Sugar Free Treats


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They're still very carb heavy though, and I definitely wouldn't have too many unless you want to spend time in the toilet. - note some people have says that if the carbs are polyols then its not quite the same, but I don't know and am not willing to try to it out
Edit: and its not very clear on the page for ***** bears at least - its says the product is sugar free and gluten free, yet on the nutritional info panel it says it contains gluten ....


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The chocolate has malitol as the main ingredient. An expensive laxative.
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If you haven't already, Google sugarless ***** bears reviews Amazon!

They're so funny ... But you won't want to try them!


If you value your health, even a little stay away from this Unilever product - Magnum, No added Sugar, Vanilla Caramel

contains 154KCALS per stick as per their package. It apparently only has 20grams of carbohydrates per stick too.
How eating one effected me: within around 1hr30min my blood sugar jumped from 4.4mmol/L to over 12mmol/L. Ive been type 1 for over 40years, so did allow for the carbs and was also being active.

My bloods then remained high above 10mmol/L for over 67hours even after nil per mouth, not a single bite of food while also having increased the basal rate by over 50% per day too.

Please this is extremely dangerous and all people should avoid this; there should be a warning attached, just as is required of tobacco industries products.

PS# yes, this concern was raised with Unilever however they could not even find a person to read and understand the issue with their standard ‘fob off’ being sent.
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Stupid people
If you value your health, even a little stay away from this Unilever product - Magnum, No added Sugar, Vanilla Caramel

contains 154KCALS per stick as per their package. It apparently only has 20grams of carbohydrates per stick too.
How eating one effected me: within around 1hr30min my blood sugar jumped from 4.4mmol/L to over 12mmol/L. Ive been type 1 for over 40years, so did allow for the carbs and was also being active.

My bloods then remained high above 10mmol/L for over 67hours even after nil per mouth, not a single bite of food while also having increased the basal rate by over 50% per day too.

Please this is extremely dangerous and all people should avoid this; there should be a warning attached, just as is required of tobacco industries products.

PS# yes, this concern was raised with Unilever however they could not even find a person to read and understand the issue with their standard ‘fob off’ being sent.

Oh how we are all so different. I love the Magnum No Sugar Vanilla Caramel. Bolused for the 20g of carb and levels stayed level(ish) for the next few hours


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none. very easy going
I am a basic sort.of person. Don't keep stats but went from 4xl to size.medium in short period of time. the first weight loss which in my ignorance was too fast. took me a some time to regain the muscle mass lost. the second session was at slow pace. I have stabalized at 67kgs.. All I needed was a list of 15 diabetes 2 friendly foods. That is all I ate, nothing else..
Worked for me


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I am a basic sort.of person. Don't keep stats but went from 4xl to size.medium in short period of time. the first weight loss which in my ignorance was too fast. took me a some time to regain the muscle mass lost. the second session was at slow pace. I have stabalized at 67kgs.. All I needed was a list of 15 diabetes 2 friendly foods. That is all I ate, nothing else..
Worked for me

Hi there, would you mind telling us what's on that list of 15?, it may help others. x
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If you haven't already, Google sugarless ***** bears reviews Amazon!

They're so funny ... But you won't want to try them!

I see what you mean :woot: some of the comments are very funny, and a great testament to how real and dangerous sugar addiction is.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Yes, that would be a help I am at breaking point with my diet.

Not quite the list of 15 but ..

Meat any and every kind
Fish any and every kind including all shellfish
Any vegetable that grows above the ground salad stuff included.
Non sweet fruit like tomato, olive, avocado some berries in moderation (raspberries and strawberries are best blueberries are far higher carb)
Dairy if you like it cheese, butter , cream and yoghurt in more controlled portions (that's unsweetened non fruit yoghurt).

The trick is to check the labels of every food you buy.
Check out the carbohydrate content I rarely buy anything with more than 5g of carbohydrate (sugar is irrelevant) per 100g.
I rarely buy anything with more than a couple of ingredients

After a couple of weeks you'll have a list of low carb foods that you can buy and eat that have a minimal impact on blood suagr levels and will greatly help most with weight loss (if that is a goal).

Hope that helps.
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Hello everyone just recently diagnosed type 2 and trying to change the way I eat. Finding it hard to find things to acacia on throughout the day as I spend nearly all day in my car delivering parcels


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Diet only
Hello everyone just recently diagnosed type 2 and trying to change the way I eat. Finding it hard to find things to acacia on throughout the day as I spend nearly all day in my car delivering parcels
Technically, the best thing would be to not snack, but I see it may be hard to when you're in a van all day and can't carve out a moment for a proper, filling meal at lunch. Easy to grab would be hard cheeses, (babybel?), high meat content snack sausages like Bifi's or good salami's, boiled eggs... Cheese roll-ups in a container maybe? (Cheese with butter, ham, whatever to make it interesting. Basically a sandwich without the bread!). Extra dark chocolate, like Lindt 85% and higher. Pork scratchings, tins of tuna or salmon... Does that help at all?


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Too many to list here . . .
I agree with @JoKalsbeek . Much sense and much to munch on. However, there’s no doubt we get a Sugar rush from the dangerous sweets and treats, and as such a pressurised job can put additional pressure on us to seek a way via “empty” and dangerous sweets. So, how do we substitute a possible sugar high craving, with healthy, non-diabetic “foods”?

As I said, I agree with all @JoKalsbeek lists. I’m concerning myself with the alternative craving variable. Am I making sense?


ThAnkyou very much it was my first day yesterday I think I done well. Scrambled eggs for breakfast
Oxtail soup for tea and a small bowl of diced cheese pickles and some diced ham. Just hoping I can keep it up. I’m just a fussy eater most of the time I used to get through the day eating crisp for dinner on the road then beans on toast for tea then more crisp


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Too many to list here . . .
ThAnkyou very much it was my first day yesterday I think I done well.
I KNOW you’ve done well! Good for you. Do you have access to a Meter to measure your A1C? I live by mine. It clearly demonstrates WHAT I eat and the EFFECT on my body. Your fist step to take control of what you eat and kicking out those Carbostien Zombies.

Keep us posted. ;)
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
ThAnkyou very much it was my first day yesterday I think I done well. Scrambled eggs for breakfast
Oxtail soup for tea and a small bowl of diced cheese pickles and some diced ham. Just hoping I can keep it up. I’m just a fussy eater most of the time I used to get through the day eating crisp for dinner on the road then beans on toast for tea then more crisp
You did pretty good! I just wonder whether it was filling enough for you? Remember, you don't have to go hungry on this diet, far from it even... So if you add in a little more fats and protein, (like cheese, cold cuts, whatever), you'll not have a growling stomach and crave things to fill the gaps. ;) All in all though, well done!