Type 2 New to insulin


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi I have to start on insulin as after 15yrs tablets are not working as well I am freaking out can I ask a few questions
How will I know how much to take this is really worrying me
Will I put weight on can’t afford to do that it takes me ages to loose weight
How many carbs should I be having each day I’m trying not to have more than 120
Thanks if anyone can put my mind at rest I am so dreading it

In Response

Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all for insulin.
As much as I would like to be able to answer your questions, you need to address them to your DSN.
It will depend on your insulin sensitivity and the type of insulin you are prescribed.

They are all excellent questions to ask and it is great that you are thinking about them at this stage.
I recommend writing them down and making sure you get answers before you start taking insulin.

I know injecting sounds very scary but it is something I have been doing for twenty years (with Type 1, I had no choice') and still going strong.


The doctor will suggest a starting point for you and you can download an app called my life which is a dose calculator. You will be carb counting to find out your insulin ratios I.e how many units you need per 10g of carbs


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
The doctor will suggest a starting point for you and you can download an app called my life which is a dose calculator. You will be carb counting to find out your insulin ratios I.e how many units you need per 10g of carbs
Many T2's use long acting insulin only, so no need for counting carbs to adjust doses.
How will I know how much to take this is really worrying me
Will I put weight on can’t afford to do that it takes me ages to loose weight
How many carbs should I be having each day I’m trying not to have more than 120
- Your HCP will likely tell you how much to take, and reassess regularly based on your numbers. Are you testing at home regularly?
- You may put on weight or you may not. I didn't. (Didn't lose any either, I'm still fat.)
- Your dose will likely be based on your numbers, expecting you to keep the same eating habits.

Being new to insulin, please keep a glucose meter and some sweets on you at all times.
If you can test if you feel off, you can simply solve a hypo by eating something sweet.
If you're running high all the time at the moment, insulin may well mean you'll be feeling a lot better!

Good luck!