re. benefits


Active Member
Judgemental people, everyone is entitled to their opinion but when people don't listen they will never learn. I know that cause that's how I used to be.
I'm a type 1 and hypo n hyper unaware which as a mum now can be very dangerous. I take my blood constantly through the day and watch what I eat ect . My husband works hard and we are proud of what we have. I recently read a post about a gentleman at 22 stone type two who feels he can't get a job cause of his weight his parents are asking for rent and he wants to know if he can get benefits cause he's diabetic. I have empathy for people and a good understanding of what life brings us but this to me makes me cringe. Thinking more about it maybe counselling or a greater understanding of what life will bring and that the importance of control and that unless the problems you have are not to do with bad control hand outs are not an option. Does this make me a stupid person or just realistic.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Anything healthy!
Ive been diabetic since 1997, I really don't see why people want to claim benefit for it. You get free prescriptions and regular clinic appointments so I don't see how extra money is going to help any diabetic.


Active Member
Judgemental people, everyone is entitled to their opinion but when people don't listen they will never learn. I know that cause that's how I used to be.
I agree although each desperate person has their own difficulties using it as anexcuse won't help em.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
not much
I totally agree that just being diabetic does not entitle us to benefits.

When I was diagnosed I was almost 22 stone, living in my own small flat with mortgage and rent plus all the other bills to pay. I am on a low income and do struggle from month to month. But I manage. I have now lost weight with the help of this forum, and some determination. If we are unwilling to make changes and help ourselves why should we expect others to help us or give us handouts?

Sid Bonkers

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
Benefits should be available for anyone who needs them and that would IMHO apply to any diabetic whatever "type" they may be if they have suffered diabetic complications that will affect their ability to live a normal life and earn a living wage. ie those who may have suffered blindness, amputees or someone with chronic kidney or liver failure perhaps. It should not be available to someone just because they are fat, however there are lots of reasons for being obese.

So without knowing more about this particular case I wouldnt want to comment further as there may be other reasons beyond this persons weight that might effect their well being, they may well be depressed which is not like being a bit run down and is I understand common with people with diabetes. And over eating due to depression is very common, so this person may need help with depression before they will be able to lose weight. Couple this with the possibility that they may be on insulin and you have a double wammy of someone who is overeating due to depression and therefore having to use more and more insulin which in turn is making them put on more and more weight.

So obviously no one who is simply overweight should get benefits but if there are other factors involved then perhaps they should be given help to get to the bottom of any underlying problems, and even perhaps benefits until their treatment is complete.

Just playing devils advocate here as sometimes its easy to attack someone for the way they look without seeing past their weight.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Argumenative barstifferous (new word *lol*) types who think that they know everything *wink*
I have not heard of this case before, but my first reaction is does this overweight man take his diabetes seriously... I seriously doubt it.
If he did take it seriously and eat the right foods in the right quantities, I would have expected him to loose weight just as many did once they got to grips with the right way to eat if overweight and suffering with diabetes.

To seek benefits due to diabetes and being overweight at 22 stones is a non starter in my opinion and he needs educating as to the right way to tackle his problems and not merely looking to the state for handouts.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Disrespectful people
kezz01489 said:
I'm a type 1 and hypo n hyper unaware which as a mum now can be very dangerous. I take my blood constantly through the day and watch what I eat ect . My husband works hard and we are proud of what we have. I recently read a post about a gentleman at 22 stone type two who feels he can't get a job cause of his weight his parents are asking for rent and he wants to know if he can get benefits cause he's diabetic. I have empathy for people and a good understanding of what life brings us but this to me makes me cringe. Thinking more about it maybe counselling or a greater understanding of what life will bring and that the importance of control and that unless the problems you have are not to do with bad control hand outs are not an option. Does this make me a stupid person or just realistic.

Difficult to comment without knowing the full extent of this gentleman's physical and mental health as to regards claiming for diabetes, as he is obviously not working I would imagine he'd be entitled to Dole or whatever it is called now.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
With some medical exceptions probably the majority of people of people who are overweight, diabetic or not, can reduce their weight thru the right diet and portion sizes. Yes, they may be depressed or have other problems and need counselling and good dietary advice but they do not need benefits for being overweight or being diabetic. My wife has been a couple of stone overweight for the last few years and seeing that my low-carb diet whilst keeping my sugars low also kept me underweight she embarked on a seriously low-carb, but average fat, diet for a week at a time. Surprise, surprise, she has lost almost all of that 2 stone. That's proof to both of us that many can reduce weight with discipline, reducing carbs, portion sizes and not worrying too much about fat. The current programmes on TV ref obesity indicate just how many people are in denial with regard to weight and need serious help with their diet.


Well-Known Member
God, diabetes is an emotive enough subject without adding benefits to the melting pot!! :)

I don't think benefits should exist for diabetes as, looked after responsibly, will not stop you leading a normal life. Free prescriptions are great and we pay for them through our taxes.

It's tough when it comes to complications because I know someone who lives on benefits as he is almost fully blind but he never looked after his condition. However, people smoke and develop cancer that the tax payer pays for. People drink and develop liver failure that the tax payer pays for. It's not illegal to drink to excess. It's not illegal to smoke 40 a day. It's not illegal to say "I don't care if I'm diabetic". Can you draw a line somewhere? I don't think so.

In the OP's example I think there's no reason someone of 22st cannot be employed. Yes, there may be some limitations (a fitness instructor eg) but if someone wants to work they will. If he wants to work badly and feels his weight is an issue then he will try losing it before seeking benefits. You can't help but skirt around the issue because one miss placed comment will bring about an uproar but some people just need a good kick up the ****!


Active Member
Judgemental people, everyone is entitled to their opinion but when people don't listen they will never learn. I know that cause that's how I used to be.
It does depend on so many things I'd like to get into counselling or maybe a position where I can help young people or people in general to cope with things. As well as making them aware of the importance of looking after themselves and what effects it will have on them.