

Well-Known Member
I have constantly stated that I smoke because I cannot find proof that backs up the stop smoking propaganda. to show you how the anti smoking brigade just put out figures and don't check them you don't even have to leave this site.
There is a smoking calculator on here and here is what I put in.
No I don't 7 x 5 = 35 so i spend £35 a week on smoking.

£75 seems about right considering the anti smoking lobby have been pulling numbers out of hats for years.

Try it and see if they can convince you I spend £75 per week.


People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
The calculator you refer to is on the Community Pages here.......... ... lator.html

I have checked what you have said and it does tell you whatever you put in that the cost is £75 per week........ :!:

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It appears to be a 'glitch'. I have notified the Administrator and hopefully the problem will be corrected soon.

Forum Monitor


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Argumenative barstifferous (new word *lol*) types who think that they know everything *wink*
I would have thought the 'cost' is best measured in health and impact of remedial treatments. I am an ex smoker of some 30+ yrs and its impact on my life and remedial treatments needed are extensive and still pestering me .. :(


Active Member
I was pressurised into stopping smoking a year and a half ago. I struggled every day wanting to smoke. So I’ve started smoking electronic cigarettes. It has one chemical (nicotine) as to the normal smokes that have over 4000 chemicals! The initial cost was high but I think the daily cost is a third of normal smokes and there's no risk of setting anything on fire, no flames or hot embers. You can also buy several strengths to suit your taste.


Well-Known Member
My other half who is an T2 insulin dependant diabetic recently had a quad heart bypass. She had her last cigarette the day before the operation and has now not smoked for 9 months breaking a 37 year habit. Her general health has much improved and she can now walk and talk at the same time. Her circulation has also improved greatly and even in the inclement weather we are currently experiencing the constantly numb feet and cold hands seem a thing of the distant past. An added bonus is that the house also suffer much less from the effects of nicotine etc laden smoke.

If you smoke and want to see why you should seriously consider stopping visit someone in the few days immediately after bypass surgery and ask yourself if you have the balls to go through such a drastic procedure.


Well-Known Member
There are many ways in which both diabetes and smoking cause similar damage but as the last poster pointed out the greatest of those is heart disease. Anyone who says smoking does not cause health problems (such as heart disease) and that there's no evidence to prove it does cause any health problems (such as heart disease) - as pavmas has done both in this post and in another one - is simply self-delusional and it is frankly a danger to the health of young diabetics who read this site to try to convince them otherwise. If one wants evidence, one needs only to analyse the figures for the NHS treating heart attacks both before and after the smoking ban, when there was a drastic cut in the number of people smoking and a drastic cut in the number of heart attacks.

This is the 2nd post that I have found from this individual trying to convince other diabetics that smoking is OK and I believe all further discussion of this should be banned, and further, that this thread and the other one should be locked. I am a smoker, for the record, and am finding it extraordinarily hard to stop and yes, it is causing me significant health problems that have massively impacted on the management of my type 1 diabetes, leading me to my latest HbA1c of 9.1% instead of my usual 7-8% due to an extraordinarily difficult to treat chest infection that resulted in me not only being barely able to breathe but also having to take steriods, which blew my sugars through the roof to top off 3 months of already-bad sugars. My first chest infection came within 6 months of starting smoking, by which time I was hooked and couldn't stop. I also saw my grandmother die of a massive heart attack which was evidently, to all of us who knew her, caused by her smoking when I was 17 and it traumatised me for several years.

Smoking is bad for all people and worse for diabetics. If pavmas smokes that's his business which no-one cares about and there's no need to try to plug or push smoking on this website; in fact, frankly, his opinion is a danger to the health of others, particularly young diabetics. Why not just go to a lung cancer support forum and push these same opinions there? If the tobacco firms accept and know and admit their products are a danger to health then what 'research' could pavmas possibly be reading that tells him anything else.

If you don't smoke, don't start - and if you do smoke, try to stop. End of message.


