Programme on BBC 3 last night


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"The Big Fat Truth About Low Fat Foods"

Did anyone catch this last night on BBC 3? - I caught the last couple of minutes of it - was repeated later on so I Sky+ it - haven't watched it yet though- But basically its ex Blue Peter presenter Zoe Salmon eating low fat processed foods only for 4 weeks - not sure if it will be of any use but may be worth a look see :?:

For those interested its on again on Thursday night at 8pm and 11.45pm and is on iplayer (It's repeated next Tuesday night as well in I think, but you will need to check times on BBC site)

Sid Bonkers

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lovinglife said:
But basically its ex Blue Peter presenter Zoe Salmon eating low fat processed foods only for 4 weeks

I wouldnt think it was a good idea to eat nothing but processed foods for four weeks whether it was low fat or not

Whatever the outcome I wouldnt think it would have any relevance to anyone unless they were thinking of eating the same diet which is unlikely to be rich in anything but e numbers.


People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
Spot on Sid....... :)

Well, I have eaten a low fat diet for years now and never had any problems, BUT, I don't just grab a 'low fat' food without reading ALL the nutritional information first. If it looks unhealthy even if it's low fat I wouldn't touch it with the proverbial 'bargepole !' There are plenty of healthy low fat options out there if you look. As for all the processed junk she ate.......what I would have expected results wise.......nothing new as far as I'm concerned.

I think the programme was just another 'gimmick' designed to make headlines.....nothing more.


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ok ok it was just a suggestion! :roll:

Like I said haven't seen it but thought some people may have been interested - there is always someone on here asking about ready meals thought it may help people make choices - but what do I know???


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What kind of food was she eating? Was it processed specifically to remove the fat? What happened to her after eating the lo-fat processed food?

Let's discuss it - I haven't seen the program but am interested in a discussion around it.

LOADS of interesting points to be raised. Is it the fact that it is processed that is the problem? A microwave lasagna comes to mind. Is there a difference between the reduced fat, and regular version of that type of microwave meal? Are the preservatives a real health risk?

Genuinely interested in this. I don't touch microwave meals (well, very rarely). But some nights it would be nice to just whack something in the microwave, nuke it, and relax! 8)


Well-Known Member
I will try and catch the repeat...thanks for highlighting it .

I have always tried to eat a fairly low fat diet...and yes, if I am eating something processed would opt for teh low fat option...assuming it wasn't high carb. I guess the problems with the experiment, if the lady only ate processed food, then it does not reflect most people reality...still will give it a watch and see, although I suspect I can guess what the conclusion is going tobe...everything in moderation, eat your 5 a day etc,. maybe it is becasue it os on BBC, which I think is aimed at young people, they sometimes feel that they can dumb things down...which is a great pity, as most uping people are certainly not dumb.


People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
Just for information .........I have watched the programme so my previous comments were informed comment and my opinion about what I saw and heard.....

Here's a link to it :


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Thanks lovinglife and will catch up on this programme on Thursday evening. Not a processed food fan myself and much prefer fresh every-time, I always endeavour to choose low-fat diary and lean meat wherever possible so will watch this programme with interest.



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. But some nights it would be nice to just whack something in the microwave, nuke it, and relax!
Patch, you can buy fairly minimally processed , tasty ready meals. I regularly order packs online to fill my parents freezer .They don't have to cook everyday,and they eat a better diet than my father can manage to cook.(important as my mother verges on underweight). As you can probably gather I'm very fussy about over processed food so looked for somewhere that aimed to cook as near as possible to a home cooked product.. Unfortunately you get what you pay for and they are very much more expensive than supermarket products ie a supermarkets finest lasagna is £2.60 (400g) , compared with the £3.75 'my' supplier charges.


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It was interesting to see the simulated effects of digestion.

The processed foods skimp on fibre and even the meats were getting broken down quicker than one would expect.

I imagine a ready meal is fine every now and again, but not something I'd have even on a once weekly basis any more.


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I thought the programme was quite interesting. All Zoe ate for dinner was pre packaged microwave dinners, breakfast and lunch were so called "diet" foods - with higher sugar levels. All had to be low fat, reduced fat or lower fat than normal products. She did gain 3 lbs in weight over the 4 weeks, so it's easy to see how people doing this long term put on loads of weight.

Sid Bonkers

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lovinglife said:
ok ok it was just a suggestion! :roll:

Like I said haven't seen it but thought some people may have been interested - there is always someone on here asking about ready meals thought it may help people make choices - but what do I know???

I wasnt having a dig at you Lovinglife, but at the inane drivel that is pushed out by the TV companies, I have not seen the program and have no wish to see it as it can have absolutely no bearing on my lifestyle or diet. There was another program where some idiot eat nothing but 'Large' McDonalds meals for a month and he appeared surprised that it didn't do him a lot of good :lol:

Now everyone here picks their own diet be it low this or low that or high something else and thats just fine but do you really expect the BBC to draw any scientific conclusions from an hours telly program, now I can roll my eyes :roll: :lol:

If you read my signature you will see I don't have a lot of time for scientists who constantly tell us different things based on differing batches of statistics. I personally don't think the BBC are going to do any better?

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
I stick to a lowish fat diet through necessity.

However low fat does not have to mean foods packed with chemicals ! I eat low natural fats such as butter and the fat already on meat, it just means having smaller portions of the fats. I avoid ready meals as they contain too many carbs for my liking.

Sid Bonkers

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Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
I dont have a problem with high or low levels of fat Sue, I just don't think it is healthy for anyone to eat nothing but processed meals.

Good to see you back BTW Sue :D


Food not containing chocolate!!!
I have watched this on I-player, interesting but a nonsense programme as you'd have to be short of a few brain cells to only eat processed food!!!

The main thing I worry about with lower fat foods is that there is often so much more sugar to compensate for the lack of flavour which defeats the point of a healthy diet, especially for us diabetics. The biggest con I find is branded low fat / healthy eating food such as weight watchers is that they contain so much sugar and often more E-numbers and artificial ingredients.

One thing to watch if you are wanting a diet containing as little artificial ingredients as possible is the weight watchers in particular claim to be 'free from artificial ingredients' on their web site, however they mean that THEY don't add them, they do however buy ingredients which have had artificial ingredients added to them by suppliers and do not acknowledge this on their site!!!

Take this programme with a pinch of salt (unless you are following a similar diet in which case you already have plenty of salt lol)


I have read everyone's comments with interest as my work involves supporting individuals recovering from mental health problems to live independently. Often people do live on processed food, 3 times a day, 7 days a week. Some of the young people I work with have very little motivation to cook for themselves and I had thought that encouraging them to buy low fat microwave meals was a healthier alternative to take aways. I will download this programme and watch with interest. Thanks for introducing me to this :)
I have recently received a book that I consider most enlightening,not only for us diabetes types.

A link to the reviews:

Sid Bonkers

Well-Known Member
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Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
Sir Cumference said:
I have recently received a book that I consider most enlightening,not only for us diabetes types.

A link to the reviews:

More eat more fat quackery from Barry Groves Sir Cumference? :lol: :lol:


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You hate fat, don't you? It's not that bad, y'know.