Newly diagnosed type 3c


Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Diet only
First of all, sorry for my long post!
When I first found this site, the threads I was reading were the ones I clicked on from the email I get. I was going to ask somewhere if there were any people with type 3c but I've since found my way around a bit better and see there's a link to 3c which I'll have a look at too. I had my pancreas removed 8.5 years ago but didn't become diabetic. Since then my GP surgery haven't contacted me at all, but I've been checking my blood weekly. For the last couple of years it's been getting higher. One time I rang the surgery about this only to be told there was no-one I could talk to! In January this year I was told by standard letter that I was pre-diabetic and given a link to an online course to do (still no recognition of the fact that I'd had a total pancreatectomy). However I had to see a nurse for a follow up of the blood test so that I could be offered statins for high cholesterol and when I mentioned that I was worried about my weight loss, two stone in two years, she said that was OK as my BMI was OK! Since then I've asked for an HbA1c test and now told that I am type 3c. But it can't be dealt with at the surgery, so referred to the hospital! Got the appointment through a couple of weeks ago for 22nd October! I have since seen a diabetic nurse at the surgery, who's fitted me with a constant glucose monitor for a few weeks, when I guess I'll get further instructions. I did query if I'd have to wait till October before getting any treatment, but she said, no, she can start that. So I'm not entirely sure why I have to attend the hopital now. But maybe others on here can tell me.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
In January this year I was told by standard letter that I was pre-diabetic and given a link to an online course to do (still no recognition of the fact that I'd had a total pancreatectomy). However I had to see a nurse for a follow up of the blood test so that I could be offered statins for high cholesterol and when I mentioned that I was worried about my weight loss, two stone in two years, she said that was OK as my BMI was OK! Since then I've asked for an HbA1c test and now told that I am type 3c.
Hi @OscarLove , welcome to the forum.

May I ask what your last hba1c was and what your own weekly glucose tests usually show?
Slightly elevated blood glucose can wait for a while, but if you're regularly seeing numbers in the high tens or twenties it's a different story.

I'm wondering about the total pancreatectomy, you might want to have a look at your records on that. Without a pancreas you don't produce any insulin, which isn't compatible with life unless you inject insulin.
Can it be you had a partial pancreatectomy?
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Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi @OscarLove , welcome to the forum.

May I ask what your last hba1c was and what your own weekly glucose tests usually show?
Slightly elevated blood glucose can wait for a while, but if you're regularly seeing numbers in the high tens or twenties it's a different story.

I'm wondering about the total pancreatectomy, you might want to have a look at your records on that. Without a pancreas you don't produce any insulin, which isn't compatible with life unless you inject insulin.
Can it be you had a partial pancreatectomy?
I cannot believe that someone, especially someone I don't even know, would have the affront to suggest that I don't know what operation I had and to suggest I check my records is absolutely outrageous!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I cannot believe that someone, especially someone I don't even know, would have the affront to suggest that I don't know what operation I had and to suggest I check my records is absolutely outrageous!
My apologies, I didn't mean to suggest anything unhelpful or unfriendly, and I'm sorry you took it that way.

As far as I understand, the pancreas is the only organ that can produce insulin, so without a pancreas no insulin will be produced at all. Everything I've read says insulin is needed to live, hence my asking to double check.

I did query if I'd have to wait till October before getting any treatment, but she said, no, she can start that. So I'm not entirely sure why I have to attend the hopital now. But maybe others on here can tell me.
I think the most important thing now is getting the right treatment.
T3C is more complex than T2, and GP's and their diabetes nurses don't as a rule have much experience with this. Hence the referral to an endocrinologist at the hospital.
But if the waiting lists are that long, it doesn't do to leave you sitting without treatment until October, so it makes sense the surgery is starting treatment as soon as your continuous monitor results are in.

I hope this helps, wish you all the best!
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Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Diet only
First of all, sorry for my long post!
When I first found this site, the threads I was reading were the ones I clicked on from the email I get. I was going to ask somewhere if there were any people with type 3c but I've since found my way around a bit better and see there's a link to 3c which I'll have a look at too. I had my pancreas removed 8.5 years ago but didn't become diabetic. Since then my GP surgery haven't contacted me at all, but I've been checking my blood weekly. For the last couple of years it's been getting higher. One time I rang the surgery about this only to be told there was no-one I could talk to! In January this year I was told by standard letter that I was pre-diabetic and given a link to an online course to do (still no recognition of the fact that I'd had a total pancreatectomy). However I had to see a nurse for a follow up of the blood test so that I could be offered statins for high cholesterol and when I mentioned that I was worried about my weight loss, two stone in two years, she said that was OK as my BMI was OK! Since then I've asked for an HbA1c test and now told that I am type 3c. But it can't be dealt with at the surgery, so referred to the hospital! Got the appointment through a couple of weeks ago for 22nd October! I have since seen a diabetic nurse at the surgery, who's fitted me with a constant glucose monitor for a few weeks, when I guess I'll get further instructions. I did query if I'd have to wait till October before getting any treatment, but she said, no, she can start that. So I'm not entirely sure why I have to attend the hopital now. But maybe others on here can tell me.
My apologies, I didn't mean to suggest anything unhelpful or unfriendly, and I'm sorry you took it that way.

As far as I understand, the pancreas is the only organ that can produce insulin, so without a pancreas no insulin will be produced at all. Everything I've read says insulin is needed to live, hence my asking to double check.

I think the most important thing now is getting the right treatment.
T3C is more complex than T2, and GP's and their diabetes nurses don't as a rule have much experience with this. Hence the referral to an endocrinologist at the hospital.
But if the waiting lists are that long, it doesn't do to leave you sitting without treatment until October, so it makes sense the surgery is starting treatment as soon as your continuous monitor results are in.

I hope this helps, wish you all the best!
Thank you, apology accepted. I know I am/was an anomoly, even the surgeon couldn't understand it and after the op I was kept in hospital, while they waited for something to heppen. I finally told them they could have my bed and I'd wait at home just as easily. I did Google it and found that it can heppen but I now can't find it again!
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