Shopping list for both combating T2 and NAFLD suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Looking to see if anyone has a tweaked shopping list that is a good fit for both of these things.

I noticed in a lot of the Anti-inflammatory lists for NAFLD they try to avoid meats and dairy so would be interested how someone that tackles both of these things manages to balance their lists out.

Looking to create a shopping list and stick with it to help with the symptoms of NAFLD I've been getting.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I noticed in a lot of the Anti-inflammatory lists for NAFLD they try to avoid meats and dairy

Usual dietary nonsense.. how can meat be inflammatory?
Dairy possibly if you have an intolerance but meat never.
So ultra low carb would be my suggestion rein back on any fruit to stop fructose going to the liver.
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Well-Known Member
Usual dietary nonsense.. how can meat be inflammatory?
Dairy possibly if you have an intolerance but meat never.
So ultra low carb would be my suggestion rein back on any fruit to stop fructose going to the liver.

So just stick to my current diet then ? problem is I've continued to have more symptoms since our last conversation,

Since going low carb my diabetes levels have been great... 5.1/5.3 upon wakening and not went above 8.0 an hour after eating something and even when it's went as high as 8.0 I'm back down to 6 by the second hour and normal levels soon after..

However as previously mentioned I've had a lot of different things cropping up... spider veins on face and ankles, frequent urination ( believe this might be electrolyte imbalance as started feeling better since taking electrolyte tabs), bier spots might need to google these have came back with a vengeance.. pressure in head pain behind my eyes... and tingling numbness in my fingers among other things... so seem's by fixing one thing I've created other issues.

I previously discussed my raised ldl and elevated liver enzymes since going on the diet.. havent been summoned for another test yet due to the covid situation.

But a lot of my symptoms point towards nafld esp the spider veins and bier spots... so was hoping I could further tweak my diet to help with this.

You seem to have your diet on lock have you completely cut out all treats like greek yoghurt etc? maybe I should remove this also.


Well-Known Member
Also wanted to mention my one cheat that I should mentioned is ice cream and i've tested at 1/2 and 4 hours after and not got a spike but wondering as it still contains sugar if it might be doing some harm despite not spiking me.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Also wanted to mention my one cheat that I should mentioned is ice cream and i've tested at 1/2 and 4 hours after and not got a spike but wondering as it still contains sugar if it might be doing some harm despite not spiking me.

Experimentation is always good for this kind of thing.

As usual I'd suggest a week or two of pure carnivore to wash out everything else then slowly re-introduce other foods to see when the symptoms recommence.

Which ice cream is it?

I found that the new Oppo recipe caused me problems so ditched that too.


Well-Known Member
Experimentation is always good for this kind of thing.

As usual I'd suggest a week or two of pure carnivore to wash out everything else then slowly re-introduce other foods to see when the symptoms recommence.

Which ice cream is it?

I found that the new Oppo recipe caused me problems so ditched that too.

Mines isn't even as healthy as the OPPO/Halo stuff on a bit of a budget so been having some very processed stuff to satisfy my sweet cravings apart from the ice cream the rest of my diet is pretty much on lock possibly could do with eating less lorne sausage due to the contents through it aswell.. and even started making my own mayo and ketchup last few days to avoid the store bought stuff.

I love chicken esp if I can find some nice herbs/spices Morrisons do cracking chicken at their cooked meat counter.. would love to make something similar myself.

Will do as suggested and go even stricter on the shopping list.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Mines isn't even as healthy as the OPPO/Halo stuff on a bit of a budget so been having some very processed stuff to satisfy my sweet cravings apart from the ice cream the rest of my diet is pretty much on lock possibly could do with eating less lorne sausage due to the contents through it aswell.. and even started making my own mayo and ketchup last few days to avoid the store bought stuff.

I love chicken esp if I can find some nice herbs/spices Morrisons do cracking chicken at their cooked meat counter.. would love to make something similar myself.

Will do as suggested and go even stricter on the shopping list.

It will be worth it for a couple of weeks to see if you feel better.
You never know you may just fall in love with eating that way although I will admit I have been slipping a bit with the fruit over the past few warmer weeks. Chilled fruit from the fridge with cream is sooo good.

Edit to add I have indeed dumped out greek yoghurt as I found it was giving me a fair bit of bloating.


Well-Known Member
It will be worth it for a couple of weeks to see if you feel better.
You never know you may just fall in love with eating that way although I will admit I have been slipping a bit with the fruit over the past few warmer weeks. Chilled fruit from the fridge with cream is sooo good.

With your carnivore approach do you still have eggs ? and any green leafy veg on side or is each plate purely meat combinations ?.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
With your carnivore approach do you still have eggs ? and any green leafy veg on side or is each plate purely meat combinations ?.
Yes still have eggs although not every day maybe once or twice a week.
I'm not a fan of green leafy stuff but may have the odd tomato or avocado and sometimes mushrooms.


