Questions about blood glucose


Active Member
I hope everybody is having a good day!

Since kind of self-diagnosing prediabetes, I've got a blood glucose monitor and have gone low carb high fat. I'm also exercising, but that I did before. I'm exercising less, because before I exercised every day and now I want to rest my body more. I'm afraid of cortisol, that's why.

So, I'm exercising 2h, 3-4 times a week, vigorous cardio + weight training.

My question is about blood glucose (BG).

Since measuring, it's always below 100 mg/dL (so, below 5.5 mmol/L).

When I eat, it stays below 100, too. That's for meals up to 20 g net carbs.

I've had a bad meal of 46 net carbs (a piece of cake) and it went up to 128. 4h later, it was 90. But I had gone to the gym.

My BMI is 22.9.

I self-diagnosed myself as prediabetic after a blood panel came back with 102 mg/dL about 3 weeks ago. I haven't seen my doctor yet.

The reason I didn't go to see my doctor: I'll ask to do that blood glucose test that shows the result for 3 months. I thought of waiting at least 1 1/2 months to do it. Then the coronavirus thing caught up here and I'm thinking to avoid the doctor's office for a while longer. The way I see it, my official diagnosis can wait, since I'm managing it as if it was official.

But I wonder. Could it be I'm not prediabetic after all and that 102 reading was a one off thing?

Does the fact my BG is always below 100 mean anything?

Fasting BG is below 90. Today it was below 80.

Does the fact my BG went up to 128 after the high carb cake mean something?

I'm hoping I'm healthy, of course, but also would like to know your opinions, because I would like to know if what I'm doing is right.

I'm keeping myself lchf. I enjoy my diet now a lot more than my high carb (low/medium glycemic index), super low fat). Now I can eat butter!

By the way: is butter really ok? I can't believe it. I need a bit of reassurance. Migrating from super low fat is a leap of faith. Is bacon also ok? I went shopping yesterday and didn't by bacon, after staring at it for some time. I've been low-fat brainwashed my whole life.

I'm so grateful for any comments from you!

Edit: my highest carb meal, except for that cake, was 26 g net carb. My BG was below 100 after 2h.


I don't have masses of experience in this topic, I too believe I am prediabetic or perhaps even type two, from what I have researched numbers below 5.5mmol are completely normal and your fasting numbers seem to be great too. People with more knowledge maybe speak up and disagree, but I don't think your diabetic! Blood sugar increases in everyone when eating sugary things but even that number doesn't sound high to me.
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Well-Known Member
All those numbers seem fine, in fact good. If the blood test was a 'test at that moment' then it could have been a blip.

It never does any harm to eat in a way that makes you feel healthy to go along with your healthy lifestyle.

Yes, butter is fine, yes bacon is fine...even the fat. Weird as we are so programmed against them. Although I dont eat it by the spoonful or anything! And the thought of bullet proof tea is revolting to me!
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