I was diagnosed as type 1 in September. At that point I had given up smoking for a few months but felt a bit messed up when I was diagnosed, so stupidly started smoking again, think it was maybe me rebelling a wee bit and doing something that I wanted to do I guess.
Over the next few weeks my feet started to get more and more painful, I couldn't sit or stand in any position for more than a couple of minutes, never getting any more than a couple of hours solid sleep, getting up every hour or two at night because of my feet.
Walking was a problem because they were so sensitive I could feel every movement, crack in the pavement, etc.
When I was lying in bed at night it felt as if there was a huge weight on the end of my toes when it was just the duvet covering my feet!
Last Friday I had my last cigarette and by the weekend my feet were starting to feel a lot better, now a week on and they are near enough back to normal, although there is a very slight numbness in both of them.

Smoking IS bad for you m'kay.


Retired Moderator
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Disrespectful people
stonefield said:
Last Friday I had my last cigarette and by the weekend my feet were starting to feel a lot better, now a week on and they are near enough back to normal, although there is a very slight numbness in both of them.

Excellent stuff stonefield! :D

As someone who has lost both my father and father-in-law to smoking related cancers, I love to hear from people who have given the ciggies up. Hope your health continues to improve.



Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Spiders - especially the big black ones!
I used to smoke and on the nights when I was going out to a line dance venue the other smokers and I would gather for a puff or two in a secluded room and roll out our determinations as to the right to do what WE wanted to! Now, having stopped smoking for quite some time, I look back and realise how foolish it was and just plain stupid to bury ones head in the sand and pretend we don't care about any effects it may have in later life. My father-in-law died with congested lungs due to a lifetime of heavy smoking - not a pretty sight to say the least - and to see him gasping for breath was heart wrenching!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
For any young ones reading this post I would just like to tell you my smoking history.
I started smoking when I was about 15 ,there was no health warnings at this time and it was considered "grown up "to smoke. When I did "grow up" about 16 years later I thought I could just stop. Easy no problem ,how wrong I was it was murder , the kids nearly left home! I was so bad tempered I was sweating I couldnt sleep and all the time all I could think about was cigarettes I got so desperate one day that I searched the house and smoked every dog end I could find I went through every pocket and drawer and finally ended up with half a cigar that my husband had had hanging around for about 4 years by this time I was in tears and so disgusted with myself that I vowed that this thing was not going to dictate my life :evil: I did stop after that but it was very difficult and even 2years later I was dreaming that I had smoked a cigarette and I woke up in a cold sweat thinking that I would have to stop smoking all over again.
After I stopped smoking I felt so much better I used to suffer with sinus trouble but that disapeared also I could taste things properly and I smelt much nicer and we were much better off :) .So my advice no matter who says smoking is ok .Dont do it


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Diet only
Self serving politicians
raineuk said:
I was pressurised into stopping smoking a year and a half ago. I struggled every day wanting to smoke. So I’ve started smoking electronic cigarettes. It has one chemical (nicotine) as to the normal smokes that have over 4000 chemicals! The initial cost was high but I think the daily cost is a third of normal smokes and there's no risk of setting anything on fire, no flames or hot embers. You can also buy several strengths to suit your taste.

Good post.

Try ecig for some reasonably priced electronic cigarette from a UK company


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Doctors who tell me how I feel rather than ask. Hospitals where clericals outnumber medical staff. Actually - hospitals in general - I stay out of them.
I don't smoke - never have in my 67 years. Not a health choice, simply that I grew up in a house full of heavy smokers and grew so sick of the stink and mess I never touched tobacco myself. After losing both parents to smoking-related diseases I'm relieved I didn't just follow the herd. For many years being a non-smoker placed me in a distinct minority - almost a lunatic fringe in some people's view.

But I do take the OP's broad point - after a lifetime of misdiagnosis and misinformation I've come to accept that the extended medical industry has but one priority - money. If their statements and statistics should never be dismissed out of hand, they certainly should never be accepted at face value without knowing what sources and methods have been used. In my own experience those sources are too often highly suspect and results motivated by outside pressures. Doctors have had more fads and fancies over the years than the ladies' clothing industry.

My own late mother was a non-smoker who started smoking on doctor's advice! That was many years ago, of course - but the point is that the doctor who advised her then didn't THINK smoking was harmless, he KNEW it for a fact. When I was young it was quite common to be examined by a doctor with a cigarette in his mouth. What do they know right now for a 'fact' that might have tragic consequences in the future?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Doctors who tell me how I feel rather than ask. Hospitals where clericals outnumber medical staff. Actually - hospitals in general - I stay out of them.
moonstone said:
...This is the 2nd post that I have found from this individual trying to convince other diabetics that smoking is OK and I believe all further discussion of this should be banned, and further, that this thread and the other one should be locked...

