So it all went pear shaped


Ipswich Town, having diabetes and bipolar, intolerance, the Daily Mail, Twitter, bad music
I was diagnosed as a Type 2 nearly 10 years ago at the tender age of 34. I wasn't overweight but diet controlled quickly slipped to maxing out on Metformin, then Glimipiride and then Sitagliptin without ever feeling that I had any element of control of my ever increasing bms.

Anyway, I've been unwell for a few weeks with kidney pain and those bms have continued to creep up. Thursday night was particularly eventful when we hit 22.2 and ++++ ketones. GP Out of Hours referred me straight to A&E who identified that I was acidotic and probably an 'adult on-set type 1'. I had no idea such a concept existed (my GP had intimated I might be a Type 1.5).

So, here I am, posting from hospital bed, hooked up to fluids, just about to start on exenatide (Byetta), after being brought down yesterday by iv insulin.

I feel like a newbie all over again :(
Debs x


Well-Known Member
Wow Debs scary stuff! I hope this is the start of you gaining control and getting yourself well. Take care of yourself, best wishes Jane


Ipswich Town, having diabetes and bipolar, intolerance, the Daily Mail, Twitter, bad music
Thanks Jane and Mary.

I haven't really posted on the board, having been a bit of a 'lurker'. I have put my profile on and answered the 'let's get to know each other' on the welcome board now. :roll:

I think I may well find myself posting more and lurking less. :wave:

See you soon
Debs x