Struggling with type 1 diabeties


Type of diabetes
Type 1
I was diagnosed last November and have only seen the doctor today for the first time.
I am trying to get to grips with carbs and bloods sugar levels and the work issues it has caused me.
Been though the dvla nonsense but still have conditions of a 15 minute break every 45 mins of just been told my cholesterol is too high. **** does this get any better.

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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Yes it does get better....

Is it your driving and breaks or your raised cholesterol or both thats bothering you?

I would have thought that a 15 min break for 45 mins driving was a consuderable amount of time to be lowed and very fair to be honest if that comes from your Employer. A blood test takes less than a minute. You should be prepared with adequate glucose stoppers on dashboard or door side... So what are you doing with the other 14 minutes? An injection is needed for food I agree, but you shouldnt be needing to eat a meal whikst driving.. So I dont undestand iwhat the concerns are with the driving limitations.

As gor cholesterol being raised, well huge amounts if non diabetics have rsised cholesterol and dont realise it.. You being diabetic are going to have your levels checked for the rest of your life and are being given an opportunity here to lower them... That is a positive........
If you had been not diagnosed diabetic, you probably wouldnt have had your cholesterol checked and so wouldnt have done anything about it.
What were you advised about your cholesterol levels? Have you been placed on tablets?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I'm surprised you haven't seen the GP since diagnosis as normally a newly diagnosed on insulin would have an HBa1C after 3 months and then another possibly after 6 months. Have you received all the guidance you need from the GP for how much insulin to inject each time? I wouldn't worry too much about your cholesterol level. There is a lot of debate about this going on and some would say that the blood cholesterol level is not related to the cholesterol that clogs the arteries; it's more complex than that. If you need more advice on carbs and blood sugar then do ask more questions on the forum and let us know what your particular concerns are.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
I had the blood test when first diagnosed which where lost 3 times at the hospital. My doctors messed up as there is another patient with the same name as me and I never went to the doctors before I was diagnosed. I had a hba1c done today which was 63? I am a bit miffed as no one is explaining anything to me and telling me how I can stop feeling the way I do. I am either constantly hungry after my injection or drop dead tired.

I don't understand why the doctors have told the dvla to have a 15 minute break but that could be due to my job.

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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Ok.. So your probs arent all related to cholesterol and driving.

It sounds as if you are struggling to get the knowledge to gain the control that you want.

I agree with daibell ref cholesterol.. Dont be too worried about that at mo.

A level of 63 for newly diagnosed is very good and I personally would be giving you a big skap on the back with a big hug to say well done!!!


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
How old are you and what regime of insulin are you on?

If you are type 1, I woukd personally recommend that you ask your gp to be referred to a diabetic consuktant at hospital. Mainly because gp's only practice general medicine.... Consultants in diabetes deal with us all day long everyday.

Ref your tiredness and eating. Both can be linked to diabetes.. Or ither things... Tiredness can be related to a lot of diseases, however, tiredness can be because of lifestyles and depression. The same with eating...
Also both of these things can be affected by blood levels being either too low or too high...are you pretty level when checking your bloods or getting highs and lows?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
I am 41 and on 4 injections a day. Yesterday was my first appointment with the diabetes consultant. But feel I am no further forward. My blood sugar lvls are up and down due to my diet they are ranging from 4.5 to 17 but they are not helping me with my diet as I have put 15kg on since November. From my understanding and searching the net for answers if my diet is revamped my sugar lvls will settle and I can lose the weight. But unsure on foods that are available my diet is quite healthy any way.

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