No moonstone - absolutely not. These are discussion forums and the OP has a right to his opinion. I think his opinion is wrong too (though I share his distaste for health edicts) but I didn't read anything into his post other than a personal opinion. When posts are banned or locked because people - even a majority of people - think that discussion should be disallowed, then we might as well all simply pack up and go.

"It ain't what we don't know that causes trouble - it's what we do know that ain't so!" (Will Rogers).


Lighten up folks.

We have the Food Police telling us we should eat exactly what they do regardless of whether we can or even want to and now we have the Fag Police. Smokers are well aware of the possible health hazards.


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Retired Moderator
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Type 1
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Disrespectful people
Congratulations on your birthday Catherine! :D



Well-Known Member
Amazing you put a different opinion across and a poster wants it banned because he has seen 2 posts of me trying to convince others.
Well i have saw 1000 posts trying to convince me of a carb free diet despite all diabetic consultants telling me otherwise but im not asking for these posts to be banned because I like different opinions.

Another poster wrote his wife had a triple bypass and stopped smoking the day before the operation and her health has never been better, im so pleased thats she is doing well' but she could have stopped watching Coronation St the day before her operation and felt better for it, she had a bypass so the benefits and feeling healthy are obvious.

My wife had problems with her liver and the consultant blamed drinking, my wife informed him that she never drank aqnd had one drink at new year, his answer was that she has an irish surname so she must drink.

my brother was a nightshift nurse in a cancer ward and he himself died of cancer when he was 50, they told him smoking was the cause and he died believing this, the person who worked with him died exactly one year later with the same cancer and he never smoked.

Im not making this up, I can provide dates, proof, names that the link with cancer and smoking is totally made up and was started by CIA to try and affect Cubas cigar trade.

Everytime I mention this someone will say that its not cancer thats the worry but Heart problems, circulation etc, thats just moving the goalposts after years of punting smoking causes cancer.

The fact is I do believe that smoking cant be good for you but do believe that it is less dangerous than meat, i have been vegetarian for neary 20 years now and as any diabetic know you can only go on your last readings as how you are doing healthwise.

My last check up I was told that everything in my body is perfect and I had better readings than the nurse who was non diabetic, so whatever im doing its working for me, if i was to stop smoking this might bring on stress and lead to a stroke.

Another thing I have never touched a drink since been told i was type 1, I have seen with my own eyes blindness in Type 1 diabetic cause by drink and drink alone, I was told by my diabetic consultant I could drink as much as i want but must stop smoking, I thought he was mad and decided not to drink and believe my eyes, until I see actual proof that smoking will damage me I will continue to smoke.

One last fact that you may wish to know' everyone remembers the pictures of the beagles with masks on been forced to smoke to prove the link with cancer, did you know that after months and years of continued chain smoking that none of the beagles got lung cancer so they added chemicals still no cancer so more chemicals and more till the dogs developed cancer.

Im not sure of the year but believe it was 2008 That the highest rise in lung cancer in the usa on record and 78% were non smokers and over 30% of them had never had any contact with smoke or secondary smoke.

So if you want to start banning my posts for posting what I know as fact then do so, you will not be the first and wont be the last, maybe I should give up on smoking research and look at diabetis because the facts and figures dont add up.

I was told that my type 1 could only be genetic and I explained that no one at all in my family was ever type 2 never mind type 1, "they said and I kid you not" maybe the had it and just never knew it, that is one major assumption where if i was looking at this i would try to find out why type1 is showing up in families with no history of diabetis.

A bit about me, People just assume im half daft because i smoke and am type 1, I won inventor of the year in 1996, Im used to checking and re checking data and facts and have to be really thorough especially with patent checks, if I found facts regarding the danger of smoking I would have no hesitation saying it.
Infact I maybe about to admit that smoking will kill you, not last year or previous years but starting from now Feb 2011
I heard that depleted uranium is been spread over tobacco crops in Virginia, if this is proved as fact then yes smoking will kill cause cancer make you sterile and i will stop instantly if this is the case and I will be warning people of the real dangers of smoking in every forum i can.