Oh dear!


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Speak for yourself, but don't tar us all with the same brush! :banghead::mad: You may have stuffed your face with rubbish, but I certainly didn't. I only ended up late in life with T2 when I was put in a position where I was expected to eat more "healthy" carbs than my ancient pancreas could eventually tolerate.
I didn't actually say that, see stuff taken out of context. Jeez!!!!
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A word of warning not to watch "The Money Heist" on Netflix then, the hostages standard food items to eat were sandwiches and cold pizza.

Either diabetes or diabetic was mentioned when these were being handed out, the sub titles were a bit quick in that bit and I missed who said it a hostage or a bank robber.

There were some comments from both sides which I found amusing...

I must watch that! I'm sure I would find it amusing too, it always gets me shouting at the screen whenever they misrepresent diabetes but it can be funny. I think we are all capable of seeing the humour in it and I would hate to think we all went about being permanently offended, but it's when a Professional says these things in a public forum because Professionals are listened to and believed. Look how many of them say 'low carb/keto is bad for you' leaving the public at large thinking the same. x


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Speak for yourself, but don't tar us all with the same brush! :banghead::mad: You may have stuffed your face with rubbish, but I certainly didn't. I only ended up late in life with T2 when I was put in a position where I was expected to eat more "healthy" carbs than my ancient pancreas could eventually tolerate.

Hi Robbity, dawmmc said the exact opposite of this, not sure how she came to be misquoted? SHE was the OP who originally expressed disapproval! :)


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..... so I do not care if someone makes assumptions in their ignorance.

Ah, but some of us do, especially when it's a Professional. Also I do understand about associating sugary food with diabetes BUT to me that is entirely different to saying 'you ate sugar so you caused your diabetes' which is what was inferred in the original post. Would we say the same to a person with breast cancer for example?, I doubt it and yet I have read articles implying it's down to 'what you eat & lifestyle'....but none of us would dream of blaming them.
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I think diabetics did unknowingly give themselves diabetes
I assume you are referring to certain diabetics. Or are you suggesting that a 6 month old baby has unknowingly given themselves type 1 diabetes.


Retired Moderator
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I assume you are referring to certain diabetics. Or are you suggesting that a 6 month old baby has unknowingly given themselves type 1 diabetes.


You'd actually be surprised the amount of guilt-tripping a mother might go through on learning her child is diabetic..

"It's an autoimmune disease." She will be informed.

How did that happen? I couldn't express milk at the time, babŷ formula?
Maybe a reaction to the type of baby shampoo? Those rusk things?? Because I chose to give birth at home???
The wrong type of pushchair?? (OK, the latter is a bit far fetched. But you get the idea.)

I was diagnosed a few years later, so there are also other surmised variables.
As I said to mine when I hit my teens after another discussion on the topic. "in some gardens, sheds just happen..." ;)
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South of England
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I assume you are referring to certain diabetics. Or are you suggesting that a 6 month old baby has unknowingly given themselves type 1 diabetes.
Really? Although not explicitly stated is it not obvious - within this forum posted by a known type 2 member such as @Mbaker - that this is not what was meant and type 2 was being discussed. And yes I realise this lack of clarity as to which type is the point I suspect you are making.

and don’t you think it a little ironic how upset a few type 1’s get about the accusation that they bought their diabetes on themselves (understandably) because type 1 is not a choice. This separation of type implies it’s ok to do it to type 2’s. (Edit to add for whom it is not a choice either) Surely it’s upsetting for all to be falsely blamed for something not their (knowing) fault regardless of type or condition.

Either that or it’s a statement made in ignorance or without fully stating the case. So perhaps we are all capable of making a similar mistake to the nurse in question
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@HSSS . As the post is in the “ Diabetes soapbox- have your say” sub forum I see that has open to all for all to see.
I appreciate the statement is maybe just a slip but nonetheless.......;)


Well-Known Member
I dispair at the amount of healthcare professionals that live on a diet of junk food, and are over weight. The very same people who hand out advice about healthy eating. In my experience in working in a setting where at least twice a week the was a massive carbo feast, because someone was leaving, getting married or had a birthday, not once did I see a tray of left over meat, olives, or even salad, so the sugar overload is not restricted to special occasions.
I sorry if the nurses comment linking excess sugary food consumption to diabetes affends you, but I am sort of pleased, its not the full story but at least its a start, now we have to get them to connect bread and baked beans.
If you smoke you are more likely to get lung cancer and heart disease, not everyone who has lung cancer or heart disease smoked. As a society we have decided its better that people do not smoke, as a society I think the best thing on the evidence I have seen is we do not over consume carbs in any form.
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South of England
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@HSSS . As the post is in the “ Diabetes soapbox- have your say” sub forum I see that has open to all for all to see.
I appreciate the statement is maybe just a slip but nonetheless.......;)
Sorry but this has gone right over my head and I don’t know what you’re saying. My statement (which one) or the nurses? Or something else?


