Newcastle diet starting Monday, done it once who gonna join me on my journey??


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Totally agree, apologies to Pipp, she was an inspiration on how she stuck to it with fantastic end results, BTW I am ft 6.2 and 242 lbs, so a BMI of 30.1.
That's close to where I started from WR. All the better when the results are noticed by others.
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Sorry guys haven't posted for a while had a few things going on.
Brief update, had my hba1c done before I started the diet but only got results last week and it was 10.8 which is WAY to high. I am seeing my DN tomorrow and when she rang me to tell me my results she immediately wanted to put me back on metformin (which I can't tolerate), or gliclaside which I don't want to go on. I told her I am not going on meds and had she heard of Newcastle diet. She stated she hadn't!!!! I'm going to suggest I restart the diet, keep a log of sugars, food eaten, body weight and measurements and show to her that it does work, and should be a suggestion for the no doubt hundreds of diabetics she see and immediately puts onto medication with no alternative solution. So I'm hoping after tomorrow I'll be back posting with the support of the DN. a pipe dream of mine would be to have a local support group at the GP's with a group of diabetics who are going through the ND, a bit like weight watchers for diabetics. Can you imagine the money that would be saved in not required meds etc. a big part of this process though is follow on eating plans something I fell foul of once I'd successfully completed the ND. Maybe the prof should publish something??
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Sorry guys haven't posted for a while had a few things going on.
Brief update, had my hba1c done before I started the diet but only got results last week and it was 10.8 which is WAY to high. I am seeing my DN tomorrow and when she rang me to tell me my results she immediately wanted to put me back on metformin (which I can't tolerate), or gliclaside which I don't want to go on. I told her I am not going on meds and had she heard of Newcastle diet. She stated she hadn't!!!! I'm going to suggest I restart the diet, keep a log of sugars, food eaten, body weight and measurements and show to her that it does work, and should be a suggestion for the no doubt hundreds of diabetics she see and immediately puts onto medication with no alternative solution. So I'm hoping after tomorrow I'll be back posting with the support of the DN. a pipe dream of mine would be to have a local support group at the GP's with a group of diabetics who are going through the ND, a bit like weight watchers for diabetics. Can you imagine the money that would be saved in not required meds etc. a big part of this process though is follow on eating plans something I fell foul of once I'd successfully completed the ND. Maybe the prof should publish something??
Well, you just have to read through this thread that you started to see you have inspired others. You can at least have an online support group.

Check out those who have completed and struggled to find follow on diet. Low carb is the way forward, and there are lots of members who pist about LCHF. There is also a low carb diet thread, so plenty of inspiration and advice.

Don't stop posting, even if you are struggling. Always someone else who is having similar difficulty or has been there and solved it.
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Will do pipp, had a few medical things going on, not diabetes related so not been able to progress as I'd like but reinvigorated now, got all clear from tests so back on it
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Sorry guys haven't posted for a while had a few things going on.
Brief update, had my hba1c done before I started the diet but only got results last week and it was 10.8 which is WAY to high. I am seeing my DN tomorrow and when she rang me to tell me my results she immediately wanted to put me back on metformin (which I can't tolerate), or gliclaside which I don't want to go on. I told her I am not going on meds and had she heard of Newcastle diet. She stated she hadn't!!!! I'm going to suggest I restart the diet, keep a log of sugars, food eaten, body weight and measurements and show to her that it does work, and should be a suggestion for the no doubt hundreds of diabetics she see and immediately puts onto medication with no alternative solution. So I'm hoping after tomorrow I'll be back posting with the support of the DN. a pipe dream of mine would be to have a local support group at the GP's with a group of diabetics who are going through the ND, a bit like weight watchers for diabetics. Can you imagine the money that would be saved in not required meds etc. a big part of this process though is follow on eating plans something I fell foul of once I'd successfully completed the ND. Maybe the prof should publish something??