Well-Known Member
Yes still have eggs although not every day maybe once or twice a week.
I'm not a fan of green leafy stuff but may have the odd tomato or avocado and sometimes mushrooms.

That's hardcore even with all these extras i feel like my shopping list is limited. will look into it possibly opting for one of these meat delivery packages over store bought as quite expensive for what you get and not likely as good quality cheers. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
That's hardcore even with all these extras i feel like my shopping list is limited. will look into it possibly opting for one of these meat delivery packages over store bought as quite expensive for what you get and not likely as good quality cheers. :)
Or maybe try a local butcher if you have one..I find mine is cheaper than supermarkets as well as better quality although I do have to travel about 15 miles to get there.


Well-Known Member
Or maybe try a local butcher if you have one..I find mine is cheaper than supermarkets as well as better quality although I do have to travel about 15 miles to get there.

Yeah that's a good shout there is a few local ones and good ratings so might go in and talk to them to see what kind of hamper we can put together for freezing... even If wasn't going carnivore for a week or two would be a good idea anyways as these packaged lorne sausages and frozen chicken breasts can't be ideal.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I manage small amounts of ice cream without affecting my bg. I do stick to as natural as possible; cream, flavourings such as coffee, chocolate or a little berries, and a very little sugar, eggs.
Oppo and Halo I can't understand the ingredients list, therefore I won't eat them.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Forgot shopping list
Veg and salad
Berries (but I grow my own)
85% or higher, dark chocolate

Very quick to do, skips most aisles


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The term “new normal “
My shopping list:
Salmon- my main protein source.
Cod fillets
Chicken breast,
Lean beef.
Canned tuna.
Zillions of eggs.
Cottage cheese.
Ready to eat bags of spinach, rocket, or some blend.
Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries
Pine nuts, almonds, pistachios
Kimchi, chopped green chili
Whey protein by the 5lb tub
BCAAs by the 1lb tub.

I use an air fryer for the fish, and grill for the beef and chicken. I don’t use any oils

When I eat out, it’s usually an Asian restaurant (since I live here) I’ll order fish and veggies.

once a month or so I’ll have a snack. Or a bun less burger.

pretty boring diet lol
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Well-Known Member
My shopping list:
Salmon- my main protein source.
Cod fillets
Chicken breast,
Lean beef.
Canned tuna.
Zillions of eggs.
Cottage cheese.
Ready to eat bags of spinach, rocket, or some blend.
Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries
Pine nuts, almonds, pistachios
Kimchi, chopped green chili
Whey protein by the 5lb tub
BCAAs by the 1lb tub.

I use an air fryer for the fish, and grill for the beef and chicken. I don’t use any oils

When I eat out, it’s usually an Asian restaurant (since I live here) I’ll order fish and veggies.

once a month or so I’ll have a snack. Or a bun less burger.

pretty boring diet lol

Nice I just added cottage cheese to my shopping list as a nice alternative to mayo.

Curious with protein powders do you swerve ones containing SOY ?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The term “new normal “
Nice I just added cottage cheese to my shopping list as a nice alternative to mayo.

Curious with protein powders do you swerve ones containing SOY ?

I prefer whey because it’s inexpensive and has a good amino acid profile. Soy also has a complete amino acid profile, but less EAA. It’s not a big deal and I would have no problem consuming soy. Likewise, pea protein is supposedly awesome. I try to get my protein from food, but shakes are pretty convenient.


Well-Known Member
I prefer whey because it’s inexpensive and has a good amino acid profile. Soy also has a complete amino acid profile, but less EAA. It’s not a big deal and I would have no problem consuming soy. Likewise, pea protein is supposedly awesome. I try to get my protein from food, but shakes are pretty convenient.

Just been doing some reading about how type 2's are susceptible to NAFLD and they mentioned SOY in protein shakes being the worst for the liver to breakdown and to avoid at all costs... and then also mentioned to do the same with other GM oils used throughout diet just wondered what your thoughts were on this.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The term “new normal “
Just been doing some reading about how type 2's are susceptible to NAFLD and they mentioned SOY in protein shakes being the worst for the liver to breakdown and to avoid at all costs... and then also mentioned to do the same with other GM oils used throughout diet just wondered what your thoughts were on this.

I don’t know about that, I always thought it was your digestive system that breaks down protein into amino acids. The liver will sometimes convert amino acids to glucose, but that can happen with any protein source. Over consuming any food is probably not a great idea, but having a soy protein shake isn’t going to hurt unless you have some allergy. Especially if it’s isolate.

it’s the same thing with oils and fats, your digestive system should be able to break these down into short chain fatty acids and eliminate stuff it can’t.

I don’t worry about any of that as long as the majority of my diet is from whole foods, lots of protein, plenty of fiber, a variety of fats.

energy balance, a healthy gut, moving to work the lymphatic system and muscles should be 95% of the focus.