
Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I will be forever grateful to all the forum members on here who guided me back to good health.

Too many to mention and I don't want to leave anyone out so will just say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone. You know who you are. You do such an amazing job of helping and supporting.....and so much more....

I was diagnosed type 2 on 8th December 2017. Shocked, devastated, not knowing where to turn. I googled 2 words 'Reversing diabetes ' and it brought me to and this amazing forum.

I was apprehensive to start with and just lurked in the background. Listening, learning, taking (trying to) take all this vast amount of information in. There was so much it seemed. I did it in bite size pieces. When I felt more confident I started to join in. I felt like part of a very special community. Going from feeling lost and forlorn to having hope for the future. All because these wonderful people were sharing their knowledge and experience.

I never feel confident giving out info. But I am confident in sharing my own journey which I have done from (almost) day 1. This is what worked for me and what works for so many type 2 diabetics.

Here is my most recent podcast for anyone who may want a little inspiration or guidance. Sharing in the hope that it helps. It was quite a lengthy chat so (I can go on a bit!!!) it was split into 2.

Part 1

Part 2


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you @Debandez for sharing your story. I listened to both episodes and really enjoyed hearing your story and also how this forum helped you on the road to better health. I still remember when you first joined this forum and it’s fascinating to hear how far you have come over time. Well worth a listen - and I’ve also started listening to Daisy’s other ketowoman podcasts I like her style. Thank you for sharing your story and working on getting out the message of hope to the many type 2 diabetics out there. Can’t wait to see your new video presentation when it comes out.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you @Debandez for sharing your story. I listened to both episodes and really enjoyed hearing your story and also how this forum helped you on the road to better health. I still remember when you first joined this forum and it’s fascinating to hear how far you have come over time. Well worth a listen - and I’ve also started listening to Daisy’s other ketowoman podcasts I like her style. Thank you for sharing your story and working on getting out the message of hope to the many type 2 diabetics out there. Can’t wait to see your new video presentation when it comes out.

You were one of my guiding lights. Forever grateful. I knew nothing. Zilch. Didn't even know what a carb was! You took time to help, support, guide. I can't thank you enough. And so many others. Education is certainly key. A few tweaks to my diet and I was onto a winning formula. Never looked back.

Hoping to be recording my presentation this week. Just waiting for my photographer friend to give me the thumbs up. 70+ slides!!!!

Daisy 'Keto woman' has such a great way of interviewing - I was nervous but she made it more of a chat. I felt very relaxed. Great isn't she?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
You are definitely on my list of podcasts to catch up on. These sound brilliant. I like Daisy and a lot of her other pidcasrs5