So confused by my readings!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I was diagnosed with prediabetes last Sunday because of a reading of 102 (sorry I'm not sure what this is in the more commonly used measurement in the UK).

I bought a meter to find out more about what triggers me.

Saturday morning, my fasting blood sugar level was 100. OK, all made sense so far.

Today, I came back from work feeling hungry, and my level was 81 (how can it be lower than after a much longer fast?)
Two hours after dinner, it was 98 (again, that's not pre diabetic at all).

Why am I only at prediabetic levels in the morning?!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not being able to eat as many chocolate digestives as I used to.
When you took the Saturday reading was it just after waking up?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I took another morning reading this morning, 79! Firmly in the normal range. While that's great news, I don't even know whether to think I am prediabetic or not now. I have been extra careful for a week, can this be solved so quickly? It seems crazy!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
I took another morning reading this morning, 79! Firmly in the normal range. While that's great news, I don't even know whether to think I am prediabetic or not now. I have been extra careful for a week, can this be solved so quickly? It seems crazy!
That's a great result, well done. I think it's better to observe a trend over say a week, than to go by one reading. Your lab test was right on the borderline for prediabetes so it's possible to have readings in the normal range this quickly. It's looking like you dodged a bullet, so to speak. If things continue to head downwards, then I would say just continue to avoid excessive carbs and sugars, and check your blood sugars once every 3 months or so. Even for people who are nowhere near being diabetic, it's healthier to avoid excessive carbs and sugars. Our bodies aren't very well suited to eating them. Especially those of us with diabetic predisposing genes.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
I took another morning reading this morning, 79! Firmly in the normal range. While that's great news, I don't even know whether to think I am prediabetic or not now. I have been extra careful for a week, can this be solved so quickly? It seems crazy!
Also remember your meter may be inaccurate by up to -/+ 15%


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes, I'll keep an eye on things, it's been a great wake-up call. While I have been low carb for a while, I was definitely eating way too much sugar without really paying attention to it (4 or 5 portions of tropical fruit a day + 1 or 2 Burmese sweet teas + all the sugar Thai people tend to add to their curries + the odd bit of chocolate + a glass of juice here and there... for someone with a diabetic mum, it wasn't very clever!)

I must have changed my eating habits a lot since living in Thailand. Because everything is cooked fresh, it makes you think it's super healthy, but it's very sweet...
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