Hi Geordie

Nice to see you back, we all have sort of taken over your thread haven't we :)
I dont really trust in NHS and I am sure your DN will not be pleased listening to your views on ND, if she does support you, nothing better than that.
I have finished my nd just now and I plan to go on LCHF again which worked for me earlier and got me down from 142 to 39.
I wish we did get support from NHS as it would save them a lot of money but I dont honestly think it will happen anytime soon.
Do keep updating as we are all here, we might be useless but can be supportive to say the least :)
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Your hardly useless brettsza you lot reinspire me to get back on it. It does seem madness that the NHS won't at least look at the benefits. I know the diet in its purest form is not sustainable in the longer period but I think most if not all who have stuck to it rigidly have seen massive improvements, there will always be some where medication is the only answer but the majority will benefit. The reality is though that follow on advice and guidance and a plan which can be sustained for life is the key to a long and healthy old age being less of a 'burden' on the overstretched NHS.


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Long term my plan is definitely to stay LCHF with occasional treats as you do need one in a while but thats it, I am not going back to my old eating habits and I have meter so I will not miss testing myself regularly, infact if I miss a test I start feeling that something is missing, its just how you get used to everything.
I have a DN appointment tomorrow I will post what happens but I am sure she will just say the same thing she said last time that keep doing whatever you are doing coz it seems to be working for you, I will say its LCHF and she will show me her fist to say you need this much carbs in your diet, and I would think something I cant write here and get lost from there. Thats it.
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Can I be so bold to suggest ( as a newcomer to this thread) an app recommended in Dr David Cavans book "Reverse your Diabetes" called "Carbs & Cals" I find it simple to use, add a note like waking BS levels and weight, some peeps are using " My Fitness Pal" too complicated for me


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Only mentioned the above app as it helps me as being another tool in the box to get me through the next torturous 6 weeks, always hungry ......Grrrrr


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I did use my fitness pal but when the ND you don't need to as it's fairly straight forward tbh


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Only mentioned the above app as it helps me as being another tool in the box to get me through the next torturous 6 weeks, always hungry ......Grrrrr
Hi Wildrover - Drink loads of water for the hunger. I know - who are we to give such simple advice? Well dont like drinking water as a rule - and dont carry it with me - but when the hunger hits (and it will subside) water is an instant cure. Especially if it is cold. You can feel it inside :eek:
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I find mfp underestimates the calories sometime so I just don't use anything, just weigh everything I eat and calculate accordingly. I am not taking chances with calories and carbs I eat.
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You can also try sparkling water, I found that really helped at any time, I was coping quite well after having a glass of that.
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My long term plan is to firstly get down to my target weight - and establish it is below my personal threshold through monitoring - then keep the weight below that threshold using LCHF. I'm just going to guess at a weight and keep there - I'm thinking 85kg? At least I will still be able to fit into my newly purchased wardrobe. Be a shame to grow out of it again when I come of the ND?
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You can also try sparkling water, I found that really helped at any time, I was coping quite well after having a glass of that.
Ditto that and Steve's comments above. Where I used to grab some biscuits when I felt hungry, I keep some bottled sparkling mineral water on the go all the time and it fends off the hunger pangs.
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Hi Wildrover - Drink loads of water for the hunger. I know - who are we to give such simple advice? Well dont like drinking water as a rule - and dont carry it with me - but when the hunger hits (and it will subside) water is an instant cure. Especially if it is cold. You can feel it inside :eek:
Thanks Steve, never thought of that, don't like water, but gonna have to change that,
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Day 39 - Weight finally on the move again - down 0.2kg - not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but better than no movement. Still holding 24.2 BMI - total weight loss on the ND 7.8kg. After 4 days on a plateau, I had to ask myself what was sustaining my weight! It must have been water - after all that talk of water yesterday, I found myself drinking liters of it. So it was either all the water flushing out my system, or all the exercise I got doing the flushing! Anyway - fasting bloods 5.7 - also down a little - so all good.:D

17 days to go - and 4.1kg to lose to reach my target.:rolleyes:
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Hi Geordie

Nice to see you back, we all have sort of taken over your thread haven't we :)
I dont really trust in NHS and I am sure your DN will not be pleased listening to your views on ND, if she does support you, nothing better than that.
I have finished my nd just now and I plan to go on LCHF again which worked for me earlier and got me down from 142 to 39.
I wish we did get support from NHS as it would save them a lot of money but I dont honestly think it will happen anytime soon.
Do keep updating as we are all here, we might be useless but can be supportive to say the least :)

Hiya im not up to date with the new numbers, can you tell me what they mean - what is 39?