enjoy those again without guilt. I know it’ll force me to be healthy but I’m 29 years old. I feel like this is the time I should be able to get away with those naughty treats. Maybe it’s misguided but I always thought one of the privileges of youth was that you can eat what you want to an extent and not worry too much about it. I suppose I feel a bit let down by my body and sort of ashamed of myself (even though I’m trying to tell myself that a lot of this is beyond my control). I keep thinking that if I had been more active and eaten my greens more, if I had been more sensible about food choices then I wouldn’t be writing this post at this stage of my life.

I’m so sorry if this sounds like I’m whinging. It’s just a lot to wrap my head around and having had pretty much zero health problems up until pregnancy it’s overwhelming and so final to think that this is my life now forever. It’s all a bit much right now.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you so much for all your replies! They really helped me through a very tough day. And they’ve been massively helpful.

Doc has ordered a C-peptide test to investigate whether this is MODY. I guess what I’m struggling with is the mental bit of this. I’m upset because I feel like I will never be able to have food without planning and thinking again. I enjoy takeaways, and love my chocolate. And I feel like il never be able to enjoy those again without guilt. I know it’ll force me to be healthy but I’m 29 years old. I feel like this is the time I should be able to get away with those naughty treats. Maybe it’s misguided but I always thought one of the privileges of youth was that you can eat what you want to an extent and not worry too much about it. I suppose I feel a bit let down by my body and sort of ashamed of myself (even though I’m trying to tell myself that a lot of this is beyond my control). I keep thinking that if I had been more active and eaten my greens more, if I had been more sensible about food choices then I wouldn’t be writing this post at this stage of my life.

I’m so sorry if this sounds like I’m whinging. It’s just a lot to wrap my head around and having had pretty much zero health problems up until pregnancy it’s overwhelming and so final to think that this is my life now forever. It’s all a bit much right now.
Of course it is, as you put it, "a bit much", because it is. That's not whinging, that's grief over a new reality, it is real and it is merited. Good news though: Chocolate's not entirely off the menu. The extra dark stuff's still on. (And if it tastes too bitter, have it with a gulp of cream or some nuts. As your palette changes, you'll be able to enjoy it more eventually.). And there's these: . So that's still going to be around, no worries. Plus, you do get used to it. Taking your diet into consideration becomes an afterthought, second nature, after a while... It won't be at the forefront for the rest of your life, you'll just do it automatically. Give yourself a moment to get used to all this... You'll get there.


Well-Known Member
Hello.. I can truly understand what you are going through as I was in the same stage earlier .. I had got GD in second month of my pregnancy.. delivered baby in April .. he is 6 months old now. My sugars were back to normal after delivery but out of curiosity I checked mine on meter after a month and bang the sugars were high up. I did HBA1c test and got it 7.0.. with a baby in hand and the diabetes being back in life was stressful and I too was full in tears .. but than when we look at our baby and wish to be there with them during their graduation or marriage, we have to do something for it .. hence tried controlling my diet .. as braaestfeeding is going on can’t go completely away from carbs. But you can start with cauliflower rice, that’s what I did. My recent HBA1c is 4.2 it’s in normal range .. hence the world is still not the end. You can eat fish/chicken/ panner/ cheese / eggs and lot more of things. Just hang around this forum and you will get lot to learn. I know things are difficult around the baby but give yourself time and things will get better .. it’s from personal experience..


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello and welcome,

You have a lot on your plate at the moment so be kind to yourself I also had gestational diabetes and am now a type 2. My babies were all adults (well technically) when I was diagnosed and I still found it overwhelming.

Have you got a meter. The meter will be the thing that makes the difference between knowing what your levels are and ignorance. While you are are breast feeding and looking after a baby it will probably be impossible to have any idea of your levels without testing regularly. Lack of sleep and stress also effect your levels so you need to take care of yourself.

It does become less overwhelming over time.

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Well-Known Member
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Thank you so much for all your replies! They really helped me through a very tough day. And they’ve been massively helpful.

Doc has ordered a C-peptide test to investigate whether this is MODY. I guess what I’m struggling with is the mental bit of this. I’m upset because I feel like I will never be able to have food without planning and thinking again. I enjoy takeaways, and love my chocolate. And I feel like il never be able to enjoy those again without guilt. I know it’ll force me to be healthy but I’m 29 years old. I feel like this is the time I should be able to get away with those naughty treats. Maybe it’s misguided but I always thought one of the privileges of youth was that you can eat what you want to an extent and not worry too much about it. I suppose I feel a bit let down by my body and sort of ashamed of myself (even though I’m trying to tell myself that a lot of this is beyond my control). I keep thinking that if I had been more active and eaten my greens more, if I had been more sensible about food choices then I wouldn’t be writing this post at this stage of my life.

I’m so sorry if this sounds like I’m whinging. It’s just a lot to wrap my head around and having had pretty much zero health problems up until pregnancy it’s overwhelming and so final to think that this is my life now forever. It’s all a bit much right now.

