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People who don't listen to others i.e. the 8 members of this forum I have put on ignore as they talk such utter **** all the time. This now includes the member who thinks they are a moderator.
I also get frustrated about the HF part of the LCHF diet. I get the LC bit and I know it works and I understand the part about protein increase to replace/absorb the loss of carbs in the diet. (Fish and poultry, but not red meat- cant digest it)

But high fat part frustrates me greatly - my body has difficulty processing fat of almost any variety. What am I supposed to put in its place?

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I also get frustrated about the HF part of the LCHF diet. I get the LC bit and I know it works and I understand the part about protein increase to replace/absorb the loss of carbs in the diet. (Fish and poultry, but not red meat- cant digest it)

But high fat part frustrates me greatly - my body has difficulty processing fat of almost any variety. What am I supposed to put in its place?

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Thanks everyone for the helpful replies. I think the culprit could possibly be high fat. Never having allowed myself it in the past, I've been enjoying it too much these past few weeks. Perhaps my body isn't processing it properly yet either

Afraid my clothes aren't feeling any looser, in fact I'm positively bloated around my upper stomach/rib cage area, but my tummy seems unchanged. I'm thinking perhaps fluid retention too.

Still a learning curve!

Thanks for all the support


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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
Thanks everyone for the helpful replies. I think the culprit could possibly be high fat. Never having allowed myself it in the past, I've been enjoying it too much these past few weeks. Perhaps my body isn't processing it properly yet either

Afraid my clothes aren't feeling any looser, in fact I'm positively bloated around my upper stomach/rib cage area, but my tummy seems unchanged. I'm thinking perhaps fluid retention too.

Still a learning curve!

Thanks for all the support
Had the same worries but it does go. Questioned the "high fat" aspect, like you. I think it's because we are so conditioned to think that fat is bad. The idea is that you have 2 sources of energy: fat or carb. If you go low on both you will end up feeling hungry. That is why you eat a bit more fat if you feel hungry on LCHF. A piece of cheese, for example. Fat does not affect bs so it is used as an alternative source of energy. You cannot eat both - you'll end up fat. Carb usually turns to sugar in your stomach which then enters your bs and raises your bs. This is why some of us eat LCHF. I do not eat huge amounts of fat but do not go out of my way to avoid it. I eat lots of veg, some lentils, lots of eggs, a fair amount of cheese, lots of fish and a fair amount of meat and some cream. I usually eat a square of dark chocolate most evenings. Take carex
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Hi Dianagrace
I seem to be in the same boat as you are! I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago and have been following LCHF since. At first I lost a few pounds and then gained them back.
I have the same bloating feeling in my upper stomach\ribcage area as you do.
My bs has dropped quite a bit which I am very pleased about but no real weight loss. I was weighed at the docs on Monday and was the same. Very frustrating as I have been so good!
Anyway just wanted you to know that it isn't just you.
I am still going to persevere with it and hopefully we will reap the rewards soon.
Good Luck :)
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Crowds of people, my idea of hell would be a huge gathering of any sort!

Heights, scare me to death!
Liars, cheats. poseurs, any kind of violence, thieves and people who take advantage of others.

The way the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

Global warming, the melting ice caps, whaling..I mean what for?!


Having to give up my eat everything philosophy..and I really really dislike consequences.
@dianagrace I have just read all of this thread and have marvelled yet again at the advice and helpful remarks from these fantastic members :) This particular thread has clear and concise advice and different points of view enabling you to find you own path to health. Wonderful!

I agree with the too much fat thing, too much of that especially late at night gives me appalling reflux BUT having said that I remember a remark on here by paul1976. He said it's not a case of eating truckloads of fat, it's just a case of replacing the artificial with the real. A scrape of butter here or a splash of cream in your coffee is a life saver really. We have to give up such a lot that we used to enjoy eating that I do believe the food we can have must be delicious or we just won't stick to it.

I heard many years ago that a lot of fluid is essential every day because it's the way that fat leaves the body. This was at Weight Watchers so I did give it credence and it really does seem that if I can manage to drink at least 2 litres every day my weight does go down dramatically. I have plain water or herbal tea or water with lemon or lime juice in it. Not cordial, just the pure juice.

