please advice needed


Hello. My name is kerry. I was tested positive for diabetes in Nov 2012. I was put on metformin 500mg tablets 2 x twice daily. But my sugars are still way to high. Morning test are between 10 and 15mmol 2 1/2 hours after food my results are anything between 15 and 26mmol. Many nights before bed the results are in the 30's.
I have to take steriods and i know they boost the levels. But i feel so poorly. I have no energy and need to sleep hours each day.
I had a blood test done by my doctor which came back with a result of 92 the doctor said it should be between 20 and 30. I just dont know what i can do to bring my sugar levels lower. I cant execise due to disabilities. I have changed my diet but nothing is working. Please help any advice would be so appreviated xx


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi carb Foods
you say you have changd your diet,In what way? what are you eating in a normal day? It may be that yourchanges have not been far enough or in the correct ways. It may be that you need some additional meds to help you to get started on the road back. The start back can be for some of us a difficult and trying time :crazy:


Thankyou for replying
I have changed all carbs from white to brown. I avoid anything with sugar in. And I eat low sugar fruit. I dont drink any fizzy drinks and drink loads of water.
Could you tell me if its normal to feel so weak. I just want to sleep all the time x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
By changing your carbs from white to brown all you have done is slowed down the rate of the spike of your blood sugar, but it will still be high after eating them. Advice here is to cut them out as much as you can, so this means cut the bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and anything else made of flour or sugar. Avoid vegetables that grow below ground, bananas and grapes. A good website which shows what is a good diabetic diet is

Hope this helps.


Thank you Denise. I just followed what my diabetic nurse told me, but I will cut out carbs and sugar. anything that will make me feel better. Thank you for the link x
Hi, if you dont mind saying but what kind of disabilities is stopping you doin excercise?

My blood sugars are only just settleing down i was on insulin and recently i have been put on tablets caled, gliclazide instead of my insulin, ive also started goin the gym and buliding muscle so i eat alot too.

i still eat al the general ****, fudge cake. crisps. chocolate, hot choc drinks.
my tablets are doing me well, gyms are suitable for disabled people and it will help alot. trust me.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I started to feel to feel like I had no energy but once I was diagnosed, I stopped all sugary things and started some simple floor exercises at home. As I started to lose a bit of weight and got to know what carbs I could eat, with the help of a meter, I could do a bit more exercise. I also started to cut back on portion sizes. After 4 weeks I had lost something like 10Kg and I started to feel much better. Continuing I have now lost more weight and can exercise even more. I actually feel better than I have done for a few years. Still, there is a long way to go but, once you get that initial feeling that something has improved, it motivates.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. Steroids can cause diabetes to be worse than it would be otherwise. Your nurse may well have given you dated bad diet advice (many of us have suffered it). Do follow the low-carb advice and the links on this forum. If you are still quite young e.g. perhaps under 30'ish and not overweight then late onset Type 1 is always a possibility. If you fit this pattern then suggest the doc gives you the two tests which may help with the right diabetest diagnosis. Following the right diet is always the best first approach.