non alcoholic beer

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
In a 275 ml can/bottle of alcohol free Becks there is 13.75 gms of carbs. (5.0 gm per 100ml)
In a 275 ml can/bottle of Becks there is 8.75 gms of carbs (3.0gm per 100ml)


thanks sue, so non alcoholic beer has more carbs. thought i was doing good drinking non al beer as i have a problem with alcohol. am type 2 so back to the drawing board for me.


Well-Known Member
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Self serving politicians

I'm still off the beer, but back on red wine and whisky.

Can you tell me if a brand of bottled beer called Desperados is in your book? It's a lager beer laced with Tequilla.

John aka Wallycorker

Well-Known Member
harryd said:
thanks sue, so non alcoholic beer has more carbs. thought i was doing good drinking non al beer as i have a problem with alcohol. am type 2 so back to the drawing board for me.
Hi harryd,

I think that you'll find wine or spirits are the most suitable alcoholic drinks carbohydrate-wise.

It's the odd glass or two of red wine these days for me because from what I read that has health-protective benefits too other than the lower carbohydrate content. However, I've changed from being an heavy drinker to drinking very little and I must say that I feel better for it.

Best wishes - John

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
Ardbeg said:

I'm still off the beer, but back on red wine and whisky.

Can you tell me if a brand of bottled beer called Desperados is in your book? It's a lager beer laced with Tequilla.

Not in book but found this on net.

Home>>Beer / Ale>>Desperado

Desperado recipe details
Desperado Ingredients

1/2 pint beer
1/4 pint tequila
1/4 pint Limeade
Desperado Direction

Half fill a pint glass with beer. Add the tequila, then top off with limeade, and serve.
Other Desperado categories

Desperado recipe

(per 16 oz serving) Calories (kcal): : 421
Energy (kj): : 1762
Fats: : 0 g
Carbohydrates: : 21.6 g
Protein: : 0.8 g
Fiber: : 0.8 g
Sugars: : -
Cholesterol: : 0 mg
Sodium: : 29 mg
Alcohol: : 56.7 g


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
if you are talking about the bottled/canned variety ,It's quite popular amongst some of the young here.
In my search I found I mayor who wanted it banned from his town and another person asking why on earth it was allowed to be called beer.
I couldn't find the carbs but the ingredients suggest its high in carbs, I also found it on a list of the sweetest beers with a score of 8/10, (for comparison Fosters was 7/10
I've posted the ingredients, I won't translate as it seems fairly obvious

Bière-sucre-arôme (75% de Tequila)-acidifiant : acide citrique- antioxydant : acide ascorbique.
. Saveur très sucrée. C'est une bière agréable, pétillante, et dans laquelle se retrouve une pointe de Tequila. Alcool : 5,9%
Desperado Red (this one has decided to pretend to be healthy by containing vitamin C and saying that its low GI :!:
Bière, sucre, concentré de jus de fruits rouges, extrait de guarana (contient de la caféine), arômes : 50% de tequila, 25% de cachaça), acidifiant : acide citrique, antioxydant : acide ascorbique, alcool : 5.9% vol. Contient du malt d'orge
Taux Alcool : 5.9%
Bière riche en vitamine B,C et PP
Riche également en glucides lents provennant de l'orge et qui libèrent progressivement leur énergie dans l'organisme