Reporting Side Effects from Statins


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Rather than posting this in Spiker's poll on side effects from stains, I've started a new thread to make the the following information stand out more:

I was reading the information leaflet that came with a pack of paracetemol, and discovered that you can report any side effects from medications you are taking directly via a Yellow Card Scheme - these don't necessarily have to be reported via your GP, diabetic nurse, et al...

So I hope this will be of use to those of you who feel that your statins problems are being ignored.

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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Yellow card scheme should be used for all side effects of all medications, it's been around for years.

All people with pumps should also complete notifications on MHRA site for any mechanical pump failures, the same goes for insulin pens as well.

If problems aren't reported all the evidence that the MHRA goes by is distorted..and recalls of faulty products etc won't be done... Even for meters, strips ... Everything.

Sent from the Diabetes Forum App


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have been having a lot of muscle pain since about November, after Christmas I decided to research statin side effects and lo and behold almost all my symptoms fitted, took myself off against advice from my diabetic nurse, dietician and endocrinologist, had bloods done about a month later and results showed a raised enzyme level so doc advised me to come off statins for a month and retest, result......enzyme count lowered so statins were the cause after all, still having a lot of pain after being off them for 8 weeks now, enzyme levels almost normal but pain slow to subside, also got put on folic acid tablets as my red blood cells were low, feeling a lot of pain now and fall asleep most afternoons and evenings, absolutely exhausted. B12 and Testosterone within normal levels, although I`m already on Testogel for similar reasons. Anyone else have a similar tale to tell?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I have been having a lot of muscle pain since about November....Anyone else have a similar tale to tell?

@Kallanor Have a look at the thread in the link I posted above to Spiker's poll, as it has a lot of information on what side affects takings statins has had on people.
