

Hi everyone, very happy to have found the site. I am a female in my 30's, physically healthy to the best of my knowledge but quite confused about my OGTT results (75g). I had two of them, 7 months apart. The first one indicated what is called prediabetes (2-hour reading was 188). I did some diet-modifications for 7 months (mainly reducing carbs) and the second test gave a 2-hour reading of 75, followed by a reading of 50 at the 3rd hour (which the endo labeled 'reactive hypoglycemia'). The 1st hour reading on this second OGTT was 210, but the doc told me that this is not taken into account since I am not pregnant (I wonder though why the bother taking an 1-hour sample if it is irrelevant in the first place). So, does this all mean I am a non-prediabetic now? I keep following the same, low-carb diet. Many thanks for any input, it is greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I'm not a doctor fuga, but my understanding is that any reading over 11.1 (200 in your currency) is indicative of diabetes. You're right on the borderline. I'd want more tests to make sure, and stay on the modified diet anyway. The "not pregnant" sounds like a red herring to me, but others may know different.
Good luck anyway!


Thank you very much Grazer! I know that any reading over 11.1 is indicative, but there is an ambiguity as to whether consumption of 75g of glucose is considered a 'casual' reading. It's more confusing than I would have thought...
I will certainly stay on the diet though and see how I can test it further. Many thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
Targets for pregnant women are lower (<7.8 mmol/l or about 140 mg/dl after ONE hour), so that's why he told you not to worry.
As for why they do the tests, I don't know but I am sure that there's a reason (possibly to exclude gastroparesis, another complication of diabetes?)

My interpretation of the results is that you DO have pre-diabetes (presumably impaired glucose tolerance since you don't mention fasting levels) but are successfully managing it with your diet.

Did you get an HbA1C test done as well?


Thanks a lot AMBrennan. Yes, it is impaired glucose tolerance, since my fasting levels were in the 80's on both tests. My HbA1C was 5.4% and 5.5%, which is OK I've been told. It is just all new to me because no-one in my immediate family has diabetes, save the fact that many people/doctors do not accept pre-diabetes as a real condition.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I believe pre-diabetes is just a small step on the way to, shall we say, more extensive diabetes. We all have a range of bg control and you can have slightly impaired tolerance to glucose but still have an excellent HbA1c as you have. The HbA1C reflects a 3 month average whilst an OGTT measures a specific point in time. I personally don't like the term pre-diabetes just as I DO like terms such as 'mild diabetes' etc (many would disagree with me) despite DUK saying otherwise as diabetes is a spectrum but must always be treated at the appropriate level no matter what point you're at.