Self isolation for 12 weeks ?????


Type of diabetes
Type 1
We are in the ‘at risk’ group I’m afraid,

I rang my diabetes team this morning and they confirmed it is being recommended we self isolate for 12 weeks,

they are not enforcing it but it’s recommended,

I am a self employed plumber so it’s a struggle but the 3 month mortgage break they announced will certainly help!

stay safe everyone!


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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
What is happening in the UK is a scandal. How can there be such little clarity on something that for some people is a life or death situation.
The government needs to give clear instructions particularly to those at most risk.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Watching closely. I’m a teaching assistant and I’m and tired of kids coughing, I know it’s probably just normal seasonal illness but I’m type 1, high blood pressure, underachieve thyroid and I’m 50. I’m a lone parent to a 14 year old and have no family near me.
I’m type 1, age 51. I work in a school and when I went to work today, my head teacher ordered me to go home for 12 weeks as advised by the government yesterday.
I was told my school has a ‘duty of care.’
I was devastated at first, I love my job and thrive on routine. Etc. But I actually feel safer now. I’ll do as much online grocery shopping as possible and will only venture out for other essentials, when I’m less likely to come into contact with people.
I have a teenager currently preparing for GCSEs, therefore I’m not going to make her stay at home, although it would be much better if she did.
Stay safe everyone
I know! I work in a school tool too! I have been type 1 for 47 years, I am 60 years old and for the last 10 years had coeliac disease and the rest! My school has only said teaching staff should be off work! Nothing about support staff! Bless you and yours! x
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Deleted member 475901

The govt has been reluctant to state anything that will mean they are held liable for bills, until after the last minute at each stage. But anyone with diabetes, of any type, is supposed to self-isolate from the end of this week. Not social distancing, self-isolate.
They are putting together some financial help, drip by drip.
If SSP does not cover your rent then apply for ESA/housing benefit asap.
My bank is offering personal loans to cover the time it takes councils and the DWP to sort out paperwork.

It is not social distancing, it's isolation of the vulnerable and not care about the mental health of those people.

There are SO many things wrong with the Guidances.
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I live alone, and don't know how to survive for months without seeing anyone. All my friends are over 70 or in a high risk group due to medical conditions, and are going to follow government guidelines on social distancing from friends, but they're all married and have adult children and grandchildren who are still visiting, so they're not completely isolated in the same way. Phone calls are good, but can't make up for a face to face contact.
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
I live alone, and don't know how to survive for months without seeing anyone. All my friends are over 70 or in a high risk group due to medical conditions, and are going to follow government guidelines on social distancing from friends, but they're all married and have adult children and grandchildren who are still visiting, so they're not completely isolated in the same way. Phone calls are good, but can't make up for a face to face contact.
I’m in the 70+ group, and I set up a WhatsApp Group for the friends I meet regularly. We’re all 70+. They all know each other, a few live on their own, and it’s already become buzzing way to make some contact, crack some jokes and make sure we’re all ok


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I’m in the 70+ group, and I set up a WhatsApp Group for the friends I meet regularly. We’re all 70+. They all know each other, a few live on their own, and it’s already become buzzing way to make some contact, crack some jokes and make sure we’re all ok

that is a brilliant idea
What is happening in the UK is a scandal. How can there be such little clarity on something that for some people is a life or death situation.
The government needs to give clear instructions particularly to those at most risk.

Pavlosn, The government does not give a **** about it's people. Advising has gone upto strongly against. The social distancing is no more than social isolation where elderly and vulnerable eventually get forgotten. I have to postpone my wedding for this ****

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What is happening in the UK is a scandal. How can there be such little clarity on something that for some people is a life or death situation.
The government needs to give clear instructions particularly to those at most risk.

This will be an unpopular position, but I kind of lean in the other direction. When it comes right down to it, we are all responsible for ourselves. Government is there to serve, sure, but not to learn for us. There is only so much that can be done when very little is actually known. I think personal responsibility and weighing up the balance of evidence is a more sensible approach than expecting someone else to give us clarity in a situation where there is simply is none.

BoJo & Co don't have a crystal ball. Sure, they have direct access to the experts, but how often are experts in any field proven wrong? We of all people know only too well that it can be foolish to blindly follow established advice. Not that I'm saying anyone is actually wrong about anything, just that I think it's unrealistic and not even sensible to expect government to hold our hands through every twist and turn in life, particularly when no one can even know what really lies ahead or how the story will unfold.

