Reactive hypoglycemia and about to begin low carb diet. Anyone out there doing the same and want to share progess?


Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only

I have reactive hypoglycemia. I'm working out my changes in diet ( more protein, good fats, low carb) and eating small meals every 3 to 4 hours. Whilst this is going well some of the time, and falling off the wagon ( sugar intake) the rest of the time but improving gradually, I am getting bigger. I have decided to give the Diabetes low carb diet ago with some modifications. Keeping on it is the challenge I'm keen to achieve. Any other RHs out there doing similar? I know there is a separate RH forum but it's this Diabetes low carb diet I'm interested in. Many thanks.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi and welcome to the forum. Yes, there is a separate sub forum but the dietary advice is very similar and I would believe you have already had a look at it.
And yes, other than a few hiccups along the way, I am on a very low carb diet since diagnosis quite a few years ago.
I will say at this point that, when you do start with discovering how different foods effect you. You like me and others, need to find their own dietary regime, tailored to your own individual tastes, resources, endocrinologist so on.
You will need a glucometer or a CGM, to test your BG levels before and after food.
A food diary to record everything.
Will power.
And the knowledge of how this condition causes the reaction and the hypoglycaemia.

A couple of questions if I may?

What diagnostic tests have you had?
Do you have an endocrinologist?
What is your current hba1c?

Would you mind if we move this to the sub forum as I will tag a mod to move it @s38
Again welcome to the forum.
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Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi many thanks for your swift reply! I've read lots of advice on the RH forum. This is more about losing some weight sensibly and using the Diabetes low calorie diet as a steer to do so. So I'd prefer to stay in this general space.
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