Regular moderate exercise log


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When I lived in East London in the early 90s, I really loved my annual cycle ride to and from church to play the organ for Midnight Mass as it was the safest I felt on the roads all year with very few lorries and no buses on the roads. I used to cycle to the school where I worked as well but gave up as I kept getting the lock stolen off the bike. (I locked it to the railings outside the school grounds as I worked part-time there and could never find anyone to unlock the main gate from the car park when I needed to leave.)

Having just checked how far that was, I'm now laughing at my younger self who thought that just under three miles was too far to walk.

I've just rejigged my walking spreadsheet. Given 2 lockdowns, 1 period of isolation, and a couple of other impediments to my walking for 2020, I'm actually amazed I've managed as much as I have this year. It's more than my first year of recorded walking, but not as much as the second year or subsequent years. (2020 is my fifth year of recording walking amounts.) When I've got out, it's been pretty consistent hitting targets amounts, with very few days of 15+ miles (which I've not liked). But, far more days of not getting out for more than an hour or even at all.

So, rather than get annoyed with myself, I've rejigged my expectations of myself, created a page in the spreadsheet which covers this time of pandemic, rather than a calendar year, with its ever-changing criteria for everyday life, and just celebrating what I have managed to do! After all, I'm here, alive and well, and definitely much, much, fitter than I was back in the 1990s! I'll return to my yearly challenges when life opens up again.
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I am impressed by all the record keeping.
My walks are more for pleasure as its a good way to catch up with whichever friend I can entice /drag along.
The actual terrain and routes are getting more difficult though. We live a popular village that more and more people are driving to to do their walks from, so the main routes are getting busier and muddier. So us locals have to be evermore clever to devise new routes away from the hoards. Yesterday instead of a circular route we did figure 8 through some nature reserve Woods not many know about yet. They are in the very top of hill so shouldn't be as muddy as everywhere else is. They were muddier than expected but still better than the popular tracks. On some of the field paths and bridleways the mud and water is now so bad they are impassable, even in full length wellies.
I wish they government would say people have to stay local and not drive again like the first lockdown


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Hi all.

A couple of complete rest days followed by just 2.5 miles (round trip to supermarket) in the early morning dark yesterday, then 11.5 miles today in a murky but strangely atmospheric/beautiful London. Tide was out on the Thames so took the opportunity to wander on the river bed as much as possible. Set out early so very quiet. Bliss.

Editing to say I forgot about the forum’s dislike of portrait photos, so two are the wrong way round!


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So cold and foggy here today so in an effort to avoid most other walkers and mud we headed for the Viewpoint, even so there were at least 20 people sitting around in small groups looking out onto grey nothingness.
We walked fast for nearly 2 hours and only just about kept warm enough. It was bone freezing cold and did snow a little on our final leg homewards.
Definitely exercise for need rather than for pleasure


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The term “new normal “
Went to the rainforest, didn’t see any wildlife, I think it was too humid and they took the day off. I let out my Tarzan call, still nothing. Walked to the top without stopping. Last time I went, I thought my heart was going to bounce out of my chest and I had to stop.

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Went to the rainforest, didn’t see any wildlife, I think it was too humid and they took the day off. I let out my Tarzan call, still nothing. Walked to the top without stopping. Last time I went, I thought my heart was going to bounce out of my chest and I had to stop.

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I envy you the warmth, @LaoDan It’s great to return to the same places so you can see your fitness progress. There are one or two hills around here that I used to have to take in stages when first started walking but can now zoom right up them.


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Time I started posting again. Boot camp this morning. Wore plenty of layers but within 5 mins the top 2 had come off. My bobble hat and gloves stayed in throughout.
There was a new girl today and we got talking about her passion - open water swimming! I’ve joined her fb group to watch from the warmth of indoors for a week or 2. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now and there are several groups here, being so close to the coast. This person said she feels fantastic now and it has improved her mental health and general feeling of well-being immeasurably. She’s only been going since Oct.
I’ll report back here if I take the plunge (!)


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Managed a 10 mile walk on Sunday - along the river to Canary Wharf. Then wandered all round the Wharf viewing and photographing outdoor art installations. Very enjoyable.
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Sounds like a good day yesterday @Goonergal
Gyms are now shut again. My PT says we can carry on if we meet outside, so tomorrow’s Hiit session will be in the park to the amusement of dog walkers and parents of children playing on the swings no doubt!
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We invested in an exercise bike for all of us back in October. Boys use it more than I do, but have been very glad of it these past few very cold wet days, and its not as muddy as walks are currently
@DJC3 I wouldn't laugh. I am in awe of anyone brave enough. It always looks so painful!
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First outside PT session this morning. Boy was it cold! I was actually glad to be exercising to warm me up.
Did AMRAP ( as many rounds as possible) Kettle bell swings. Dumbbell dead lifts, slam ball and a 60m sprint ( fast walk actually as my leg doesn’t work well enough to sprint - I felt there should be Benny Hill music playing, rather than the club style banging of his playlist) This was the most tired I’ve felt during a session. Arms and legs shaking with the effort. Not helped by wearing Paul’s gloves as I couldn’t find mine. Every time I threw the slam ball down, a glove flew off.
Scary CGM spike - up to 9.2 but came down to normal levels reasonably quickly. I’m just hoping the long term good outweighs the short term bad. Didn’t eat beforehand ( definitely would have thrown up if I had) I wonder if I might book next session later in the day and see if that does make a difference @Goonergal . I do prefer to get it over and done with though.


