statins, low carbing and Reactive Hypoglycaemia!

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Had a conversation with my GP.
He gave me a risk test which was suggested by my consultant.
My risk score was double for a man of my age and medical history.
However, the test score would have been less if I didn't have a metabolism condition, as he took the score as though it was the same as a diabetic!

He wants me to start having a statin. Think it's simavastatin!

For info at my last test
Hba1c is 32mmols.

Thyroid, and thyroid function, normal

Total cholesterol 4.8
Triglycerides. 0.8
HDL. 1.42
LDL. 3.0

Liver and kidney function, good.
Calcium. Good.

I am in ketosis and have great energy levels and I'm feeling very well.
I did ask why, he said it's the risk factors for cardiovascular.
I asked if it was the cholesterol, he fudged the question, as I said I wasn't to keen on taking the statin, he asked me to try them, and have blood tests, in 3 weeks time.

I do have family history, with cardiovascular, but my last test was very good!

I'm confused, why when feeling great, I should take them now? the more I read and research and my heart and lungs are fine.
I have low carbed myself back to health!
Why wasn't I prescribed them ten years or more ago when I was struggling with my health?
Like stable, fire, horse!!

He did say that he couldn't force me to take them.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Had a conversation with my GP.
He gave me a risk test which was suggested by my consultant.
My risk score was double for a man of my age and medical history.
However, the test score would have been less if I didn't have a metabolism condition, as he took the score as though it was the same as a diabetic!

He wants me to start having a statin. Think it's simavastatin!

For info at my last test
Hba1c is 32mmols.

Thyroid, and thyroid function, normal

Total cholesterol 4.8
Triglycerides. 0.8
HDL. 1.42
LDL. 3.0

Liver and kidney function, good.
Calcium. Good.

I am in ketosis and have great energy levels and I'm feeling very well.
I did ask why, he said it's the risk factors for cardiovascular.
I asked if it was the cholesterol, he fudged the question, as I said I wasn't to keen on taking the statin, he asked me to try them, and have blood tests, in 3 weeks time.

I do have family history, with cardiovascular, but my last test was very good!

I'm confused, why when feeling great, I should take them now? the more I read and research and my heart and lungs are fine.
I have low carbed myself back to health!
Why wasn't I prescribed them ten years or more ago when I was struggling with my health?
Like stable, fire, horse!!

He did say that he couldn't force me to take them.

It's entirely up to you whether you accept statins or not, as it is the same with any other treatment recommendation.

Did your GP share the test with you, and do you know what your score was, aside from double that for a non-diabetic person? (I do understand you're not diabetic.) If your GP used the qrisk scoring test, which I understand is the standard model, there are two diabetic options; T1 and T2; with T1s having a further elevated risk weighting than T2s.

It would be worthwhile understanding where you sit on the risk scale, with and without the diabetes tag applied, and both those numbers would be where I would start. Both my scores are very low, thankfully.

You can find the qrisk test here: . You probably have most, if not all, of the information to hand.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thanks @AndBreathe
I think above 58 of age on the risk score is my score for ten year qrisk , and I was 9% on the likelihood factor, hope I've got that right!
I believe it was my smoking and my familial history that's put my score so high.
He did appreciate how well I had done in the last couple of years. And took everything into consideration. I still feel as if I don't need them, but I can't get my head around the fact that it's cropped up now when my cholesterol is at its best for probably 30 years.
I know the argument that cholesterol doesn't cause heart problems but do statins actually reduce the risk of heart problems, when low carbing and being in ketosis is doing the job now.

Is it because I've turned 60?


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks @AndBreathe
I think above 58 of age on the risk score is my score for ten year qrisk , and I was 9% on the likelihood factor, hope I've got that right!
I believe it was my smoking and my familial history that's put my score so high.
He did appreciate how well I had done in the last couple of years. And took everything into consideration. I still feel as if I don't need them, but I can't get my head around the fact that it's cropped up now when my cholesterol is at its best for probably 30 years.
I know the argument that cholesterol doesn't cause heart problems but do statins actually reduce the risk of heart problems, when low carbing and being in ketosis is doing the job now.

Is it because I've turned 60?

Without asking him, how could any of us know why he is really this suggestion now, but the second line of your original post may be a great big clue? You stated: ".....He gave me a risk test which was suggested by my consultant......"

Sounds like he acted on your Consultant's suggestion to run the qrisk, then reacted to the score it returned. Right or wrong, that's my best guess.

From your post above, do you say you are still smoking? Are you further saying that your 10 year risk is 58%, against others of your age whose risk equates to 24%?

