Newcastle diet starting Monday, done it once who gonna join me on my journey??


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Just to be clear - The ND came from the study.

This link also contains handouts for your Doctor.

This study was time bound - hence the 56 days. The study was attempting to replicate bariatric surgery. The message is clear;

A crucial point is that individuals have different levels of tolerance of fat within liver and pancreas. Only when a person has more fat than they can cope with does type 2 diabetes develop. In other words, once a person crosses their personal fat threshold, type 2 diabetes develops. Once they successfully lose weight and go below their personal fat threshold, diabetes will disappear.

My point about time frames is two fold. 1 - the ND (coming from the study) is a controlled time frame. and 2. Time frames can create an advantage for people (like me) who need a structure to work within.

Hope this clarifies things - and good luck with reversing T2 - tell us how you get on.

I know I'm being completely pedantic here, but I need to say that, in my view, T2 is a portfolio disease. In other words, it ng label, describing a condition developing a number of ways, due to a number of causes. Whilst I largely agree with your statement about PFTs, I feel a bit concerned about the definitive statement you make; "....Only when a person has more fat than they can cope with does type 2 diabetes develop...."

For those on Professor Taylor's, this mainly held true, but not for everyone. For some people, reducing their body fat will not result in breaching any PFT, as that probably isn't the reason they, personally, became diabetic.

I think the ND gives T2s; particularly those carrying extra poundage, great hope for a positive impact (I'm deliberately not going to use reversal, cure or remission here, or we'll be having a whole different debate), but it won't work for everyone. I'm not suggesting anyone here has given the impression that the ND is the silver bullet solution to T2, but I do think any messaging about the efficacy of the ND (or any other approach) should include the guard that it doesn't achieve the most positive outcome for everyone.
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The line you quoted from my message

"....Only when a person has more fat than they can cope with does type 2 diabetes develop...."

should have been more accurately attributed to Prof T. It was a direct quote from his page -
(editorial laziness on my part)

So - it is not my view - but his.

Having said that - I take your point.


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Great reply to @Bewildered, but with me at about day 3 was the dreaded "Deli Belly" lasted for a couple of days as the system changed to ND
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Thanks @Steve50 and @Arab Horse, off to see GP today, your advice did make me giggle - and re my colleagues, they are a great bunch and we work in mental health - so hopefully they will have a developed tolerance level - or at least the skills to de-escalate. :)
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Day 52 - fasting blood up to 6. Not very happy about that :cool:. But weight down another 0.1 kg. Now weigh 84.3 BMI is now 23.5 (down from 30.7) :) Total weight loss on the ND 10.1kg. Total weight loss since last September on the 5:2 and ND combined 25.7kg. (or 4 stone 1 pound in imperial) Definitely heading off to Waitrose now to see what 26 x 1kg bags of flour looks like.:pompous:

Did I mention - 4 days to go!!!!!:rolleyes::eek::);)
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Arab Horse

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I know I'm being completely pedantic here, but I need to say that, in my view, T2 is a portfolio disease. In other words, it ng label, describing a condition developing a number of ways, due to a number of causes. Whilst I largely agree with your statement about PFTs, I feel a bit concerned about the definitive statement you make; "....Only when a person has more fat than they can cope with does type 2 diabetes develop...."

For those on Professor Taylor's, this mainly held true, but not for everyone. For some people, reducing their body fat will not result in breaching any PFT, as that probably isn't the reason they, personally, became diabetic.

I think the ND gives T2s; particularly those carrying extra poundage, great hope for a positive impact (I'm deliberately not going to use reversal, cure or remission here, or we'll be having a whole different debate), but it won't work for everyone. I'm not suggesting anyone here has given the impression that the ND is the silver bullet solution to T2, but I do think any messaging about the efficacy of the ND (or any other approach) should include the guard that it doesn't achieve the most positive outcome for everyone.

I am a very untypical T2; it was a huge shock when I was diagnosed at a routine medical. I am waiting to start the ND but have had a busy time and some stress lately so delayed starting and have a busy weekend coming up so the plan is to start next week. I am already underweight so it will be interesting to see if it works for me, fingers crossed but I am prepared to be disappointed!!!!


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Day 52 - fasting blood up to 6. Not very happy about that :cool:. But weight down another 0.1 kg. Now weigh 84.3 BMI is now 23.5 (down from 30.7) :) Total weight loss on the ND 10.1kg. Total weight loss since last September on the 5:2 and ND combined 25.7kg. (or 4 stone 1 pound in imperial) Definitely heading off to Waitrose now to see what 26 x 1kg bags of flour looks like.:pompous:

Did I mention - 4 days to go!!!!!:rolleyes::eek::);)
Hope Steve50 that your posts aren't going to disappear after the four days are up. Need regular updates plz
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Sorry I am such an idiot, I have deleted the link now, and will find another way to make the link available, I feel really bad for linking it should not have done that, could you remove it from your reply too?

I've deleted the link too. No issues, we are all good. That Bittorrent is tough to use. I really did want to see that video too. Professor Taylor's work is important to all T2 diabetics. I 'll try and email the BBC to see if they can allow it to be seen by the world at large! Its important stuff that Taylor and others are doing!

