Starting Over


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi there im new to the site and I've been reading most of the topics since last night and feel and hope I will gain a lot of help and support from joining.

I'm a type one now for 18 years and I am on the Omnipod for nearly two years! My control has never been the best I always seem to put my diabetes last. I've had numerous admissions for DKA and also laser for retinopathy! More recently I have been diagnosed with Depression and as a result have severe insomnia which in turn has made me once again ignore my diabetes! My sugars are constantly hi I feel rubbish and lonely as some have already highlighted nobody understands what it's like unless your going through it! My friends are great in supporting me with feeling down! I have decided to start over and at the beginning!

Any help or advice in starting over would be great sorry for the waffle x Sarah x
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
Hi Tukella
first -- a very warm welcome to the forum :)
You are in the right place for help from fellow diabetics that have probably been through what you are going through themselves.
had laser and depression myself -- not much fun:(

it is important not to beat yourself up over the past - that has happened.
starting now focus on 1 day at a time and remember that not every step taken will be a forward one but with the right attitude you will get there.

as noblehead has given you the first step nothing more to focus on for the next few days.

you could ask your pump nurse for some support as well ????


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thanks guys x hopefully I will turn a corner soon x had my first hypo today in a long time forgot just how rubbish they can make u feel x
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Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
Thanks guys x hopefully I will turn a corner soon x had my first hypo today in a long time forgot just how rubbish they can make u feel x

really pleased to hear that @Tukella ( but said with sympathy :) )

i have always preferred the lows to the highs -- maybe daft but i feel more alive with them.
being high is the worst feeling in the world to me.