Congratulations on a beautiful new arrival to your family, you have got a lot going on at the moment as a busy mum. I had gestational twice, once 25 years old diet controlled and once 30 years old insulin. After both births my blood sugars where normal...but then jumped up. I too am awaiting test results for MODY as I don’t fit the type 2 profile, although I’m currently told type 2. I was shocked and felt similar to you as I wasn’t expecting to be told was diabetic again! I really feel your resentment at having to watch what you eat and worry about the impact it’ll have on your blood sugar levels. I try and look at what I do now today..and what impact it’ll have on my body in a few years time, I need to be healthy for my children.
I have tried various diet changes and medications but they don’t work the same if MODY as it’s genetic fault, meaning the pancreas can’t make enough insulin. So be good for your dr to run cpeptide and from those results maybe genetic testing for MODY. Don’t feel disheartened, once you know what type of diabetes you have you can look forward and treat appropriately.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I too hv had 2 pregnancies with type2 but my hba1c's were so high both times I was treated on insulin.
Ive lost 5st and still on insulin.
Now. Just keep in mind we are all different so even if MODY you will need to relax those takeaways but a treat is never ruled out once you gain better control. The dark chocolate with higher cocoa content is very luxurious and I find more to my pallet.
Don't rule anything out.
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Well-Known Member
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I too hv had 2 pregnancies with type2 but my hba1c's were so high both times I was treated on insulin.
Ive lost 5st and still on insulin.
Now. Just keep in mind we are all different so even if MODY you will need to relax those takeaways but a treat is never ruled out once you gain better control. The dark chocolate with higher cocoa content is very luxurious and I find more to my pallet.
Don't rule anything out.
I also like dark chocolate now, doesn’t spike bs and feels like a real treat!
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi, don't feel bad or blame yourself but have a good old cry and try to get it out of your system as holding it all in isn't helpful. Because you are now aware of healthy eating and how important it is, your baby will benefit as well in the long run. Try to think of this as an opportunity, it might help. Also get out a bit for an hour or two if you can, being outdoors is a very good way to ease tension. Good luck for the future, it is still bright.
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Active Member
Thank you all so much for your helpful replies.

I saw another doc a few days ago who (slightly reluctantly) agreed to let me try and control sugar levels with diet and exercise and then repeat another hb1ac in about eight weeks. Trouble is she said she wanted me to lose 8kg in 8 weeks. I know this is do-able but I’m breastfeeding. I can’t go on a very strict diet- and now I’m worried that if I don’t lose this amount of weight so quickly it’s going to show I’m not disciplined. I think it was a bit irresponsible of her to put pressure on a breastfeeding mother to lose that much weight so quickly. But I’m going tn try!


Active Member
Hello.. I can truly understand what you are going through as I was in the same stage earlier .. I had got GD in second month of my pregnancy.. delivered baby in April .. he is 6 months old now. My sugars were back to normal after delivery but out of curiosity I checked mine on meter after a month and bang the sugars were high up. I did HBA1c test and got it 7.0.. with a baby in hand and the diabetes being back in life was stressful and I too was full in tears .. but than when we look at our baby and wish to be there with them during their graduation or marriage, we have to do something for it .. hence tried controlling my diet .. as braaestfeeding is going on can’t go completely away from carbs. But you can start with cauliflower rice, that’s what I did. My recent HBA1c is 4.2 it’s in normal range .. hence the world is still not the end. You can eat fish/chicken/ panner/ cheese / eggs and lot more of things. Just hang around this forum and you will get lot to learn. I know things are difficult around the baby but give yourself time and things will get better .. it’s from personal experience..
Thank you for this! What kinds of meals did you have? I don’t eat a huge amount but sometimes struggle to cook something nice from scratch with a baby


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
That doctor is simply setting you up to fail - it is highly irresponsible to expect a breastfeeding woman to go on a reducing diet - I suggest that you ignore that completely and simply decline the medication - say you think it will be bad for the baby for you to take it, and I really do doubt that there will be an answer to it.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I'm sorry you received that response from your doctor. It is tough enough just dealing with a baby and breastfeeding. Then add trying to reduce your sugars you don't need to be focussing on your weight as well. Unfortunately a lot of the medical profession seem to thing that you cause type 2 diabetes by what you eat and being overweight whereas- as the types 2 here who are not overweight show it is not that simple. So a doctors approach tends often to focus on weight.

I'm not a doctor- but I reduced my HBa1c by diet- I also am losing weight but my blood sugars came down way before my weight. I did it b y very low carb but I wasn't breast feeding.

Take care of yourself- and don't despair there are people on this site who were on medication and came off- so try diet alone but don't be too hard on yourself if you end up briefly on medication Your body just grew a whole other person and now is feeding that other person- you are doing amazingly. Take care and be gentle with yourself.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for this! What kinds of meals did you have? I don’t eat a huge amount but sometimes struggle to cook something nice from scratch with a baby
I started with cauliflower rice initially and got the BG in normal range .. than i started with other vegetables too like brinjals, ladies Finger, green leafy vegetables and so on.. sometimes topped it up with egg or fish or chicken ..