Again, I would never presume to advise anyone on accepting, or rejecting medical advice, and I am openly supremely unconvinced of the benefits of statins for women. There just hasn't been enough research, focusing on women.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
No I no longer smoke.
My risk score of 58 came from the link you gave me. And the 9% is the ten year likelihood of heart problems.
This is close to the numbers the doctor gave me.
He did give me the life one which was the 30% Mark.

But that was as a diabetic.

It still grates me a little, why now?
The necessity of the statins, I just wish it wasn't so complicated and controversial.
Also, why would I want any of the side effects, when I feel so good, after feeling so horrible for so long before diagnosis.
This is like I shouldn't feel this way and life should hurt and I should suffer just in case I have heart problems along the way.
I just can't get my head around it, why?
It's like a punishment for getting my health back to good levels.

Or am I being daft?

Thanks @AndBreathe for your posts it gives me further food for thought!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Maybe he wants you to become diabetic!!! For the life of me I cant imagine why a 'quack' would want to put you a healthy person on statins. I could swear but won't.
Have they started paying GP's for putting peeps on statins yet?
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Maybe he wants you to become diabetic!!! For the life of me I cant imagine why a 'quack' would want to put you a healthy person on statins. I could swear but won't.
Have they started paying GP's for putting peeps on statins yet?

If the conspiracy theories are true, then it a yes!

I don't want to be diabetic, I'm happy as I am thanks very much!

I've swore a few times today. Trying to research this and the side effects and trying to find out why and what and how!!

I feel frustration and my head is not adjusting to this news.

I'm thinking of phoning my consultant on Monday for more info!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
No I no longer smoke.
My risk score of 58 came from the link you gave me. And the 9% is the ten year likelihood of heart problems.
This is close to the numbers the doctor gave me.
He did give me the life one which was the 30% Mark.

But that was as a diabetic.

It still grates me a little, why now?
The necessity of the statins, I just wish it wasn't so complicated and controversial.
Also, why would I want any of the side effects, when I feel so good, after feeling so horrible for so long before diagnosis.
This is like I shouldn't feel this way and life should hurt and I should suffer just in case I have heart problems along the way.
I just can't get my head around it, why?
It's like a punishment for getting my health back to good levels.

Or am I being daft?

Thanks @AndBreathe for your posts it gives me further food for thought!

I'm sorry, but I don't understand where the 58 comes from. I can see the impact of the ex-smoker uplift, and assume the "life one" you talk about suggests your GP "made you" T1, as opposed to T2? However, all of that is irrelevant because me understanding anything won't make a difference to your GP's view or indeed your own.

It's now up to you to either finalise your decision or go back and have a further discussion with your GP, now you've had time to think it through. I would be inclined to suggest you do the latter. Rejecting a recommendation isn't to be taken lightly, and if you do decide to go down that route, it is worth considering potential unwanted implications. For example, I have heard of people whose travel insurance premiums rose because of their rejection of a medical recommendation for statins. I think it was MudIslandDweller, if I recall correctly.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I'm sorry, but I don't understand where the 58 comes from. I can see the impact of the ex-smoker uplift, and assume the "life one" you talk about suggests your GP "made you" T1, as opposed to T2? However, all of that is irrelevant because me understanding anything won't make a difference to your GP's view or indeed your own.

It's now up to you to either finalise your decision or go back and have a further discussion with your GP, now you've had time to think it through. I would be inclined to suggest you do the latter. Rejecting a recommendation isn't to be taken lightly, and if you do decide to go down that route, it is worth considering potential unwanted implications. For example, I have heard of people whose travel insurance premiums rose because of their rejection of a medical recommendation for statins. I think it was MudIslandDweller, if I recall correctly.

Yes, I will have a good think before I get the prescription. Maybe, I want confirmation that it's a positive move to keep me healthier as I get older.

Really appreciate your input, thanks again!

I was hoping a poster who knows how it benefits low carbers would also answer.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Had a conversation with my GP.
He gave me a risk test which was suggested by my consultant.
My risk score was double for a man of my age and medical history.
However, the test score would have been less if I didn't have a metabolism condition, as he took the score as though it was the same as a diabetic!

He wants me to start having a statin. Think it's simavastatin!

For info at my last test
Hba1c is 32mmols.

Thyroid, and thyroid function, normal

Total cholesterol 4.8
Triglycerides. 0.8
HDL. 1.42
LDL. 3.0

Liver and kidney function, good.
Calcium. Good.

