Successful test result post carb meal or not ?


Well-Known Member

Tonight I decided to have a cheat meal, this was routine for me pre diagnosis after a heavy weak of training.

This week I had hit the gym very hard and thought I'd see how I get on after being strict for a long time.

Tonight's meal was a Meat feast calzone ( meats/cheese/Kebab sauce inside pizza folded) then half a vienetta ice cream log.

Pre meal I was sitting at 5.1

75 mins after eating 7.0

135 mins after eating 8.1

210 mins after eating 6.9

and just now tested a couple of hours after the last result and back to 5.4

According to the chart on this website anything under 8.5 is good around 90 min mark, my only concern is between test 1 and test 2 it could have possibly went higher than 8.1 ? and I caught it on the way back down ?

I don't intend to make this a habit but just thought I would see how I get on maybe for a once a month pick me up If I'd been burning it heavy all month.. as it can help with Cortisol control.

Thanks for any input.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Your overall numbers don't look too bad, especially for such a carb heavy meal, but it's still a pretty hefty spike. My concern would be that maybe right now your diabetes isn't very advanced, and you can handle this very carby meal (more or less), but if you keep on doing it, your insulin resistance might get worse. Personally, I think if you need it as a once a month pick-me-up, you can probably get away with it, but from an actual health point of view, I'm not sure it's optimal.
Whether or not you are on medication could also be a factor to consider. My dad (diabetic, elderly) eats pizza and potato every day, albeit in small portions, and he's doing fine- in his case he's very physically active, and he takes a lot of metformin and gliclazide. It's not my way, but it evidently works for him.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only

Tonight I decided to have a cheat meal, this was routine for me pre diagnosis after a heavy weak of training.

This week I had hit the gym very hard and thought I'd see how I get on after being strict for a long time.

Tonight's meal was a Meat feast calzone ( meats/cheese/Kebab sauce inside pizza folded) then half a vienetta ice cream log.

Pre meal I was sitting at 5.1

75 mins after eating 7.0

135 mins after eating 8.1

210 mins after eating 6.9

and just now tested a couple of hours after the last result and back to 5.4

According to the chart on this website anything under 8.5 is good around 90 min mark, my only concern is between test 1 and test 2 it could have possibly went higher than 8.1 ? and I caught it on the way back down ?

I don't intend to make this a habit but just thought I would see how I get on maybe for a once a month pick me up If I'd been burning it heavy all month.. as it can help with Cortisol control.

Thanks for any input.
Those look good. I’d be very interested in what a Libre would say. I’ve found one or two things I thought I could ‘get away’ with actually come back to ‘bite’ me later. They’re things that combine a lot of fat and carbs and I’ve seen an ‘acceptable’ (for the food) rise after 2 or 3 hours, only for a second rise higher than the original one a bit later on.

If you’re going to go off piste though, after a lot of exercise is the best time as you’ve depleted glycogen and got the muscles going - you’d likely see a very different result on a sedentary day.

Out of interest how did it taste? I often wonder whether things that are now off limits would taste as good as I remember.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Those numbers are perfectly non-diabetic. The below 140(7.8) @ 2 hours comes from the OGTT where there is no fat or protein to delay digestion.

All you've seen is the pizza effect we get with large complex meals
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies guys, that was actually the reason I asked as I had read from a few posts on here that trying to keep the spike around 2 is ideal and going from 5 to 8 was a bit larger than this.

As for the taste was lovely but it was more the I didn't need to prepare/cook anything myself that was the big appeal as I was just feeling a bit burned out this weekend... opted for something with quite a big amount of cheese and fatty meats in the hope it would hinder the spike which it appears to have done.

That is a good point about a second spike, I know within 3 hours from the point of eating I was back around 5.6, and I tested another hour or so later and was still in this zone... but as it was my last meal of the night I didn't test further so it's quite possible I maybe have a further spike... I've been looking at the 24 hour libre for watching results all day long vs just testing when I eat.
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Type 1.5
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Hi, I’m so jealous nom nom nom, I could technically eat pizza and inject but pizza (which I love) messes me up for days, complete mountain range numbers, it’s just not worth it for me unfortunately.

I am an all or nothing kind of person, I’m currently being nothing lol so find treats hard, they make everything else a not treat which makes me feel rubbish about the 99.9%

Happy you can hehe enjoy