Statins and morning blood sugar levels


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Cholesterol is your bodies repair hormone and a natural anti-inflammatory. If it is a bit high, it is working to renew and mend your cells. It is not the villain it is made out to be


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Cholesterol is not harmful, as long as it has not been oxidizes by free radicals , it makes up 25pc of your brain, and is the building blocks for the lining of every cell on your body.reducing your cholesterol is weakening the cells and attacking your brain cells.statins also kill your mitochondria, which is were your body stores the energy in your body for your muscles to use as needed. Loss of these vital cells cause lack of energy, constantly being tired. Statins have never been proven to work. They do you harm. Have done a lot of research since my husband passed. Trying to pass on what I have learned. I am type 2 diabetic, is the big newt in our position?
I'm reading lots about statins, all the horrible side effects some of which I know.

Seems funny that since being on this particular one, pravastatin my bloods have gone upward especially on a morning.


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So my endocrinologist says it’s “critical” I take statins to lower my tryglycerides and you guys say they do more harm than good. WHO DO I BELIEVE?

Mike d

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idiots who will not learn
You can only read and listen to comments and then make up your own mind. Not seen anybody here say outright "don't take them" without a qualifying "IMO" or personal testimonies to what they experience .... neither an off the cuff "ignore the doctor" ....

There's plenty of members who justifiably say ignore idiots in the health systems that say you don't need to test
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Screen Shot 2018-02-21 at 10.20.20.png


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Thanks bulkbiker. However, I have always had a great diet! I’ll have a look at the site though thanks.
I am looking forward to seeing my blood results in April to see how the trigs have faired since been diagnosed and treating my T1 in Jan.


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Diet only
Thanks bulkbiker. However, I have always had a great diet! I’ll have a look at the site though thanks.
I am looking forward to seeing my blood results in April to see how the trigs have faired since been diagnosed and treating my T1 in Jan.
But that great diet may not always so great for your trigs... depends on what it is of course..
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Well, lots of fresh vegetables, lowish carbs, fruit, fish, meat in moderation, eating when I’m hungry, no added sugar etc.


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Rudeness,people being unkind
I read that you should always consult the doctor if taking Q10 while taking statins because it may not be advisable. I take statins so I asked my GP if I should take Q10 and she said no I did not need to but she did advise taking Vitimin D which I take anyway as it is included in the Cod Liver oil capsule that I take every day
My doctor is aware that I take Q10 and is fine with it. I won't take anything without the doctors advice


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Rudeness,people being unkind
I don't treat diabetes, but I try and make sure everyone I see who has established coronary disease (bypass, stent, heart attack) is on a statin. It's these people who benefit the most from those drugs. Whoever said they cause heart attacks because of their effect on CoQ10 is probably selling that stuff out of the trunk of his car at a strip mall near you lol. If it's on the internet it must be true. Right?
All I know is after my heart attack 14 years ago I would never stop taking my Cholesterol medication. I am one of the lucky ones and have had no side effects from taking Statins. I have 1 stent fitted. Its been 14 years and with the medication that I am on I have never felt so well. People argue that Statins are bad because of information on side effects, well my heart medication on the leaflet tells of terrible side effects that people can have, in fact, worse than Statins, but what do I do, stop taking those? I think that we have to weigh up what is right for the individual person. If people have the side effects then obviously they should discuss it with their doctor, but there are many people out there that cope well with them. If prescribing Statins is too many on here is just a money making game, well I am 60 now and get my meds for free.
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Diet only
If prescribing Statins is too many on here is just a money making game, well I am 60 now and get my meds for free.

You might get them free but someone has to pay for them...the Pharma companies need to make their money.

You have had a cardiac event so are maybe in the small group who may benefit by taking statins.
What those of us who rail against indiscriminate statin prescription is that there are perfectly heart healthy people being given these drugs with no reason because they have a "high" total cholesterol number and Type 2 diabetes.


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I don't treat diabetes, but I try and make sure everyone I see who has established coronary disease (bypass, stent, heart attack) is on a statin. It's these people who benefit the most from those drugs. Whoever said they cause heart attacks because of their effect on CoQ10 is probably selling that stuff out of the trunk of his car at a strip mall near you lol. If it's on the internet it must be true. Right?

