Okay, thigh placement for Infusion Set for T:Slim. Does it hurt?

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Where at should I place it? How high up or far down? Of course I'll have to shave the general area. And use Skin Tac. My abdomin needs a break, I've been putting infusion sets on it, but rotating it, for 6 months now. I've been scared to try new sites, but now I must venture out. Any advice is DEEPLY appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I put Autosoft 90 (and TruSteel occasionally) on my outer thigh (on rotation with a few other sites).

If I'm standing with my arms at my sides, it's about where my wrist hits. Sometimes a bit more toward the front of my thigh.

I also use my upper outer arms and my butt, below my waistband.

When I put infusion sets on my thigh or butt, I find it most comfortable to have the tubing aimed horizontally. I find it doesn't get snagged on clothes so easily that way. I still need to be careful going to the bathroom and changing clothes, but it doesn't get caught as often.

I don't find that any of those sites (thigh, butt ot arms) hurt at all, but everyone is different.