NHS - Biscuits For Recovery


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On Wednesday I had to go into hospital for a small procedure (endoscopy - down the throat stomach exploration). I opted for the sedation (which I can highly recommend by the way) and when I had come round sufficiently to sit up I was offered a cup of tea. They knew I was T2D as they had taken my blood sugars twice (both times around 6 and 5 so not too low).

My cup of tea was very gratefully received as I had been unable to drink since the night before but they also brought me.... yes, you guessed it... 3 digestive biscuits! Seriously? :rolleyes:
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On Wednesday I had to go into hospital for a small procedure (endoscopy - down the throat stomach exploration). I opted for the sedation (which I can highly recommend by the way) and when I had come round sufficiently to sit up I was offered a cup of tea. They knew I was T2D as they had taken my blood sugars twice (both times around 6 and 5 so not too low).

My cup of tea was very gratefully received as I had been unable to drink since the night before but they also brought me.... yes, you guessed it... 3 digestive biscuits! Seriously? :rolleyes:
How stupid. Having said that, a type 2 at out hospital support group brought in chocolate digestives to out meeting on Tuesday. I was the only one who didn't have one.
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I had a day procedure a couple of years ago- in my letter it said "After your procedure you will be discharged after you have had a drink and light snack e.g) tea and toast, someone will need to collect you blah blah

I took in 2 slices of burgen bread and they were quite happy to toast that for me - though they did offer me jam!
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The woman opposite me on the ward right now is T2, so they keep giving her bananas...
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Not being on holiday....
The last time I had an endoscopy they tried to give me some toast......I am a coeliac!

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A few years back our local DUK organiser together with the NHS arranged diabetes support group meetings and tea/coffee with sugar and biscuits were offered but no sweeteners.
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So the NHS fails again.
A small procedure successfully completed. Sedation offered and gladly accepted.
And then the offer of a cup of tea and 3 biscuits.
Tea gladly accepted and much appreciated but optional, it could have been left.
3 biscuits not appreciated but also optional, didn't have to be eaten.
50/50 split here.
Solution. No tea No biscuits. Problem solved.
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
So the NHS fails again.
A small procedure successfully completed. Sedation offered and gladly accepted.
And then the offer of a cup of tea and 3 biscuits.
Tea gladly accepted and much appreciated but optional, it could have been left.
3 biscuits not appreciated but also optional, didn't have to be eaten.
50/50 split here.
Solution. No tea No biscuits. Problem solved.

Tea and biscuits seem to go together, but if you can't eat them, or don't want to eat them, then politely refuse. I know a type 2 who eats the odd biscuit or dessert, they take Metformin. I was offered the same with my 2 endoscopie's but I refused as I would of had to take some Insulin, also I don't snack in between meals, plus the endoscopy was to find out if I had Coeliac,................... I did !
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
The last time I had an endoscopy they tried to give me some toast......I am a coeliac!


Similar to you, but had a hypo at the diabetes clinic and they gave me 2 digestive's, I had just been diagnosed with Coeliac, forgot and took a bite then spat it out. I told the DSN why I couldn't eat it, but she said 'it won't kill you,' I said ' maybe not, but it would make me violently ill' ! so they gave me 2 GF Barkat cracker's.............. very nice they were too and I was allowed to take the rest of the packet home with me :)
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I'm guessing that the majority of type 2's (or anyone for that matter) would have gratefully accepted the biscuits. I wonder what is the percentage of type 2s in the general population who are low carbing or at least not consuming high carb items. The person who offered them probably does so a hundred times a week and would not know whether a person wants them or not. My point being that maybe individuals should simply say thanks but no thanks. Like I do at work when I am constantly offered biscuits and cakes. I soon got fed up with explaining why. I guess it's better than a nurse saying 'You ain't getting any biscuits because you're a diabetic'.


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Not being on holiday....
I'm guessing that the majority of type 2's (or anyone for that matter) would have gratefully accepted the biscuits. I wonder what is the percentage of type 2s in the general population who are low carbing or at least not consuming high carb items. The person who offered them probably does so a hundred times a week and would not know whether a person wants them or not. My point being that maybe individuals should simply say thanks but no thanks. Like I do at work when I am constantly offered biscuits and cakes. I soon got fed up with explaining why. I guess it's better than a nurse saying 'You ain't getting any biscuits because you're a diabetic'.