While I do not have coronary disease have been prescribed simvastatin 20 mg for high total cholesterol and high triglycerides/LDL from a long time. On Dr.'s advice have to continue taking statins so that all cholesterol values remain within limits and recently have been diagnosed T2 and am taking metformin besides low-carb dieting. Reading posts on this forum in relation to Statins and Diabetes are confusing :depressed:


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While I do not have coronary disease have been prescribed simvastatin 20 mg for high total cholesterol and high triglycerides/LDL from a long time. On Dr.'s advice have to continue taking statins so that all cholesterol values remain within limits and recently have been diagnosed T2 and am taking metformin besides low-carb dieting. Reading posts on this forum in relation to Statins and Diabetes are confusing :depressed:

Purely from a personal perspective, if I was in your shoes I would not take statins.
HOWEVER I would not advocate that you change anything until you have researched properly and discussed things with your doctors.
I, like @derry60 take a statin for a specific reason (mine's vascular).
Despite vehement opposition to statins on here (usually utterly justified), it was by listening to advice from my specialists (and in part @TheBigNewt ) that I started them.
Ultimately you're right though, it can be very confusing.
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While I do not have coronary disease have been prescribed simvastatin 20 mg for high total cholesterol and high triglycerides/LDL from a long time. On Dr.'s advice have to continue taking statins so that all cholesterol values remain within limits and recently have been diagnosed T2 and am taking metformin besides low-carb dieting. Reading posts on this forum in relation to Statins and Diabetes are confusing :depressed:
The only thing that matters is doing what you think is right for you it is a decision to make between you and your doctor
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Statins push up my fasting b.g. to near 6.0 from below 5.5.
Statins get LDL down but have no affect on HDL. Low carb diet dropped my Trigs to 1.0 and put my HDL up to 1.6.
Many medical men say LDL has no affect on CVD the Trigs/ HDL ratio is the important factor. Why do so many people with low LDL have heart attacks?
It was the medicine Doxasozin caused me to have CHF, not due lack of statins. ALLHAT study! Why is it still on GPs protocol in the uk? Why does it take so long for the UK to reject the flawed Ancel Keys hypothesis and realize that a low carb high good fats diets corrects all the factors of metabolic syndrome?
Did not Framingham teach them anything about the need to get HDL up as well as Trigs down?

I have been on statins for sometime and I have had various side effects from various ones. The current ones are pravastatin and they seem to have help push my blood sugars up especially on a morning. I was then told by my doctor that the statins where necessary balance. Suggesting that I took them at lunch instead of at night, but this doesn't seem to have made any difference.

I eat a healthy diet and keep myself fit, most of the time my bloods are in range during the day. I have just had my latest HBA1c back and its gone up to 60, which isn't good I know, but previously I was around 48.

So something is going wrong, has anyone else had issues with pravstatin or other statins in the past or currently

Thanks in advance

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While I do not have coronary disease have been prescribed simvastatin 20 mg for high total cholesterol and high triglycerides/LDL from a long time. On Dr.'s advice have to continue taking statins so that all cholesterol values remain within limits and recently have been diagnosed T2 and am taking metformin besides low-carb dieting. Reading posts on this forum in relation to Statins and Diabetes are confusing :depressed:
Today I visited my Dr. to discuss all my recent blood test results HbAic, Lipid Profile, Renal Profile etc. To my surprise I was told to discontinue for a month Simvastatin 20mg since my Total cholesterol 3.52, LDL 1.83, triglycerides 1.03, HDL 1.20 were all good. Results will again be reviewed after a month. This is something suggested for the first time in the last 10 years since I have been on statins. I am hoping maybe this will have a positive effect on my BG numbers too..:)
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Statins are known to raise glucose levels and have been implicated in causing diabetes.

I was taking simvastatin long term prior to diagnosis, and it wasn't until I stopped taking it that I had a sudden drop in glucose levels after being stalled for some time on my low carb diet.

Hi! As of today, I have stopped taking simvastatin. Wanted to know what have been your cholesterol results since you stopped taking statins besides the drop in your glucose levels. thanks


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You're already armed :) Personally, I'd rather take a glass of Agatha Christie's cyanide than ever accept them. Bad stuff ... IMO


So, when you chugging down that cyanide.
You really have convinced yourself a statin will kill you, and cyanide won't?