You will get there, it's a case of experimentation to see what works for you and you alone. There are many paths to good health on here and you CAN be healthy and have diabetes too as many members can attest. Just look at Andy12345 running the London Marathon this year but where was he last year? In the same place you are and then some ;)

Keep on trucking and you will win in the end :D
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Hi Dianagrace
I seem to be in the same boat as you are! I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago and have been following LCHF since. At first I lost a few pounds and then gained them back.
I have the same bloating feeling in my upper stomach\ribcage area as you do.
My bs has dropped quite a bit which I am very pleased about but no real weight loss. I was weighed at the docs on Monday and was the same. Very frustrating as I have been so good!
Anyway just wanted you to know that it isn't just you.
I am still going to persevere with it and hopefully we will reap the rewards soon.
Good Luck :)

Aww thanks @Lizzy5172 That's really helpful to know. We sound carbon copies of each other. Perhaps we can hold each others hand until we crack this!

Let's stay in touch and maybe reap those rewards together.

Good luck to you too, although somehow I don't think luck is involved. This seems more a working science :)
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@dianagrace I have just read all of this thread and have marvelled yet again at the advice and helpful remarks from these fantastic members :) This particular thread has clear and concise advice and different points of view enabling you to find you own path to health. Wonderful!

I agree with the too much fat thing, too much of that especially late at night gives me appalling reflux BUT having said that I remember a remark on here by paul1976. He said it's not a case of eating truckloads of fat, it's just a case of replacing the artificial with the real. A scrape of butter here or a splash of cream in your coffee is a life saver really. We have to give up such a lot that we used to enjoy eating that I do believe the food we can have must be delicious or we just won't stick to it.

I heard many years ago that a lot of fluid is essential every day because it's the way that fat leaves the body. This was at Weight Watchers so I did give it credence and it really does seem that if I can manage to drink at least 2 litres every day my weight does go down dramatically. I have plain water or herbal tea or water with lemon or lime juice in it. Not cordial, just the pure juice.

You will get there, it's a case of experimentation to see what works for you and you alone. There are many paths to good health on here and you CAN be healthy and have diabetes too as many members can attest. Just look at Andy12345 running the London Marathon this year but where was he last year? In the same place you are and then some ;)

Keep on trucking and you will win in the end :D

Hi @popsy

What a lovely, inspiring message. Thank you so much

We'll be sure to report back with progress. Thanks for taking the trouble to send encouragement. I agree, this is a really wonderful forum with some very caring and knowledgeable folk. We now owe it to you all to succeed.

Thanks everyone
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Aww thanks @Lizzy5172 That's really helpful to know. We sound carbon copies of each other. Perhaps we can hold each others hand until we crack this!

Let's stay in touch and maybe reap those rewards together.

Good luck to you too, although somehow I don't think luck is involved. This seems more a working science :)

Great idea! and I think you are right it just needs a few little adjustments to make it work :)
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Hi Dianagrace, it has taken me 2 years to loose 2 stone, it has seemed at times to be snails pace or even going backwards but I have just kept on keeping on, eating to my meter, reading lots and making low carb a lifestyle not a diet. I have tweaked my eating plan trying more of this less of that but never moving away from low carb. I have sometimes despaired of ever getting to my goal but it is very close now. I don't regret the time it has taken to get here because I know I am never going back to my old way of eating. My blood sugars are low, I have avoided being medicated, I feel fantastic. I really want to encourage you, you will loose weight, some people loose much faster than others, aim for low blood sugars the rest will follow. Regards Hilary

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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
I've never been a big drinker, Mrs sanguine is always on at me about drinking more but I find it hard because I don't normally get thirsty. I try and have a glass of water next to me all the time, but then I get distracted or I'm focussing on work and an hour later the glass is still full.

I need to be more disciplined about this I think.