Yes indeed I agree but please please don't think I was being rude I just added my two penneth amongst understanding friends.



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Yes indeed I agree but please please don't think I was being rude I just added my two penneth amongst understanding friends.

Gosh Tony, of course I don't think that!!, anything but! I love reading everyone's opinions as I find we are mostly the same when it comes to the 'outside' world and their funny little ways x


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@therower - Have you ever tried getting out of Glenfield hospital, post surgery, without eating and drinking?

After day case surgery, I said, I'd be fine with just a cup of tea prior to going home. I was politely, but firmly told that wouldn't be happening, and then offered cake, crisps of another variety of plastic cheese on curly white bread. Thankfully, this was before I had to go gluten free.

I concluded a stand-off wasn't going to help anyone, and eating as little as I could get away with of the sarnie was the way to go. I ate, drank, passed water as required and went home to my own bed.

I have a standing agreement with my OH that should I ever require hospitalisation he will bring me food parcels, as I would for him.

Neither us us are keen on beige food.


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@DCUKMod, the food parcel part of your comment made me giggle.
When my mums friend had her baby she was told she was only allowed water and toast for the three days following whilst she was on the postnatal ward (she ended up with emergency c-section)

Breakfast was a glass of water with a slice and a half (how generous) of toast which was either drowning in butter or had barely enough butter for an ant (depending who was making the toast that time)

she was very pleased when I snuck her up subway and orange juice haha.
the midwife came in and asked who the subways was. mums friends daughter said “it’s the baby’s”
midwife replied “baby can only have milk though love”
daughter replied “yes I know, mummy eats the subway then feeds it to the baby in her milk”
(she wasn’t even breast feeding )

midwife saw the fun side of it luckily


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How stupid. Having said that, a type 2 at out hospital support group brought in chocolate digestives to out meeting on Tuesday. I was the only one who didn't have one.

Really???? The nurse is offering tea and biscuits as they no doubt do for every patient. Doesn’t make them ‘stupid’ just because you don’t want or can’t have them doesn’t mean they should be berated.
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Really???? The nurse is offering tea and biscuits as they no doubt do for every patient. Doesn’t make them ‘stupid’ just because you don’t want or can’t have them doesn’t mean they should be berated.
Yes, really. They are supposed to be aware that the patient is diabetic. When my late father went to hospital last year, he was offered a drink because he'd been waiting so long. The nurse asked if he was diabetic before offering a biscuit.


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How would it be if when eating out the waitress or waiter asked if there was any diabetics dining on the table.
A decision was then made to remove everything from the menu " off limits " for diabetics .
As a T1 I'm incapable of producing insulin.
As a T1 I'm not incapable of making my own choices regarding what I choose to eat or not eat.
As a diabetic it's my responsibility to tell people of my condition not for people to have to ask me.
Sadly the blame culture prevelant in society seems to be getting worse.


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How would it be if when eating out the waitress or waiter asked if there was any diabetics dining on the table.
A decision was then made to remove everything from the menu " off limits " for diabetics .
As a T1 I'm incapable of producing insulin.
As a T1 I'm not incapable of making my own choices regarding what I choose to eat or not eat.
As a diabetic it's my responsibility to tell people of my condition not for people to have to ask me.
Sadly the blame culture prevelant in society seems to be getting worse.
False analogy. It was simple common sense for the nurse to check if the patient was diabetic.


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False analogy. It was simple common sense for the nurse to check if the patient was diabetic.
Real world. Nurses no longer have time or resources to do this for every patient. If attending every patient they asked if they were diabetic then they would also have to check for all other eating conditions. religious beliefs regarding diet and personal choices. It's a hospital for people not just " selfish look at me diabetics."
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Real world. Nurses no longer have time or resources to do this for every patient. If attending every patient they asked if they were diabetic then they would also have to check for all other eating conditions. religious beliefs regarding diet and personal choices. It's a hospital for people not just " selfish look at me diabetics."

You are over thinking things. First, they should do no harm. The other points you try to include are irrelevant.

The reference to "selfish look at me diabetics" is also a very unfortunate choice of words.