Slightly Embarrassing Question.


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I can't think of a polite way to get this out, so apologies if it's an over-share!

About three months ago I started itching in the...umm...lady-garden area.
I had very recently shaved in that area and I thought it was down to that and figured it would stop in a couple of days.

It didn't and the itching got worse, so I tried using Vagisil cream. That did nothing at all and I was getting really uncomfortable so I tried putting cold cloths on it and eventually it got so bad that the skin was cracked and I won't go into any more detail... :shh:

I ended up going to the out of hours doctor who with one very quick look said "yup, that's one of the worst cases of thrush I've seen in a while!" gave me some cream and off I went.
I was told by her I couldn't use the tablets to treat thrush due to the diabetes (I didn't know I was diabetic at that point, she was 100% sure I was, though just by how bad things were) and that was that.

The cream seemed to work and all was well.
A week after I stopped using the cream guess what happened?
Yup. It came back. Thankfully not as bad, but my goodness the ITCHING.
I have the cream again which helps for a bit but the nurse has told me it's down to my high blood sugar. Which, as I've mentioned in my other thread is stupidly high and not getting any lower.

So, how many others are in the same boat and what on earth do you do to stop the annoying itch?
And how do you stop it coming back if your blood sugar won't flippin' well go down?!


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Re: Slightly Embarrassing *Ladies Only* Question.

I'm not a lady, but I've had the same problem with chronic thrush. You can treat the symptoms with canestan, but the truth is that the fungii feed on the sugar in your sweat, urine and other lady excretions.

Not sure how good your control is, but if you get your BG levels down, it's almost certain to go away for good.

I had 3 months of it pre-diagnosis, and I was having to rotate chemists to make sure I had enough canestan supplies.


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Re: Slightly Embarrassing *Ladies Only* Question.

I don't know whether this will work but it shouldn't do any harm . . . try using "live" plain unsweetened yoghurt, externally. You could also slip a little inside in that area too, if you get my meaning!

I know it works for some things eg sunburn, and the live bacteria in the yoghurt may go some way towards soothing down the overgrowth of sugar-fed bacteria in the thrush.

You could also try eating some live yoghurt every day, 'cos it helps with gut flora and fauna, too. Sheep or goat's is better than cow's.

Viv 8)


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Re: Slightly Embarrassing *Ladies Only* Question.

I must admit it soothed things when I dipped my 'tallywhacker' in some cold 'Live yoghurt' when i suffered this problem!


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Re: Slightly Embarrassing *Ladies Only* Question.

I am not a lady either, the reason I went todos in te first place which diagnosed my diabetes was I had a really bad yellow and white tounge it was nasty, it was oral thrush, a couple of weeks after I got my BG levels down it has cleared up nicely. As mentioned it feeds on sugar.


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Re: Slightly Embarrassing *Ladies Only* Question.

borofergie said:
I'm not a lady, but I've had the same problem with chronic thrush. You can treat the symptoms with canestan, but the truth is that the fungii feed on the sugar in your sweat, urine and other lady excretions.

Not sure how good your control is, but if you get your BG levels down, it's almost certain to go away for good.

I had 3 months of it pre-diagnosis, and I was having to rotate chemists to make sure I had enough canestan supplies.

I always forget that men can suffer with it as well and poor you having had it for 3 months - I can totally empathize with that!
Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it and can wholeheartedly say that this is one part of diabetes that I am hating with a passion!!

At the moment my BG levels suck - they stay at 13+ no matter what I eat so I am researching Paleo (incidentally I'm told you're a bit of a font of knowledge regarding that?) as I do not respond well to carbs and I'm hoping that will bring things down a bit.

Viv - I'd heard about the yogurt thing, I wasn't really sure what to do with it though... Do I just rub a bit on the area?
Also, if I'm going the Paleo way can I still have live yogurt in small quantities?

As a thought - would taking Acidophilus help?


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Re: Slightly Embarrassing *Ladies Only* Question.

Paul1976 said:
I must admit it soothed things when I dipped my 'tallywhacker' in some cold 'Live yoghurt' when i suffered this problem!

:lol: did not take long for trouser snake comment to show. :lol: 2nd post now :lolno:


Well-Known Member
with canasten cream you need to use it 10 days after symptoms have gone i believe. for ladies a tampon dipped in live yoghurt works. change every 4 hours.
good luck

ps why can.t diabetics have the one dose anti thrush tablet????


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Re: Slightly Embarrassing *Ladies Only* Question.

Paul1976 said:
I must admit it soothed things when I dipped my 'tallywhacker' in some cold 'Live yoghurt' when i suffered this problem!

Please tell me that you didn't put the yoghurt back in the fridge afterwards?!?!? :shock: :sick:


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borofergie said:
Paul1976 said:
I must admit it soothed things when I dipped my 'tallywhacker' in some cold 'Live yoghurt' when i suffered this problem!

Please tell me that you didn't put the yoghurt back in the fridge afterwards?!?!? :shock: :sick:

I thought that as well.... :lol:

elainechi - I did do that, I basically used the entire tube of cream that I was originally given.
I have gone through three tubes :(
They didn't say why a diabetic can't have the anti-thrush tablets, they just said a very firm "don't".


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Hey there!

Not sure why you shouldn't use the anti fungal tablets. A few months ago, I had a heavy cold and my BG went high and I got thrush - 1st time since my diabetes came under control. Anyway, GP prescribed Diflucan and it cleared it in 24 hours. No I'll effects and I'm still here to tell the tale! I know you mustn't take them if you're on Gliclazide, but I'm not aware of any other issues with them in regard to diabetes. Perhaps ask your pharmacist? They're certainly more effective than the cream.



