Statins Again


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only

Here we go - this is the second version, updated in January 2024 (published 30 January and updated 31 January makes it look like they missed an error somewhere).

[edited to note that there are many interesting things hidden on the NHS England website, but they can be hard to find unless you know exactly what you're looking for]

Unfortunately it's definitely not an "at a glance" document. All the indicators are in the early sections. If you want to see the internal workings, follow the link through to the Statement of Financial Entitlements Directions (SFE), which give the legal power to make payments to GPs for doing particular things (and not doing other things). An earlier version, now twenty years old, has my fingerprints on it.

The GP representatives are increasingly fed up with QOF (it was first introduced in the new GP contract in 2003) and in the 23/24 negotiations wanted to scrap it entirely. This was not accepted and NHS England imposed the arrangements (rather than agreeing them).

GPs are anti-QOF because the QOF is all about earning points by practices doing things. The GP view is that target chasing gets in the way of good patient care. Many patients have noticed this too.
You passed. You got the job.

Thanks Kenny. I appreciate it.

I know I think target chasing impedes decent care in some cases.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I'd be interested to know why you think there is a drive to get us on Statins? I spoke about them with my DN and she was more than happy for me not to take them and to review after my next Hb1Ac is done (next month), at which point I will decide.

The only evidence I see is the notional 10% increase in chance of heart issues for those that have diabetes, but if that is being controlled (to a very good level) then I see no reason why either I would want them, or indeed the health service would want me to have them.
My GPS practice have been trying to put me on statins since I have been diagnosed with diabetes. Know doubt they will try and push them on me again at my next review, which will be another tick box exercise.