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The term “new normal “
Went to Fort Canning park on Sentosa island, I could see tropical storms coming in off the coast. Got totally soaked, very beautiful though. 13km total

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Well-Known Member
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The term “new normal “
First outside PT session this morning. Boy was it cold! I was actually glad to be exercising to warm me up.
Did AMRAP ( as many rounds as possible) Kettle bell swings. Dumbbell dead lifts, slam ball and a 60m sprint ( fast walk actually as my leg doesn’t work well enough to sprint - I felt there should be Benny Hill music playing, rather than the club style banging of his playlist) This was the most tired I’ve felt during a session. Arms and legs shaking with the effort. Not helped by wearing Paul’s gloves as I couldn’t find mine. Every time I threw the slam ball down, a glove flew off.
Scary CGM spike - up to 9.2 but came down to normal levels reasonably quickly. I’m just hoping the long term good outweighs the short term bad. Didn’t eat beforehand ( definitely would have thrown up if I had) I wonder if I might book next session later in the day and see if that does make a difference @Goonergal . I do prefer to get it over and done with though.
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looks like my readings, I do that 5 days a week, my last a1c was 5.1% , so I wouldn’t worry about that affecting your numbers. I moved my schedule to 9am, to coincide with my morning numbers. BTW, if I’m going to have a cheat meal, I do it right when I’m in the downward slope on the graph, I’ve tested up to 150grams of carbs and the downward slope remains the same. As if my muscles are sponges. Every day at that exact time, I eat a steak, eggs, and a small potato or a half bowl of rice to refuel.
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@LaoDan great going! It’s a long time since I was in Singapore (1990), but I have fond memories.

Aside from yesterday, when I didn’t leave the flat, have been ticking over at 2-3 miles a day (to and from office, with the odd day with a lunchtime breath of air) with the odd longer walk. Thursday was the longest at 11 miles overall, including a wander through the Connected by Light installations at Canary Wharf. (Forum still anti portrait pics!).


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looks like my readings, I do that 5 days a week, my last a1c was 5.1% , so I wouldn’t worry about that affecting your numbers. I moved my schedule to 9am, to coincide with my morning numbers. BTW, if I’m going to have a cheat meal, I do it right when I’m in the downward slope on the graph, I’ve tested up to 150grams of carbs and the downward slope remains the same. As if my muscles are sponges. Every day at that exact time, I eat a steak, eggs, and a small potato or a half bowl of rice to refuel.

Thanks that’s good to know. I love your photos btw.
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The only colour on my walk this morning was white! No snow just lots of frost frozen branches and grass, and misty fog. Quite beautiful but oh so cold. Body stayed warm from the effort but nose and fingers weren't happy even though gloved.
Was with a friend so did 2 hour loop. Icy underfoot in parts but at least the mud patches had frozen hard
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5.6 mile round trip to Morrison’s was today’s exercise. Freezing so it was at pace in both directions to stay vaguely warm. Got the heart rate up nicely and the BG down equally nicely!
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Just got back from an open water swim at Porthpean beach. Got there early to watch the sunrise; it was such a fabulous way to start the day.
Still been going to personal training Hiit sessions once a week (outside in the park) Boot camp is no longer allowed ( heaven knows why, there is plenty of room in the park for us to spread out) so I’ve been doing my own little session at home on Sat mornings so I can still earn my bacon sandwich ( in Seriously Low Carb bread). Yesterday was 5 rounds of 4 exercises - 30 seconds each and 30 seconds rest in between. Dumbbell snatches, squats, shoulder taps and reverse lunges.
Quite a spike in CGM after that, and again today after freezing dawn swim. Took your advice @LaoDan and had a decent nosh up on the downward spike.


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Looks fabulous @DJC3

Lovely sunny morning here, though I didn’t get out early enough to see sunrise. Walked 11.7 miles along various waterways - Thames, Limehouse Cut, River Lea, Deptford Creek. Some of the reflections in the water were stunning.



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Diet only
Looks fabulous @DJC3

Lovely sunny morning here, though I didn’t get out early enough to see sunrise. Walked 11.7 miles along various waterways - Thames, Limehouse Cut, River Lea, Deptford Creek. Some of the reflections in the water were stunning.

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They are wonderful! I tried to get similar ice patterns in puddles a couple of weeks ago but they didn’t look so good. These are really wonderful, I love patterns in nature.
11.7 miles!!! Crikey!