Newly diagnosed T2


Hi. Just been diagnosed with T2 and trying to get my head round the lifestyle changes I need to make. Just got back from a 3 hour supermarket shopping trip and for the first time ever checked each package for the nutritional info and never realised just how many carbs were in my (now former) favourite foods but I do have a real passion for olives but are they ok for snacks for T2 diabetics? Would welcome any other suggestions for snacks. Sorry if this is repeating other posts.

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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello and welcome!

Olives are just perfect as a snack. Other ideas would be nuts, small pieces of cheese, plain, full-fat Greek yoghurt, cold meat.

You might find this website helpful:

Good luck and stick around - this is a great place for support, information and advice.
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Mrs T 123

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi. Just been diagnosed with T2 and trying to get my head round the lifestyle changes I need to make. Just got back from a 3 hour supermarket shopping trip and for the first time ever checked each package for the nutritional info and never realised just how many carbs were in my (now former) favourite foods but I do have a real passion for olives but are they ok for snacks for T2 diabetics? Would welcome any other suggestions for snacks. Sorry if this is repeating other posts.

Hello & Welcome! Boiled eggs, 85% and above (if you can take it) Lindtt dark chocolate, nuts, cheese strings ...


Thanks for the suggestions. All things that I like. Picked up a few of these things at the supermarket but probably more luck than judgement but I’m still learning. Have ordered a book called Carbs & Cals which was recommended to me. It’s a bit scary being diagnosed and I wish I’d listened to my GP when he said I was pre-diabetic. My fault though. Thought diabetes only affected other people not me. But enough of my self pity, I’m determined to get myself into diabetic remission and from what I’ve seen on the forum so far there great support and encouragement.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I found it really easy to get into remission - I have a chicken roasting, and will have mashed swede and assorted low carb veges with it. My carb intake is under 40 gm per day but I can still make tasty meals and only need to eat twice a day, no snacks as I am not hungry.
I do have coffee with cream with my meals.
Some people find it odd that I have 'ordinary' meals for breakfast - steak and mushrooms, a pork chop and stir fry or fish and salad but it works for me.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi @CamGreen and welcome.
I remember those early supermarket hunts only too well. Bascially anything in packet or tin is likely off limits, except very dark chocolate, 85% cocoa or higher if you can build up to that.
Just think real food, single, easily identifiable one word foods, then put them together to make tasty meals, so:
Beef, pork, lamb, chicken
Fish, shellfish,
Cheese, cream, plain yoghurt
Green vegetables including salads
Olives, nuts

If its in a packet it will have been processed and adapted and is likely too high carb .
My supermarket shop is now very quick as I don't even need to walk down most aisles


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello and welcome @CamGreen

Welcome to the club no one wants to join :) . It's great that you have found this place. It is full of some of the wisest, most compassionate and amazing people I have ever 'met'.

If you haven't already done so I highly recommend that you get a meter. This is the tool that will let you work out what different foods do to your levels.

You have been given some great suggestions for food already so I will just leave you with a welcome.

Good luck and let us know how you go :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hello, and welcome! It's not a fun club to be in but you can learn a lot from the others in here.