Non Diabetic Glucose Levels On Steriods


I’m looking for some advice or experience.
I’m on my second prolonged dose of Steriods for autoimmune conditions and I’m now being tested for diabetes due to blood sugars fluctuations.

5.2 after eating
7.7 fasting
Excessive thirst (drinking 5lts a day)
Sugar in urine

Has anyone else had similar issues?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Corticosteroids raise glucose levels my glucose levels - I found just a single injection caused a rise for several days. If you do a forum search you'll find a number of discussions about their effect on us as diabetics, and you can find information on various ranges for both diabetic and non-diabetic glucose levels on our main web site:

Searching on Google should also tell you what effects steroids might have on non diabetics.

Be aware that a couple of one-off readings can tell you nothing except what your glucose level was a the time of the test, and food, exercise, etc will also have an effect on these. You should be having at least one HbA1c test which will give your average glucose level over several months, and any possible diagnosis will (or should) be made from these results.
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