Trying to get at least 2 litres down me, I'm seeing if I can con myself into imagining I'm in a pub drinking beer (waah! sob!) :arghh: . 2 litres is about 3 and a half pints, so if I can split it up and get through 2 pints in the morning and another 2 in the afternoon, at the kind of rate of social drinking (as it used to be), I might be able to keep that going.
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Had the same worries but it does go. Questioned the "high fat" aspect, like you. I think it's because we are so conditioned to think that fat is bad. The idea is that you have 2 sources of energy: fat or carb. If you go low on both you will end up feeling hungry. That is why you eat a bit more fat if you feel hungry on LCHF. A piece of cheese, for example. Fat does not affect bs so it is used as an alternative source of energy. You cannot eat both - you'll end up fat. Carb usually turns to sugar in your stomach which then enters your bs and raises your bs. This is why some of us eat LCHF. I do not eat huge amounts of fat but do not go out of my way to avoid it. I eat lots of veg, some lentils, lots of eggs, a fair amount of cheese, lots of fish and a fair amount of meat and some cream. I usually eat a square of dark chocolate most evenings. Take carex

Hi Diana

I have to agree with Scandichic. I am just coming off an increased consumption of saturated fat sources and I just tend to overeat it like crazy.

What I like is the impact on my BG and I don't feel as tired after a workout.

Eating extra BBQ pork belly has added about 5lbs around the waist even with the workouts.

I just switched back to basically egg whites with veggies ( mixed super green salads ) for breakfast with pumpkin seeds and a tiny bit of butter; lunch salad with 3.5oz of fish and edamame hummus and same for dinner throw in a small piece of cheese and nuts for snacks.

The weight is coming right off - though I am hungry but carrying small portions of fat around in case of a melt down.

Scandichic wrote that she doesn't avoid fat but doesn't go crazy. Her advice is good especially about mixing carbs and fat.

I'm trying to follow it. I have to as I did get rid of all my large shirts and replaced them with medium; can't afford to buy larges lol

Good luck for May 4.

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Thanks @runner2009

That too makes a lot of sense. I think I took the high fat as literal but have already eased off the cream, and now only cook with it occasionally and have it in a single cup of coffee in the evening, rather than throughout the day too. I bought proper butter but notice that I'm not using it as there is nothing to spread it on to! I have only ever cooked with virgin olive oil so haven't made any changes there and am not a great meat eater, although treat myself to steak once or twice a week now. I've embraced the low carbs totally and can't ever imagine bringing them back into my diet.

I'm loving being able to have cheese, but will try doing as you do and have it as a snack instead. The HF term is perhaps a little misleading and I've taken it too literally.

Thanks so much for the pointers and congratulations on your weight loss and progress.

Have a good weekend



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Thanks @runner2009

That too makes a lot of sense. I think I took the high fat as literal but have already eased off the cream, and now only cook with it occasionally and have it in a single cup of coffee in the evening, rather than throughout the day too. I bought proper butter but notice that I'm not using it as there is nothing to spread it on to! I have only ever cooked with virgin olive oil so haven't made any changes there and am not a great meat eater, although treat myself to steak once or twice a week now. I've embraced the low carbs totally and can't ever imagine bringing them back into my diet.

I'm loving being able to have cheese, but will try doing as you do and have it as a snack instead. The HF term is perhaps a little misleading and I've taken it too literally.

Thanks so much for the pointers and congratulations on your weight loss and progress.

Have a good weekend


Thx Diana I am sure planning on it. Reading your post one thing I may suggest that helped me and that was I quit cooking or using any oil. It was hard at first but it really helped in my case with the weight loss. I would before cook with olive oil, but now I just eat olives instead and just recently use the tiniest pieces of butter to coat the pan.

Also, I've been carrying around this bag of home made trail mix and it helps too:

- 1/4 cup roasted pumpkin seeds
- 1/4 cup roasted Mac nut chips ( can break them up yourself )
- 1/4 cup almonds
- 1/4 cup coconut thin slices ( no sugar added)
- 1/4 cup roasted chick peas ( hard to find but these add to unique flavor )

I found these at the health food store and I mix them up in sandwich bags adjusting the amounts. I throw in a few raisins too to have the sugar rub off on the nuts without raising the carb / sugar count too high. This mix saves my life more than once

If I had cheese or pork belly etc as a carry around snack I might eat too much, but this mix is just barely sweet and does the trick filling me up

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