Problems renewing driving licence - help please

Type of diabetes
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I am a type 1 diabetic with a three year driving licence. I tried to renew my licence before Christmas. I completed the form on line and received a letter saying the DVLA want me to have an eye test at Specsavers and I would be contacted when lockdown restrictions are lifted. My licence ran out on 07/02/2021 and I am afraid to drive because I do not have a valid licence. l provided details of my hospital consultant and expected him to be contracted for up to date accurate information about my eye condition and sight. My diabetic control is good and I am on a long established course of treatment for my eyes.
I would really appreciate any advice and help from anyone else who has experienced this.
Thank you


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Not being able to eat as many chocolate digestives as I used to.
I am a type 1 diabetic with a three year driving licence. I tried to renew my licence before Christmas. I completed the form on line and received a letter saying the DVLA want me to have an eye test at Specsavers and I would be contacted when lockdown restrictions are lifted. My licence ran out on 07/02/2021 and I am afraid to drive because I do not have a valid licence. l provided details of my hospital consultant and expected him to be contracted for up to date accurate information about my eye condition and sight. My diabetic control is good and I am on a long established course of treatment for my eyes.
I would really appreciate any advice and help from anyone else who has experienced this.
Thank you

My understanding with such issues is that you may continue to drive until DVLA expressly tell you that you can't for whatever reason. But DVLA are quite helpful over the phone, so give them a call and put your mind at rest.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I am a type 1 diabetic with a three year driving licence. I tried to renew my licence before Christmas. I completed the form on line and received a letter saying the DVLA want me to have an eye test at Specsavers and I would be contacted when lockdown restrictions are lifted. My licence ran out on 07/02/2021 and I am afraid to drive because I do not have a valid licence. l provided details of my hospital consultant and expected him to be contracted for up to date accurate information about my eye condition and sight. My diabetic control is good and I am on a long established course of treatment for my eyes.
I would really appreciate any advice and help from anyone else who has experienced this.
Thank you


Welcome to the forum.

Do you mean a "vision field test" due to eye treatment in both eyes? (Either laser or anti-VEGF jabs.)
I had this early last year after treatment. DVLA normally offer a choice of from their varified optiitions in your area & the test is free. Then they report back. (Which is what I had in a letter when I renewed my licence.)

I cut it a little fine last year with my renewal application DIAB1 form, so I empathise your predicament.

Have you a letter suggesting you book a test at one of these recomended optiitions?
I also made sure my prescription lenses were up to date prior, which was cutting it fine.. I think when al was done I was overdue too. But soon had a quick response from DVLA & a new licence..


Well-Known Member
Hi David

As Jaylee said is it for 'field vision' test - if so and just to advise I think you may be waiting a while for this to happen through the DVLA. My mum not diabectic needed this but due to no doctor willing to advise she was ok to advise she was ok to drive without a test being done she didn't drive once her license expiried.

After a bit of calling and after the lift from the first lockdown it was discovered DVLA were no longer accepting this test to be processed through them (i.e. free) but on speaking to specsaver directly you could have the eye test done privately (i.e. pay for it £30.00 I think) and then send the form to DVLA for them to review and wait for them to process and advise if ok to drive.

If normal rentinal screen i think your doctors may be more willing to say yes to drive and as urbanracer said you should be still ok to drive even though your license has expired, but as suggested give DVLA a call.


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Under section 88 of the road traffic act you can drive for upto 12 months on on expired license so long as dvla have acknowledged receipt of your application for renewal and have not told you not to drive

You can call dvla medical you the will pop this in writing to you

I drive hgv my license expired November was renewed in Feb even the company accepted section 88


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I had an eye test at Specsavers a couple of weeks ago. They are open to bookings. I was the only person upstairs and they were very efficient and I felt safe.
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Well-Known Member
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Type of diabetes
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Diabetes, not having Jaffa Cake
I had an eye test at Specsavers a couple of weeks ago. They are open to bookings. I was the only person upstairs and they were very efficient and I felt safe.

Dvla will send the detail of which one they want you to use not all are dvla approved.. When you get the letter from the dvla asking you to book you can... Not before. It's not a regular eye test

Dvla will not send appointments during a lock down... Even if the company is ooen
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Type of diabetes
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Diabetes, not having Jaffa Cake
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Hi, I'm in the same predicament and received a letter saying once lockdown is over I'm to go to a spec's avers designated by them. I'm fine to drive until after this assessment as these are unprecedented times. I'd love to get the test over and done with and really hope it's not a date close to having my next eye jabs! I sure you're not doing anything wrong, a quick call to dvla if you want that peace of mind is all it took for me. Good luck
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My understanding with such issues is that you may continue to drive until DVLA expressly tell you that you can't for whatever reason. But DVLA are quite helpful over the phone, so give them a call and put your mind at rest.

Thank you for your advice. I have spent over 3 hours over the last two days trying to get through on the phone but without success.


Well-Known Member
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Diabetes, not having Jaffa Cake
Thank you for your advice. I have spent over 3 hours over the last two days trying to get through on the phone but without success.

As I stated section 88 permits you to drive for upto 12 months soling as DVLA have confirmed your application to renew

My license only lasts for 12 months so end up on section 88 every year
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thank you for your advice. I have spent over 3 hours over the last two days trying to get through on the phone but without success.

I am very frustrated with this because if the DVLA contacted my hospital consultant he could give them the medical facts and up to date condition of my eyes and sight. I have been having injections in my left eye on an agreed treatment programme for a number of years and my sight (with glasses) is better than it was 15 years ago. It would also be quicker and cheaper than waiting for Specsavers to open again.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I am very frustrated with this because if the DVLA contacted my hospital consultant he could give them the medical facts and up to date condition of my eyes and sight. I have been having injections in my left eye on an agreed treatment programme for a number of years and my sight (with glasses) is better than it was 15 years ago. It would also be quicker and cheaper than waiting for Specsavers to open again.


Is it just the one eye that you are having treated?


Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Diabetes, not having Jaffa Cake
I am very frustrated with this because if the DVLA contacted my hospital consultant he could give them the medical facts and up to date condition of my eyes and sight. I have been having injections in my left eye on an agreed treatment programme for a number of years and my sight (with glasses) is better than it was 15 years ago. It would also be quicker and cheaper than waiting for Specsavers to open again.

Dvla don’t care about your consultant and never will

Test always have to be done by an independent dvla appointed consultant or in your case dvla appointed opticians

Like in my case.. my consultant is perfectly happy I see them regularly they know my history. But they are not allowed to sign me off.

In the case of seeing Specsavers it because the have a field of view machine that is approved by the dvla (not all stores have it). So dvla will only accept the results of this..

You have 12 months from license expiry to sort it….