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So wondering if I might actually have PCOS. Going to outline everything I think relevant and see what people think.

I am 36 and was diagnosed t2 in Feb this year, since then I have adopted a Lchf diet got my blood sugars back to normal and lost 3.25 stone.

When I started my periods, aged 11, I would have a period every other week, I was prescribed something to deal with it, but not a contraceptive pill, which I took for a year or so to get things under control. I think hormone based. I had pretty heavy periods, not the horrid need to wear 2 pads type that some people get, but heavy normal if you know what I mean.

When I was at uni I got put on the pill, the doctor prescribed one that would also help with spots as he thought I was spotty! I increasingly gained weight, of course not helped by a bad diet and sedentary life.

When I was about 25 my doctor rang me up to say that she would not prescribe the pill I was on as I was too heavy for it (around 20stone) and that she would start me on cerazette. I stopped having periods on cerazette, which I have been taking since then.

About 3 years ago I actively tried to lose weight and lost 2 stone, I thought by cutting out puddings/chocolate etc and starting to exercise. I wonder now if that was the diabetes starting? In the last couple of years I have noticed my hair thinning quite a bit.

When diagnosed I was prescribed metformin, which I took for 3 months until they saw that I had got my hba1c to normal through Lchf. Have just finished 3 months of just Lchf, bloods being taken next week! However after a couple of months I started having periods, nothing too heavy but after an erratic start every couple of weeks, but not hugely regular. I saw a doctor at the end of June about to go on holiday and he said that to avoid bleeding on holidays to double up my cerazette from then until I went away (a week later) which I did - avoided a period on holiday. On Friday I started a bleed again, which lasted an afternoon, then again today stuff has started again.

Do you think I could also have PCOS, or could have had PCOS which helped bring on the diabetes??

My thyroid tests all came back normal, cholesterol normal, other than slightly low 'good' cholesterol
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Forgot to say I am quite hairy on my neck/upper lip too. Hence why I'm thinking PCOS, with weight gain initially, hair loss now, excessive hair on my neck, irregular periods.
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Forgot to say I am quite hairy on my neck/upper lip too. Hence why I'm thinking PCOS, with weight gain initially, hair loss now, excessive hair on my neck, irregular periods.

I wouldn't like to speculate to be honest, but from your description, you certainly tick a few boxes, in terms of some of the signs, but I'm no HCP.

I'm not sure what additional tests might be undertaken, in your circumstances, but when I was suffering ovarian cysts, some time after a sub-total hysterectomy, I used to have hormone blood tests very regularly to assess and monitor aspects of my hormone production, and a few other things. Those tests were extremely expensive (paid for by my private medical insurance), and allegedly not the most robust, as hormone levels can vary enormously on a day to day basis.

Do you know who will be drawing your bloods? If it's the nurse, or Doc, why not open the conversation with them?


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You do tick quite a few of the boxes.

Maybe go back to your doc and ask.

They did an ultrasound on me for diagnosis.

Although i have to say, the diagnosis achieved absolutely nothing. They offered me quick release metformin - which gave me such a foul taste in the mouth that i had to stop it. And they told me that the best way to avoid symptoms/issues of pcos is to get slim and stay slim. And i was, and am, obese (influenced by another health issue too). I count it a good year if i lose half a stone.

Maybe pcos treatment has changed in recent years, but if so, it hasn't filtered through to me...
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I don't know much about PCOS, except that losing weight seems to be the key to managing it. I have endometriosis, and some of what you say could line up with that... but I wouldn't want you to worry about it unnecessarily. You haven't reported painful periods or some of the other common symptoms, so I could be way off.

I started having periods at 12, and my cycle has usually been 20 days (I'm 42 now). Starting young and having a short cycle means that over the years your body is exposed to more periods, which can encourage the growth of endometriosis. However, you have been on the pill for a lot of the time, so this has meant your body hasn't had much time to grow endometriosis.

Heavy periods are a common sign of the condition. Also, a lot of women have both endometriosis and PCOS. I possibly do, because of the neck/lip hair growth, and being overweight. But I know PCOS can be really hard to diagnose, and that losing weight is key, so I just concentrate on that.

Excess body fat, especially abdominal fat, seems to encourage both PCOS and endometriosis.

Here is some info about both conditions:




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For what you are describing, as others have said, you tick a few boxes, very similar to mines. It might be a good idea to talk to your GP about it.

I have for years improved, on and off, my cycles, acne and hair thinning issues with metformin and low carb dieting. There isn't much out there apart from that to treat PCOS specifically, but different ways to deal with different aspects of it.

Metformin helped me to restore my lost period in the past, before being diabetic (although I was insulin resistant already) and afterwards together with low carb dieting it brought my weight down a few times.

An ultrasound would help to diagnose if you have PCOS. It would be important for you to know if you are planning on trying to conceive and get pregnant in the future.

It is not clear what comes first, PCOS or Insulin Resistance (and diabetes), but in my particular case there is a hereditary aspect to both conditions from the same blood line, and as far as I am concerned they are closely related, I don't think one cause the other but that they are both related to the same issues regarding insulin sensitivity.

In my personal experience, and that of many I know, playing with your cicles by using contraceptives could be detrimental from a PCOS perspective as it plays havocs with the hormonal system.
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I think I will book to see a doctor, for when the blood results I'll be in, as the diabetic nurse isn't much use! A former colleague will be taking my blood, so I'll also have a chat to her about it next week.


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So I went to the doctor this morning and he agrees with me that I fit the PCOS profile. He is referring me to a gynaecologist.
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You do sound like a contender to join the PCOS brigade! The doctors are not sure what came first with me, the PCOS or the diabetes, but sadly having ****** ovaries also means that you will find losing weight a little more difficult than someone without it.
Personally I have had no support for the PCOS, my doctor (female) said "yeah, you have polycystic ovaries, lots of women do. Do an internet search" and that was it!
Luckily for us though, the treatment for both conditions are pretty similar and I was already on metformin. As for the pill, I have to take this for a hormone imbalance but it has made a difference to the pain levels of having a period.
I hope you get an appointment asap and can get a few answers.


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My weight loss has stalled at the moment, which I am partly using PCOS to explain! Doctor was great, took half an hour with me. I'm not on the metformin at the moment as my hba1c results have been too good, but when I see their consultant in October I will ask about possibly restarting the metformin, and also seeing if I could permanently take double dosages of cerazette as that seems to halt things. Luckily no painful periods, but did have them when young, but my problem at the moment is no warning and a few hours of bleeding randomly! E.g. In a 2.5 week period I had 5 episodes of bleeding each lasting no more than a couple of hours! The hair loss is also a problem for me, can deal with the excessive hair eleswhere, but losing it on my head doesn't seem fair when I have too much elsewhere!!

I think for me the PCOS came first and then I developed t2 diabetes as a result of the insulin resistance from the PCOS, but I was on the pill from age 18 (now 36) so many symptoms would have been masked and I've never wanted children so don't care about fertility.


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I'm with you on the hair loss, I regularly clog up the plug after washing my hair, but when my sugars are under control it seems to be much less.


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I had symptoms of diabetes at 6yr old but undiagnosed. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at the age of 22. Then diagnosed with PCOS at 23. Was involved with trials on metformin for PCOS. At 31 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes which I guess was visible due to stopping metformin to do unsuccessful IVF but I believe now it wouldn't have been stopped. I don't know if this helps.