So many vitreous hemmorhages


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Hello everyone, I'm a type 1 of 30 years 4 years ago I was diagnosed with severe proliferative retinopathy and oedema, aser and injections brought it under control and I enjoyed a stable bleed free year. Th8s year I am on my 7th hemmorhage.

The latest one in my left eye is horrif8c, I can't see fingers being held up and can barely discern even hand movements.

My new specialist team are g8ving me an injection in another week to try snd help with blood reabsorption then they can do thorough laser as I have do many new vessels they just keep breaking.

I control my sugars snd blood pressure, I was so fit and energetic 'the healthy one' so what more can I do? I've ordered my first symbol canes, I cannot drive for the past 2 months work is becoming not sustainable, I have 3 daughters to support and right now I can't even see their face

Is thete sny hope? Is this it for me now? I told my partner of 30 years to leave me today, how can I be me when I can't even see my own face put make up on, look like me? I'm not allowed to train so my 0hysiwue has gone. I carb count but I can't even go out walking on my own

Has anyone been this bad and improved? I don't expect miracles but please please not th8s


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I told my partner of 30 years to leave me today, how can I be me when I can't even see my own face put make up on, look like me?
I'm pretty sure he hasn't put up with you for 30 years for your make-up skills, and if I had a partner struggling with disability I can't imagine this would make me love them any less.

Has anyone been this bad and improved? I don't expect miracles but please please not th8s
I'm still having my fingers crossed for your eyesight improving and stabilising!

I don't have any experience with eye issues myself (knock wood), but it sounds like a very scary time for you.
I witnessed my mum going through the process of getting to terms with going deaf in her thirties, and my best friend struggling to learn to cope (most of the time) with a debilitating chronic illness.
What I saw in both of them is that it did get better with time. I think a large part of adjusting is the mental adjustment, for most practical issues you'll face you'll be able to find a - not perfect but workable - solution.
Have you looked into mental support to deal with the fears, the anger, and with facing the possible long term consequenses? This can help a lot.

And have another big fat hug from me, and maybe a good cry with your partner too.


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Lots of crying and raging at the world! Praying that it will clear somewhat and I can have enough sight to remain 'me' even if I don't drive again, that i can deal with now.
Thabkyoy for your kind words and taking time out to reply, very sorry about your mum and friend but glad they made it through.
I'm now in touch with the ECLO at my eye hospital so I'm hoping they can help me feel more positive x


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hypos and forum bugs
I don't (yet) have exerience with eye issues @Helen40 but I do have a good friend who lost vision in an accident in her twenties and is "legally" blind. Though she can't drive she has learnt to adjust and I wouldn't know this about her if she hadn't told me.

And ophthalomologists are getting better at preserving diabetics' vision all the time.

Thinking of you and wishing you luck.