Sickness bug and low sugar level


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I recently picked up stomach bug from my daughter and I had a bit of high temp and felt like I had a flu such as achy body. I also had a stomach pain and indigestion.

Since that day, my sugar level has been weird. I hardly need any bolus insulin for what I eat. I was injecting 1 unit for 10g before and had been fine, but when I slightly recovered from the illness, I gave myself the usual amount at night, I had terrible hypo. Since that day I reduced the bolus amount quite a lot, but still had hypo. Now I only give myself just 1 or 1.5 for whatever I eat and however much I eat! So strange.
I'm wondering if the illness triggered the honeymoon period or just the stomach bug is blocking or slowing down the food digestion...
I haven't been throwing up at all even though it was stomach bug. Just mild pain, bit of indigestion. ( and flu like symptom on the first day only).

If someone had the same experience, please let me know.

Thank you.

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Very odd indeed, keep monitoring your bg levels as I'm sure things will return to normal eventually.


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Sorry i cant help as havent had this myself, hope it soon settles for you
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I had a stomach bug about 2 weeks ago and my ratios have completely changed since. I was in 1 unit for every 15g carbs for each meal. Now I'm on 1:30 breakfast and 1:10 on the other 2 meals, which still isn't completely right yet. Also I think my basal now needs splitting as since the stomach bug I've been getting gradually higher during the day.

I found it really weird too and it's definitely related to me having the bug even though I don't quite know how.

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Stomach bugs or food poisoning can affect your stomach for a long time according to my gastro consultant. Food poising can impact on your stomach for 9 months.

I had slow colonic transit and my gastro consultant that I saw this week has been researching the impact of jelly babies after I saw him previously. Hospital have discharged me now because It appears that jelly babies were the cause of my stomach problems. It took my stomach 6months to recover and I have now been ok for 6 months, so finally discharged.

Every time I had really bad stomach my levels shot up.

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I had 25 years of having milk and sugar or chocolate as my hypo stoppers. When I went on my pump my HCP's were adamant I had jelly babies only.

I had a bad time with lows for a while and quite substantial amounts of jelly babies and ended up with severe blockages in my stomach for a long time. When I saw my gastro consultant he asked if anything had changed in my life or diet. I went home and thought about it and yes, there was.... Jelly babies and a bit more stress. Well I gave up jelly babies, and have dolly mixtures and anything BUT jelly babies now since Sept 2012. It has taken until Sept 2013 before my stomach has completely recovered. Since Sept last year I have had a completely normal stomach.
I saw my consultant this week and I saw him in October last year and now been discharged!,,

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I recently picked up stomach bug from my daughter and I had a bit of high temp and felt like I had a flu such as achy body. I also had a stomach pain and indigestion.

Since that day, my sugar level has been weird. I hardly need any bolus insulin for what I eat. I was injecting 1 unit for 10g before and had been fine, but when I slightly recovered from the illness, I gave myself the usual amount at night, I had terrible hypo. Since that day I reduced the bolus amount quite a lot, but still had hypo. Now I only give myself just 1 or 1.5 for whatever I eat and however much I eat! So strange.
I'm wondering if the illness triggered the honeymoon period or just the stomach bug is blocking or slowing down the food digestion...
I haven't been throwing up at all even though it was stomach bug. Just mild pain, bit of indigestion. ( and flu like symptom on the first day only).

If someone had the same experience, please let me know.

Thank you.

Well, not same but bit like in ways - if you are like me, things will get back to normal, may take months, but be careful to eat more. Mine all started with a v strange unusual hypo as i got off a bus, I could not move, legs like lead, just about managed to eat 9 glucose tabs, and get home, shaking, later seemed that was the start of a sudden stomach bug - with stomach cramps, felt v.sick, ached all over, all old injuries ached, could not eat , not sick kept feeling sick, difficult to drink, exhausted, and the normal insulin use rise i expect - double, then a third more, days went by, then i could eat soups and over weeks and weeks at last i could eat normally but in that time no pattern to insulin/carb , except LESS insulin use, had high carbs went back to injections for boluses for a while as thought it was the pump but it was not, yes it seemed like i might be going to be cured, so little insulin - worked out in the end that in my case over 50% of food not getting absorbed, it was not possible to put on the wt i had lost while v.ill even with high cals and carbs, was so so weak got chest infection, lots of antibiotics later, just ok, normal regarding insulin and food. Take care


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I have always found when I have a stomach bug or upset tummy my blood readings are quite low and steady for the time I've got it rather than the usual illness response of it going high.

I've never had a ratio change though so can't help you with that one.


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Thank you, everyone for sharing your thoughts and stories.
How strange it is that everyone is affected in different way by different types of bugs! And such annoying and frustrating thing it is that I have to change the insulin ratio when I'm not well...
At one point I thought my diabetes got better, but no... Now that I'm much better from the sickness bug, my sugar level is back to normal. ( I mean my ratio is nearly coming back to the usual 1:10g...) shame...

Anyway, thanks again for your responses.

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