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:) @HSSS . Sorry not your statement but the original one I responded to from mbaker.


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I dispair at the amount of healthcare professionals that live on a diet of junk food, and are over weight. The very same people who hand out advice about healthy eating. In my experience in working in a setting where at least twice a week the was a massive carbo feast, because someone was leaving, getting married or had a birthday, not once did I see a tray of left over meat, olives, or even salad, so the sugar overload is not restricted to special occasions.
I sorry if the nurses comment linking excess sugary food consumption to diabetes affends you, but I am sort of pleased, its not the full story but at least its a start, now we have to get them to connect bread and baked beans.
If you smoke you are more likely to get lung cancer and heart disease, not everyone who has lung cancer or heart disease smoked. As a society we have decided its better that people do not smoke, as a society I think the best thing on the evidence I have seen is we do not over consume carbs in any form.
Junk food exacerbates type 2 diabetes, and can trigger it in people with dodgy pancreases. It doesn't, of itself, cause type 2 diabetes.


Junk food exacerbates type 2 diabetes, and can trigger it in people with dodgy pancreases. It doesn't, of itself, cause type 2 diabetes.

I respectfully disagree. Refined carbohydrates mixed with toxic fats and seed oils (Stupid American Diet) is pretty much the perfect storm of metabolic calamity. No one necessarily has to have a 'dodgy pancreas' beforehand. All of the above will go a long way to giving them one.
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South of England
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Junk food exacerbates type 2 diabetes, and can trigger it in people with dodgy pancreases. It doesn't, of itself, cause type 2 diabetes.
I kind of think of it as we all have a certain number of carb miles (variable and personal) our pancreas and metabolism can deal with. And after we reach our annual or lifetime limit we get engine failures to some degree or another - diagnosed or not.


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I respectfully disagree. Refined carbohydrates mixed with toxic fats and seed oils (Stupid American Diet) is pretty much the perfect storm of metabolic calamity. No one necessarily has to have a 'dodgy pancreas' beforehand. All of the above will go a long way to giving them one.

Hi Jim, hope you're well.

Purely from an anecdotal,perspective.
My father. (No longer with us.) T2. A "slim Jim" (or Jay..) like me. Was possibly due to visceral fat gained at a "certain age..?" Junk "fast food" for him was "deviant." Yes there were certain carbs & he was on metformin when diagnosed. "I got a touch of diabetes" he confided in me when diagnosed... "Take this pill.."
Looking at the balanced diet & working out what wasn't working with a little T1 insight from me. (He was also prescribed a meter. Our family GP at the time was forward thinking.) His carb intake was reduced by around 60% & the GP cut his metformin due to an improved A1c.. (This was long before I joined this forum.)

A dog walking friend of mine. Skin tagged (oddly so was my dad.) & claiming he was also slim like me but in his case admitted he had a ravenous appetite for carbs, then gained weight after his 30s possibly an over productive pancreas?? This guy is probably not much older than me. Treating blindly into insulin resistance??

Possibly "the luck of the draw" with T2 as with T1 (or any other type.) regarding the variables on causation. There are others can carry on with no issue.. My wife for instance does adopt the same diet as me but with the addition of the odd "no no."
But due to her age regarding "well women" checks including the potential of any form of diabetes. Has no A1c issue.

So a nurse did a misinformed comedy "one liner" from "family guy..."
Focusing on her job as an HCP in the middle of a national crisis from a certain virus & caught out by the camera glare of a news crew.. Also equally the fottage could have been sensitively cut & left on the floor by an informed film editor?


South of England
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
So a nurse did a misinformed comedy "one liner" from "family guy..."
Focusing on her job as an HCP in the middle of a national crisis from a certain virus & caught out by the camera glare of a news crew.. Also equally the fottage could have been sensitively cut & left on the floor by an informed film editor?
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Hyperinsulinemia is bad juju anyway, so I’m not sure having a pancreas that can ‘cope’ is such a good thing.
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Available fast foods in Supermarkets
I assume you are referring to certain diabetics. Or are you suggesting that a 6 month old baby has unknowingly given themselves type 1 diabetes.
This is unfortunate, you know exactly what I mean. This type of response deflects. I have seen many of your posts so know you are very intelligent (I am not saying this in a bad way).


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@Mbaker . Actually I fully understand what you meant. Apologies, I think I’ve vented certain frustrations with the forum in your direction. This wasn’t my intentions. I just feel that if I had posted the statement that you did I would have had “ feedback” or even moderation from certain individuals.