Sugar levels


Well-Known Member
I'm pre diabetic and finding it so complicated. I took reading this morning before food it was 5.9 took after diner it was 9.8 isn't that high for a pre diabetic reading? I did have pasta spag Bol but not much at all. But I really can't tolarate any carbs.. When I read that full diabetics are 5.9 and they think its so high it doesn't make since at all.


Hi Maddiemo

I am new to this forum too and have also been told I am prediabetic. I am thinking exactly the same as you it seems very confusing. I bought a meter a few weeks ago and measured my readings 2 hours after a meal and they were high 8.6 - 9.6 which I have to say terrified me after I read that others on this forum were trying to keep to about 6 after meals. Before reading this forum I would be pleased to be under 7.9mm 2 hours after as this is listed as non diabetic reading!
I spoke to the diabetic nurse who was very rude, gave me no information and basically seemed very miffed that I had bought a meter and was asking her any questions. My doctors has just moved out of the area and we have had to join a new surgery who has 2 diabetic nurses and a diabetic doctor so I am hoping that I might get a little more help from this surgery!