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Hi there, completely sympathise on the Thrush front.It was a trip to the Docs in August last year with thrush in my mouth, throat & downstairs that eventually prompted my diagnosis.Since a first treatment of Nystatin I have had it at least 10 times,I myself have bought many Oral capsules which cleared me up (as well as treatments of the doc but didnt want to keep going back,hate going) ,only for it to come back the next week.Last month,back again, so a 7 day course of Flucazanole off the doc who said with uncontrolled sugar it will keep coming back.Last week ,it was back again! Thankfully I was in DB clinic this week and they have finally given the medication I need to lower my sugar (hopefully). was not given medication to begin with as I was always having Hypos.Bottom line is until sugar is controlled I dont think yours wll go away as it will keep rearing its ugly head.What medication are you taking for your diabetes?x


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daisy3174 said:
Hi there, completely sympathise on the Thrush front.It was a trip to the Docs in August last year with thrush in my mouth, throat & downstairs that eventually prompted my diagnosis.Since a first treatment of Nystatin I have had it at least 10 times,I myself have bought many Oral capsules which cleared me up (as well as treatments of the doc but didnt want to keep going back,hate going) ,only for it to come back the next week.Last month,back again, so a 7 day course of Flucazanole off the doc who said with uncontrolled sugar it will keep coming back.Last week ,it was back again! Thankfully I was in DB clinic this week and they have finally given the medication I need to lower my sugar (hopefully). was not given medication to begin with as I was always having Hypos.Bottom line is until sugar is controlled I dont think yours wll go away as it will keep rearing its ugly head.What medication are you taking for your diabetes?x

I wish I'd known before, but it seems to me that rampant thrush is a huge tell-tale symptom of undiagnosed diabetes.

I never want it back again. It's one of the things that keeps me away from the chocolate hobnobs.


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Hello Blindfaith, I totally hear what you are saying about the vaginal thrush as this is eventually what prompted me to get myself checked out...During last year I think I had at least 5 bouts of thrush, it was terrible. Last one was in August and then not another case until March this year and of I went finally for the fasting blood sugar and came back at 15.3 so got my diagnosis :(

Have been fine now since getting my blood sugars under control. I have however since my late teens been a girl who did suffer from thrush at least once at year for a long time.

I would recommend eating good quality yogurt with all the good things in. It may help you.

Best of luck



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BlindFaith posted:

Viv - I'd heard about the yogurt thing, I wasn't really sure what to do with it though... Do I just rub a bit on the area?
Also, if I'm going the Paleo way can I still have live yogurt in small quantities?

I'd pat it on rather than just rub, you might set off the itching again, and then your loosest clean cotton knickers over the top. Definitely cotton, by the way! if not knickerless altogether :shock: . The tampon idea is a good one, too, but do make sure you change them frequently.

I eat live sheep or goat yoghurt even on Atkins' Induction, 'cos of the good bacteria, though I don't eat a lot of it. It is also possible to get a sugar-free probiotic, though probably only from health food stores. Our local organic grocer ordered some in specially for me when I was on Atkins first time round, via Suma, the big organic wholesaler.

Have you had a look at Viv's Modified Atkins Diet? Almost guaranteed to bring your BGs down, and it's not too far from the Palaeo diet. (Sorry, I'm old-fashioned - Palaeolithic. Without the 2nd 'A' it's the American spelling :lol: ).

Viv 8)


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Thanks for all the replies - you're all awesome :D
Natural live yogurt with all the good stuff in it is on my shopping list - still not sure about putting on my...area :lol: but eating it I can get on board with.
I'd try the tampon idea but I can't use them :(

I can't remember who asked (sorry!) about my medication but I take Metformin (2000mg per day) and Sitagliptin (100mg per day) and so far they're doing zilch. I also take the following for my other health conditions:
As well as the contracptive pill (Cerazette)
I may also end up on some form of steroid as well later this year due to my skin problem.

I did read the guide that was mentioned regarding the low carb eating which was hugely helpful - much easier to understand than all the books that confuse me with their jargon, lol
I'm starting this Monday. I'd like to start NOW but I already have the ingredients for dinner tonight and tomorrow so it shall be my last carby meal for a long while!
I'm looking forward to the change actually; time to start looking after myself a bit better I think!!


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Hi. Just to add to the other comments, I had male candida when diagnosed that didn't go away until my blood sugar went below around 11 mmol, so if you can get to below the level where the kidneys dump sugar e.g. by low-carbing/reducing food intake etc then you may find it just disappears


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I am another one who suffered with virus thrush almost permanently in the days before low carb. No sooner did I finish one treatment it started all over again.
Once my bg levels came down to non diabetic levels it disappeared and hasn't come back since.
Definitely recommend plain live yogurt or kefir. If you foot like it plain you can bed sweetener and a bit of cinnamon or stew some rhubarband stir into the yogurt or kefir. Apply yogurt or kefir to the itchy sore areas and eat the stuff too. Get hold of teatree oil or lavender essence and put a few drops into tepid water and sit in it for 10 minutes or so and do this at least twice a day. Don't worry about low carbing you will feel so much better for it and you still can eat yummy food , there are many recipes in the low carb section even a chocolate section called chocolate paradise.
I hope you feel more comfortable soon.


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Really do think you need to go and have your situation and medication reviewed, maybe it is that you need insulin.Hope you feel better soon x