On a more positive note I had a chicken salad last night around 4.30pm and then a gentle (not manic) 15 mile ride which gave me a BG of 5.77 at 9pm. This morning I woke with a FBG of 5.44 or in US terms 98mg/dl. Yea a number below 100 is non-diabetic for a FBG! THRILLED! I did have a 500 Mg Metformin before bed last night but this is a first of getting a FBG less than 100! Progression in the right direction.
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Bewildered wrote "My work can be mentally draining but not physical, any advice re how to avoid the grumps in the early stages? I don't want to upset my colleagues, it's a small office!" I would explain to them what you are doing and why and tell them that one of the effects of the lack of food can being grumpy and short tempered so that they know what to expect. When you are ask if they will tell you politely and then force yourself to apologise even if your mood doesn't want you to!

@Arab Horse

I've been mostly fasting in the mornings lately not doing ND but a modified ND / Jason Fung mashup. I've found that I can stretch out my day with a handful of peanuts / small slice of meat to 4.30pm (as I did yesterday) then have a meal then. If you've experienced the PN that I have you'll have enough commitment to getting rid of T2D to push thru the consumption of the fats in your liver & pancreas to become un-diabetic.. I've said it previously this is one brutal disease..

One more thought Arab if you are located in the UK what about trying to go for a private consultation with Taylor? Just drop him a letter. I am sure he'll respond.
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Update for visit to GP, I love my GP!!!

He has never heard of ND, admitted he switches off when he hears fad diets, so I showed him the letter re ND for GP's. He read it and asked a few questions to confirm my current state of health, asked how I will manage work, and is totally behind me as I start...tomorrow eek. I told him about the forum, and he asked what I will do after the 8 weeks, I think I will probably resume HFLC, got time to think about it.
He's prescribed a meter, strips etc, was going to supply the ones to go with my super dooper free meter but it costs too much, so a new meter for me.
I also asked him for some additional blood tests re my thyroid issues, which he has agreed to.
I am feeling really excited and I want to bottle this feeling and open it from time to time over the next 8 weeks.
Purchased slim fast in 3 for 2 offer, and going to use coconut milk, and maybe try water to mix. Only concern is that using water takes the calorie content very low. Any advice?
Oh and the lady who sold me the slim fast is diabetic so I raved about this forum to her. She's going to take a look.
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Hi Bewildered

Fantastic news. I have done all of my 52 days on Slimfast + veg (did I mention I have only 4 days to go :):):):)).

You'll be fine. Prepare yourself for a huge life-changing experience.
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I'm with others in preferring not to call this a diet. After all a diet implies food of some kind - and that is one thing this program does not genuinely have. While it is more of a programme - I think of it as bariatric surgery - without the cuts! :nurse:
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Update for visit to GP, I love my GP!!!

He has never heard of ND, admitted he switches off when he hears fad diets, so I showed him the letter re ND for GP's. He read it and asked a few questions to confirm my current state of health, asked how I will manage work, and is totally behind me as I start...tomorrow eek. I told him about the forum, and he asked what I will do after the 8 weeks, I think I will probably resume HFLC, got time to think about it.
He's prescribed a meter, strips etc, was going to supply the ones to go with my super dooper free meter but it costs too much, so a new meter for me.
I also asked him for some additional blood tests re my thyroid issues, which he has agreed to.
I am feeling really excited and I want to bottle this feeling and open it from time to time over the next 8 weeks.
Purchased slim fast in 3 for 2 offer, and going to use coconut milk, and maybe try water to mix. Only concern is that using water takes the calorie content very low. Any advice?
Oh and the lady who sold me the slim fast is diabetic so I raved about this forum to her. She's going to take a look.
Wow hats off to your gp, mine just dismissed it saying it's useless. He dint even want to read through the pages of instructions you gave to him to read.
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I'm with others in preferring not to call this a diet. After all a diet implies food of some kind - and that is one thing this program does not genuinely have. While it is more of a programme - I think of it as bariatric surgery - without the cuts! :nurse:
Gotcha, yup it's a programme, and I seriously can't believe you have only 4 days to go, I think you best enjoy what's left of it
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Hope Steve50 that your posts aren't going to disappear after the four days are up. Need regular updates plz
Agreed. As I am following in your footsteps, but a few weeks behind, your posts have echoed my own experiences and the boosts they give are very welcome and beneficial.

May I suggest a possible brand new thread along the lines of, "Newcastle Diet completed - the next chapter (LCHF)"? 'Cos that's a sequel I would definitely read! :bookworm:
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Wow hats off to your gp, mine just dismissed it saying it's useless. He dint even want to read through the pages of instructions you gave to him to read.
I left him with a lot more info too and said I could be his guinea pig.
He asked if anyone else in my family is diabetic, I told him he has met my mum and nan. He went on to say how impressed he is with how my nan has turned around her bg and lost weight ... I proudly told him I have put her on the HFLC regimen. He was even more impressed... Gold star to me.

It's such a shame that there is so much of a difference between responses from GP's and DN. keep on spreading the word, it will get through eventually.
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Thanks Guys

Bretzza already has a post ND thread - maybe we should all join that once we are through this.

I intend to go from the ND - gradually onto the LCHF. I'm not quite down to my target weight yet - and I still need to find a way of keeping the weight off. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this thread to see how you are all doing. But I'm not gone yet :p Still obsessing!!!!!!
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