I am in ketosis and have great energy levels and I'm feeling very well.
I did ask why, he said it's the risk factors for cardiovascular.
I asked if it was the cholesterol, he fudged the question, as I said I wasn't to keen on taking the statin, he asked me to try them, and have blood tests, in 3 weeks time.

I do have family history, with cardiovascular, but my last test was very good!

I'm confused, why when feeling great, I should take them now? the more I read and research and my heart and lungs are fine.
I have low carbed myself back to health!
Why wasn't I prescribed them ten years or more ago when I was struggling with my health?
Like stable, fire, horse!!

He did say that he couldn't force me to take them.

Hi Nosher,

What kind of dosage were you offered for the Simvastatin ? I am guessing it would have been 20 mg .With all my history of heart troubles I take just 10 mg/day Simvastatin. Its enough to keep all my lipid values within the required specifications [for whats that worth]

If you are in good shape and dont smoke, the Doctor could give you an EKG test or a treadmill/EKG test as the basis for prescribing, or is it just a case of prescribing according to stastics because its cheaper ?
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi @Pasha
I suspect it will be the lower dosage, but won't know until my prescription arrives midweek.
I think it's the latter as the qrisk test doesn't assess my ketosis lifestyle.

Thanks, do you have side effects?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi @Pasha
I suspect it will be the lower dosage, but won't know until my prescription arrives midweek.
I think it's the latter as the qrisk test doesn't assess my ketosis lifestyle.

Thanks, do you have side effects?

No side effects. I once thought that some leg muscle pains were due to the statins, but a quite lengthy time of not taking them did nothing to improve the situation. Seems that the LCHF has solved the problem.
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Well-Known Member
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Sea filth!
Nosher8355 given the option I personally would dodge the simvastatin. The side effects for loads of people, me included, can be horrendous. I stopped taking them for a long time (now take Atorvastatin, no side effects) and although the worst of the pain went, my muscles have never recovered and the muscle tone has gone and left me feeling constantly bruised.

I know not everyone gets the side effects but if you do, stop them and get them changed to an alternative as soon as you can.

Simvastatin is always the first choice cos a pack only costs the Nhs about a quid. The alternatives are more expensive.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thanks croc!
I just don't want to start getting problems like that now, I'm in full time work and feeling so good.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
But there's the thing Nosher, as you feel so well is it worth risking it? My mother never recovered from taking statins she is now in a wheelchair if we go out, statins destroyed her muscles. I know you have researched - have you had a look at Dr Kendrick? I'm sure if he was your doc he wouldn't be putting you on statins.
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Tablets (oral)
HJust wanted to add my own story. Because my "bad cholesterol" levels were high, my GP prescribed Atorvastatin 20 mg. After a few days, my feet started to swell, and were aching and heavy. Mornings I felt heavy and zombie, also started to have difficulties concentrating and short term memory glitches, just to mention the mentionable problems... After 3 weeks I stopped, and all symptoms cleared in a few days. At the diabetes meds tuning, another GP said the symptoms I mentioned were strange, but also that my cholesterol levels were not that high, so agreed to stop them and re-assess at next full blood tests in mid August. I'm sure they want the best, especially with patients at risk, with both T2D and HBP like myself. Nevertheless, we all react in very different ways to meds, so treatment needs to be individualised for best results.;-)
I am also on a strict LCH diet, and feel quite well, having lost about 5 kg in approx 5 weeks:)
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi @MosheBenYehuda.
Thanks for your post, I really do know how individual these things are!
I will be determined to get to the bottom of why and why now!
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Just had my prescription delivered and the doctor has prescribed atorvastatin.
Gonna give a whirl and have the tests done in three weeks to see how it goes!
If I start feeling rubbish or cramps or stomach problems, I'll stop straight away.
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Well-Known Member
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I reversed my Type 2
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Too many to list.
I took 20mg Simvastatin for a few years no problem, didn't stop me from having a heart attack either !

Put on 80mg Atorvastin after HA and for 6 months was fine then got awful shoulder pain, doctor says thats not caused by statins.
Funny thing is when I stop the statin the pain is 95% better & when I take the statin again the pain returns with a vengence.

I have never had such awful pain in my life. Take at your own peril.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I took 20mg Simvastatin for a few years no problem, didn't stop me from having a heart attack either !

Put on 80mg Atorvastin after HA and for 6 months was fine then got awful shoulder pain, doctor says thats not caused by statins.
Funny thing is when I stop the statin the pain is 95% better & when I take the statin again the pain returns with a vengence.

I have never had such awful pain in my life. Take at your own peril.

I have done a lot of reading and if I get any reaction to them I have been told to quit them, but I still can't get my head around why I need them, because I've never been fitter for decades.