Popcorn Raise My Blood Sugar

Damien Dufty

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Who has type 2 and claims that popcorn doesn't raise their blood sugar? I don't get it. I enjoy popcorn, but I'm aware that if I eat it, my blood sugar will increase a lot.

Any Advice?

Thanks in advance.
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Retired Moderator
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I don't get it. I enjoy popcorn, but I'm aware that if I eat it, my blood sugar will increase a lot.
All carbs raise blood glucose. Salted popcorn (at least the one in my supermarket, with the only ingredients being corn, oil, and salt) has 48 grams of carbs per 100 grams.
It doesn't weigh much, but it can still add up, depending on portion size.

Damien Dufty

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Don’t eat the popcorn? ;) I can have a very small handful of salted popcorn every now and then nicked from my hubby but it’s really only about 8-10 pieces, I don’t like sweet popcorn at all
I thought popcorn was a safe snack, but I saw on the American Diabetes Association site that it has a high glycemic index and might cause sugar spikes. Is that right? What's your thought about it?
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I thought popcorn was a safe snack, but I saw on the American Diabetes Association site that it has a high glycemic index and might cause sugar spikes. Is that right? What's your thought about it?
Like I said I don’t eat it at all, 6 to 8 kernels very rarely off my hubby. I don’t really have any thoughts on it other than I shouldn’t really eat except very occasionally as mentioned above. I also don’t use the GI of foods - I eat keto so only about 15 - 20g carb a day at most- almost all my carbs come from above ground veggies & salad stuff with the odd small portion of berries.

You may be different and may be able to tolerate a small portion, the only way to know if it’s ok for you is if you do eat it test and see what it does to your BG. You may or may not be pleasantly surprised


Well-Known Member
I thought popcorn was a safe snack, but I saw on the American Diabetes Association site that it has a high glycemic index and might cause sugar spikes. Is that right? What's your thought about it?
Corn of any kind contains carbs. Carbs raise bg. How much depends on each person. It doesn't matter if its salted, buttered or sugared. The coating is a tiny influence compared with the Corn itself
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Who has type 2 and claims that popcorn doesn't raise their blood sugar? I don't get it. I enjoy popcorn, but I'm aware that if I eat it, my blood sugar will increase a lot.

Any Advice?

Thanks in advance.
I wouldn't eat the popcorn. Whether you do depends on whether you want the BG rise that will follow. Is someone claiming that popcorn doesn't have carb? BTW, the "glycaemic index value" of whatever is no use to me - carb raises my BG and whether that kicks in after 20 or 40 minutes doesn't matter all that much to me.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Yeah - if low-carbing, it's all about portion size. Which is the catch when it comes to more-ish popcorn. (As in - one wants more!)

I deal with this by buying pre-portion-sized bags of already popped and salty-buttered popcorn. The bags I buy have six 12g wee bags inside. Each 12g wee bag is nearly 8g of carbs - which is an indicator of how carby popcorn is! 64.5g of carbs er 100g of popped corn.

So, part A of portion control - a premeasured bag. Part B - how often one has nearly 8g of carbs in one fairly modest wee bowl! I allow myself it twice a week, as a netflix-watching on the couch treat.

But! I am not a member of the 5% club! As in, I don't have well regulated non-diabetic range blood glucose. So. Bear that in mind, as I share my popcorn treat dosage.