One year on :-)


Active Member
I am now diagnoses type 2 for a year, just went to have my checks - I must be mental to have them at Christmas!

Anyhoo I am on 40, is that 5.8% or something. Does that mean my blood sugar averages like 7.1 if I read it on my meter?

Anyhoo she thought I could drop a metformin, I have 590mg morning and night, I don't personally think I should, she said we allow diabetics to be up to some crazy number or another, but I'm only 38 and I don't want to go blind and get footrot so I said nah you're ok. If it goes lower I will think about this but I want to have a 'normal' person reading not 'good for a diabetic'

I also have lost a stone and a half she said, its not really fat I have a thing called lympheodema so its fluid I've lost but I've been working hard in that I have to do this really painful massage so I'm happy that's going well.

I'm not sure how good that reading is but I do have the odd cake if I've done such a hard workout my bs is like 4.5 so generally I feel happy.

In the year since I've been diagnosed I have never felt so well in myself and I'd been exhausted for a long time, so I want to thank all of you for your wonderful support and advice. I was lost when I came in here but I feel calm and in control thanks to your help.

So happy Christmas and thankyou so much, you all make a big difference to people's lives so good on you xx


Well-Known Member
Well done Suzie, sounds like your hard work paid off!! If your metformin doesn't give you nasty side effects then there is no harm in staying on it, I understand it gives you some protection from heart disease also. Metformin will only reduce your BGs by about 1 mml so I think most of the hard work has been done by you and not the tablets, give yourself a pat on the back :D