Running for Type-1 diabetes

Hello. My name is Ian Roberts and in April 2012 I’ll be pounding every leg muscle I have into submission in an attempt to make it around 26 miles of London’s finest concrete streets in one piece. I have but two aims:

1. To spread awareness of type-1 diabetes to as many people as possible;
2. Raise £3,000 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).

My fiancee, Eliza, was diagnosed with type-1 diabetes when she was 11 years old. Since meeting Eliza diabetes has become a condition very close to my heart.

If you’re not already aware, JDRF are a charity that exists to find the cure for type-1 diabetes and is the leading funder of research into the condition.

Over the coming months I’ll be writing a blog about all my training adventures (including updates on my Stadium Challenge - my attempt to run to every league football stadium in Greater London) and doing my best to inform the world about type-1 diabetes. If you’d like to keep up to date on my adventures you can Follow me, Like me, Google+ me or sign up to my RSS feed via my blog.

I look forward to encouraging you to sponsor me on probably the hardest and greatest thing I’ve ever done.

Thanks. Ian.


Well-Known Member
HI Ian
I wish you good luck in your marathon. Like your Eliza i was diagnosed at the age of 6yrs old and i would like to work with juvenile diabetics as i feel i have a lot to offer the youngsters, even first diagnosed adults as i have been through a lot with the diabetes Eg not listening and the dangers this causes, i am registered partially sighted and am awaiting to have the vitreous jelly removed from my left eye, i have ni lining to my kidneys and am awaiting appt to see a cardiologist.
I would just like to offer some support and thats why i joined the forum.
Can i keep in touch with you and i wish you all the best for your marathon, your doing it for a fantastic cause.
Good luck and take good care of yourself.