Not challenging your view. More just sharing a different perspective. I guess I take a more nomadic and pragmatic approach to life than some, so I will not be at all surprised if the majority disagree.
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
I live alone, and don't know how to survive for months without seeing anyone. All my friends are over 70 or in a high risk group due to medical conditions, and are going to follow government guidelines on social distancing from friends, but they're all married and have adult children and grandchildren who are still visiting, so they're not completely isolated in the same way. Phone calls are good, but can't make up for a face to face contact.

Hi google for help and advice regarding getting support. I heard on the radio that choirmaster Gareth Maloneis going to do a digital choir, hats of to him, as it should help many people not feel so isolated and alone.
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Pavlosn, The government does not give a **** about it's people. Advising has gone upto strongly against. The social distancing is no more than social isolation where elderly and vulnerable eventually get forgotten. I have to postpone my wedding for this ****

Edited by mod for use of offensive language
I don’t see it like this. I’m 70, so ‘elderly’, ugh word, and vulnerable. I don’t want to be one of the unnecessary cloggers-up of available beds and ventilators if it can be avoided. And if I were planning a big gathering I wouldn’t want those who attended to take Covid19 away with them through unnecessary contacts. Why is it so bad to postpone a wedding if doing that means that your guests won’t suffer and spread what for a few is a very nasty disease? I hope you have a long life ahead of you: when, in the future, you look back on this, a few months will seem like a passing moment. We have to give the brilliant scientists time to create a vaccine.


In the end, some people feel that government is in place to look after them, while others feel it's government's job to run the country well enough that people can look after themselves. I'm in the latter camp. Obviously it's nuanced, and they won't always succeed in all areas, but that is an impossible dream from any perspective. It strikes me that people in general just like to blame "the government" for everything that goes wrong in life.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
From what I can gauge the "advice" has quite clearly shifted for those with diabetes. The CMO quite clearly stated on Live TV that those people who would ordinarily have a flu jab would be amongst the 12 week self isolation group. Only 2 days later (things are admittedly moving rather quickly) those with diabetes are back in the social distancing camp. GPs themselves are advising 12 week isolation .
I'm very fortunate in that I'm retired ,and can therefore easily err on the side of caution and self isolate, but sympathise with those for whom this is a complete quandary.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
I had a telephone consultation with my GP about another ailment this morning. At the end of that discussion he reminded me / advised me quite firmly that as a T2D I need to be isolating for 12 weeks.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Oh that's terrible, much worse than old people dying.

Below the members quote, clearly upset about cancelling their wedding, BUT, still thinking about others, which is clearly written.
The social distancing is no more than social isolation where elderly and vulnerable eventually get forgotten.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
I'm 62, type 1 and have asthma. My GP. told me I am in the at risk catagory. The nature of my job means I cannot work from home. I work for a local authority and have been told if I self isolate I will only be entitled to SSP but if the Government come out and say that I MUST self isolate, then I will get full sick pay. Guess what I am not going to do.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
What is happening in the UK is a scandal. How can there be such little clarity on something that for some people is a life or death situation.
The government needs to give clear instructions particularly to those at most risk.

Trouble is, the govt can’t give clear instruction to anyone, as we haven’t seen this before, so don’t really much about how this will spread, who is most likely to be hit, how it will affect them etc.we are all dealing with the unknown. Come on, be fair, we are all learning together...even the govt. .....all we can do is listen to the advice, and then interpret that into our own lives. I’m diabetic, but haven’t self isolated, but am retired, and have diabetes. But my precautions are to wash hands often, only use supermarkets who disinfect the trolley handlebars, not bulk buy as its unnecessary, not to mention extremely selfish, and to check that any older people , or those who live alone, that I’m aware of, are being helped if necessary. I’m also monitoring the infection rates, both nationally, and locally, for indications as to how bad things are- like the 600+ jump in victim figures in last 24 hours, and adapt accordingly.
This is a time for understanding, for sharing the burden, and for building strong community networks.
It doesn’t help anyone to be critical of others, as we are all in this together, so try to stay safe, be supportive to those around you, and pray that we are doing all we can to limit the life of this disaster, and look forward to the future beyond the fears.
Things will get time.