Not losing weight?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

Diabetic 1 here. My daily meal plan looks like this:

Breakfast: 1 egg

Lunch: Cold raw salmon + nuts + green leaf vegetables

Dinner: Cold raw salmon + avocado + tomatoes

In between meal snack: apples or nuts

I take Tresiba 20 in morning + 20 in the evening. All other occasions when I eat i take 5 - 10 units Novorapid.

However, I do not do any intensive workout. Just out walking every other day.

I’m not losing any weight.

Tips? More intensive workout?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
I've been searching for a tweet I read a couple of hours ago, but couldn't find it. Apparently nuts could be the culprit. I'll bear it in mind, because I'm in the same boat. Sad but true.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
What is your caloric requirement to maintain your current weight?
Then how many calories are you consuming a day in total? You have to be in a calorific deficit to lose weight, this is better with a combination of diet and exercise. I've lost over 12kg in less than 3 months and I wouldn't say I really eat healthy, but I check my portion sizes and calories. I also do exercise, HIIT for 25-30 minutes a day.

I'd suggest incorporating at least 10-15 minutes of HIIT into your day, it will definitely pay off.

I would leave out snacks, they are a bad habit. Also what are your glucose levels, is it well controlled and how many hypos are you having? This will lead to unnecessary calories if not controlled.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Apples in the plural, for snacks, could be more carbs than you can cope with.
A single egg for breakfast could be too little to start the day - I only eat twice a day, but start off with a proper meal - I then don't even feel hungry until the evening.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
What is your caloric requirement to maintain your current weight?
Then how many calories are you consuming a day in total? You have to be in a calorific deficit to lose weight, this is better with a combination of diet and exercise. I've lost over 12kg in less than 3 months and I wouldn't say I really eat healthy, but I check my portion sizes and calories. I also do exercise, HIIT for 25-30 minutes a day.

I'd suggest incorporating at least 10-15 minutes of HIIT into your day, it will definitely pay off.

I would leave out snacks, they are a bad habit. Also what are your glucose levels, is it well controlled and how many hypos are you having? This will lead to unnecessary calories if not controlled.

well, i have never counted calories. RIght now have quite a few hypos. At least 1 daily. And then i have to eat snacks to get it up. And since i'm afraid of high sugars. I have currently adapted to the meal plan i wrote in the original post. But maybe it might be a good idea to include more carbs in my meals so i dont get so many lows and instaed focus on workoing out more.

Apples in the plural, for snacks, could be more carbs than you can cope with.
A single egg for breakfast could be too little to start the day - I only eat twice a day, but start off with a proper meal - I then don't even feel hungry until the evening.

Example of your daily meal plan?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Coffee with cream to start the day, scrambled eggs with cheese and a thinly sliced tomato on top, kept warm for a minute for the cheese to melt - or an omelette with mushrooms or sweet pepper - pre cooked or left over veges warmed up. sometimes sausages instead of eggs, or other things such as a salad with fish or shellfish or chicken.
In the evening I have any meat fish or shellfish and cook veges - often roasting them with herbs, or steaming them.
My carb target at the moment is under40 gm per day, about 10 in the morning and 30 in the evening - but you might be bing forced to eat carbs to counter the medication - perhaps asking your prescriber how many gm of carbs they expect you to be eating might clarify the situation,


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Coffee with cream to start the day, scrambled eggs with cheese and a thinly sliced tomato on top, kept warm for a minute for the cheese to melt - or an omelette with mushrooms or sweet pepper - pre cooked or left over veges warmed up. sometimes sausages instead of eggs, or other things such as a salad with fish or shellfish or chicken.
In the evening I have any meat fish or shellfish and cook veges - often roasting them with herbs, or steaming them.
My carb target at the moment is under40 gm per day, about 10 in the morning and 30 in the evening - but you might be bing forced to eat carbs to counter the medication - perhaps asking your prescriber how many gm of carbs they expect you to be eating might clarify the situation,
Eating no carbs is possible for type 1 diabetics, but the problem will be with high protein and fat meals the glucose levels may increase slowly. The fast acting insulin (novo rapid) acts too fast causing a low between 1-3 hours, once you counteract this the glucose levels are probably on their way up. This then leads to prolonged highs. It may be better for you to split your bolus half initially then half after an hour or so to counteract this drop.


Staff Member
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I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Is this 7 day meal plan for diabetes 1 weight loss worth considering?

Kaup - Apologies, I'm coming to this thread late in the day.

Could I ask you to consider updating you profile to disclose your diabetes status, and what, if any medication you take? That way folks can begin to put some of your queries into some context.

Some people find calorie restriction is important to them to lose weight and for others the type of calories they restrict are important. Some find they can eat more calories, if they keep the carbs down, and others find they just need to eat a bit less.

Have you tried such a weight loss programme before, and if so, what was the effect for you?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Kaup - Apologies, I'm coming to this thread late in the day.

Could I ask you to consider updating you profile to disclose your diabetes status, and what, if any medication you take? That way folks can begin to put some of your queries into some context.

Some people find calorie restriction is important to them to lose weight and for others the type of calories they restrict are important. Some find they can eat more calories, if they keep the carbs down, and others find they just need to eat a bit less.

Have you tried such a weight loss programme before, and if so, what was the effect for you?

Just updated it. I tried low carb diet and lost 10 kilo in 6 months to 1 year.